Not all things Michigan are bad


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
Gotta give Jim Harbaugh credit for standing up to the radical Islamists and clearly stating that the UM football team will be viewing "American Sniper" after the announcement that the UM administration had cancelled a showing of the film on campus due to protests by Muslims.
I haven't heard the details, but are the protesters actually "radical Islamists"?
Originally posted by 9fold:
I haven't heard the details, but are the protesters actually "radical Islamists"?
If foreign inspired elements within our society are demanding that film be banned because it is pro-American, that's radical enough for me. I guess one could say that if internal U.S. administration officials catering to pro-Islamic causes condone such behavior then our own administration is on the way to be radicalized. Lord knows that a bucket load of internal decisions at the White House have demonstrated such a trend.
UM FB player Taylor Lewan terrorized more Americans than

anyone protesting the film ever did. Harbaugh ought to set himself to work making sure he reduces the thug count at the FB facility, and leave the heavy lifting to those more qualified.
How many protests did these UM Muslims have against the the ISIS beheadings or burning that Jordanian alive? How many protests did they have after the Boston Marathon bombing? How protests did they have after 9/11?

If they have been protesting the violence done in the name of their religion then they can protest this movie. But if not then the hell with them all and show the movie.
C'mon man, they are just killing Christians. Did you know that there are a handful that won't cater a gay wedding?

I cannot tolerate your tolerance and I simply hate haters.

Re: UM FB player Taylor Lewan terrorized more Americans than

Originally posted by demlion:
anyone protesting the film ever did. Harbaugh ought to set himself to work making sure he reduces the thug count at the FB facility, and leave the heavy lifting to those more qualified.
What are you referring to here? Why the shot at Harbaugh? He simply tweeted that said:

"Michigan Football will watch "American Sniper"! Proud of Chris Kyle & Proud to be an American & if that offends anybody then so be it!"

Is there something wrong with that? Is this somehow "heavy lifting" that needs left to "those more qualified"? Qualified at what, exactly?
Sorting out what the role of a FB coach is. Harbaugh needs to bring that

program out of the criminal sump into which Lewan and the kicker plunged it under Hoke. That is his contribution. Once he has achieved it, I might give a sh!t about what he thinks of some dumbass movie.

And lets hope his adherence to the truth is a smidge better than Kyle's was. You have to be a pretty bad liar to get nailed for defamation like he did. Not sure if I were Harbaugh that is a guy I would be itching to make the symbol of my FB team.
Originally posted by JoeHomsey:
Originally posted by 9fold:
I haven't heard the details, but are the protesters actually "radical Islamists"?
If foreign inspired elements within our society are demanding that film be banned because it is pro-American, that's radical enough for me. I guess one could say that if internal U.S. administration officials catering to pro-Islamic causes condone such behavior then our own administration is on the way to be radicalized. Lord knows that a bucket load of internal decisions at the White House have demonstrated such a trend.
That's what I thought. You really need to shut the f*ck up.

Though, the problem is that some of our guys here don't realize that Kyle was a liar and a disturbed individual.

People want a hero. It is our weakness.

Even Eastwood tacitly acknowledged that the movie wasn't telling the whole truth.

Harbaugh needs to stick to coaching. This little trick of his could backfire when the smarter kids realize that Coach is promoting a pack of lies.
Sorry, but that makes no sense. So because Hoke

had a couple of bad guys (Gibbons, Lewan) on the football team, JH doesn't get to have an opinion on a movie? Huh?

Seriously, similar logic would have been a U-M fan in 2012 saying: "Bill O'Brien needs to shut the hell up on anything besides
football, because of what the Freeh Report alleged his predecessor did!" Would have been similarly absurd.

I get it: half of Harbaugh's tweet is calling attention to himself (he does like to do that), but he gets to do so. Just let his comment go, not everything JH does needs to be worthy of comment by everybody else.

This post was edited on 4/9 9:28 AM by michnittlion
Tim Cook and others do plenty of business in Saudi Arabia but he's pulling out of Indiana! Check out the discriminatory practices in that nation (punishable by death!). Hypocrisy and political correctness run amok....but we have protests against a film featuring a US Soldier and Indiana bakeries with the protestors getting major kudos! The country is a joke right now folks.
Originally posted by JoeHomsey:

Originally posted by 9fold:
I haven't heard the details, but are the protesters actually "radical Islamists"?

If foreign inspired elements within our society are demanding that film be banned because it is pro-American, that's radical enough for me. I guess one could say that if internal U.S. administration officials catering to pro-Islamic causes condone such behavior then our own administration is on the way to be radicalized. Lord knows that a bucket load of internal decisions at the White House have demonstrated such a trend.
What do you call all of the Christians that demanded that "The Last Temptation of Christ" be banned when it first was released back in the 90's?
Your analogy would only hold if you believe the Freeh report is

100% true...which, of course, you do. Harbaugh can have any opinion he wants. Until he cleans up his own house, I am not going to give a damn what he says. I was reacting to his being hero-worshipped by the poster

And, BTW, Bill O'Brien did not try to set himself up as a geopolitical sage. Harbaugh would do well to remember that.
Predictable debate here given the original post.

I've seen "American Sniper" and liked it. But what surprises me is that the movie has become for many a signpost of American patriotism. I didn't think it was about patriotism. I thought the movie was about the personal toll of war.
agree 100%

its kind of funny that people are protesting this movie on either side. In my mind, it was a balanced look at war, the awful decisions that need to be made, and the toll it takes on everyone. It is a tribute to those that served, while questioning the concept of the wars in which "leaders," sitting behind desks, decide to make them fight.
Originally posted by 9fold:

Originally posted by JoeHomsey:

Originally posted by 9fold:
I haven't heard the details, but are the protesters actually "radical Islamists"?
If foreign inspired elements within our society are demanding that film be banned because it is pro-American, that's radical enough for me. I guess one could say that if internal U.S. administration officials catering to pro-Islamic causes condone such behavior then our own administration is on the way to be radicalized. Lord knows that a bucket load of internal decisions at the White House have demonstrated such a trend.
That's what I thought. You really need to shut the f*ck up.
And it appears that you're a whiney mouthed loser willing to buy into all the brainwashing propaganda spit out by the current administration. Good luck in 10 years when your taxes due are more than your annual income.
Pretty funny statement released by Michigan on this

"It was a mistake to cancel the showing of the movie 'American Sniper' on campus as part of a social event for students.[/QUOTE]
"The initial decision to cancel the movie was not consistent with the high value the University of Michigan places on freedom of expression and our respect for the right of students to make their own choices in such matters.[/QUOTE]
"The movie will be shown at the originally scheduled time and location. We recognize, however, that some students are uncomfortable with the content of the movie, and appreciate that concern.[/QUOTE]
"Therefore, the university also will show an alternative movie, "Paddington," in another location on campus at that same time and date to provide our students with additional options that evening."


This post was edited on 4/9 9:55 AM by Obliviax
You can bet there was a lot of anger and protest over UM's decision

When Harbaugh spoke up, it galvanized that anger. UM administrators obviously felt the heat.
What has that to do with deciding to show a movie? Does

showing the movie somehow interfere with that job? Do you even know if he is "doing what you think he should be doing" or not?

Answer: No. You have no idea.
Currently, if you ask the question coffee or tea, you will end up with a political debate.
Originally posted by SR108:
Currently, if you ask the question coffee or tea, you will end up with a political debate.
coffee, you foaming at the mouth rabid pro war pro business citizen hating vote suppressing gun toting koo koo tea bagger conservitard!!!

Re: Your analogy would only hold if you believe the Freeh report is

Originally posted by demlion:
100% true...which, of course, you do. Harbaugh can have any opinion he wants. Until he cleans up his own house, I am not going to give a damn what he says. I was reacting to his being hero-worshipped by the poster

And, BTW, Bill O'Brien did not try to set himself up as a geopolitical sage. Harbaugh would do well to remember that.
Your post belies that statement. Seems you do "give a damn what he says".
Re: hey 96..did you forgot knuckle-dragging? ***

Originally posted by Husky:
well I was a knuckle dragger in the Navy, so I can only speak of fellow knuckle draggers with affection
Originally posted by simons96:

Originally posted by SR108:
Currently, if you ask the question coffee or tea, you will end up with a political debate.
coffee, you foaming at the mouth rabid pro war pro business citizen hating vote suppressing gun toting koo koo tea bagger conservitard!!!

You tea drinkers (not tea partiers mind you - they like to dump tea in the water) with your pinky-extended, fancy cup, Asian-loving, tree-hugging, Chai-slurping, Queen-worshipping liberal milquetoast beverages! Why don't you go protest for equal rights for everybody or some nonsense like that.

(Full disclosure: my preferred beverage is Tea, Earl Grey, Hot. Unless there is Beer, IPA, Cold available, but not while I'm on duty. Depends on what Guinan is serving in Ten Forward.)
Re: Pretty funny statement released by Michigan on this

I had to check the website that carried that story and the quoted press release as I figured it was some sort of spoof news site!! Paddington as an alternative for those who are uncomfortable watching American Sniper is either hilariously ridiculous or one of the best instances of satire by a college administration in the recorded history of college administration satire!!
Originally posted by jjsocrates:
You tea drinkers (not tea partiers mind you - they like to dump tea in the water) with your pinky-extended, fancy cup, Asian-loving, tree-hugging, Chai-slurping, Queen-worshipping liberal milquetoast beverages! Why don't you go protest for equal rights for everybody or some nonsense like that.

(Full disclosure: my preferred beverage is Tea, Earl Grey, Hot. Unless there is Beer, IPA, Cold available, but not while I'm on duty. Depends on what Guinan is serving in Ten Forward.)
truth be told, I am partial to 100% Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee by Coffee Traders LTD

but I also have 2 cats, so that evens out . . .
A friend of mine (now retired) was a nurse at the VA in Palo Alto and she told me that Harbaugh spent A LOT OF TIME visiting Veterans and soldiers wounded in the middle east and Asian conflicts. Harbaugh brought and passed out lots of bling. He did it with very little fanfare (excuse the pun). He would frequently bring players and staff as well.
Yeah, I don't think "the Freeh Report is 100% true"

thinking our former HC has a significant degree of moral guilt regarding:: not going to law enforcement is NOT the same as believing 100% of the Freeh Report's conclusions. Paterno being part of a "cover-up" was not proven beyond a reasonable doubt, IMO).

But anyway, besides that little tangent --- it is a fact that Gibbons & Lewan were never coached by Harbaugh. I guess you can say "I am not going to give a damn" about "geopolitical sage" Jim Harbaugh's opinion. But your reply certainly does indicate that you DO give a damn. Why reply otherwise? Why bring-up Gibbons & Lewan, who are completely tangental to Harbaugh?
Re: UM FB player Taylor Lewan terrorized more Americans than

Originally posted by JR4PSU:

Originally posted by demlion:
anyone protesting the film ever did. Harbaugh ought to set himself to work making sure he reduces the thug count at the FB facility, and leave the heavy lifting to those more qualified.
What are you referring to here? Why the shot at Harbaugh? He simply tweeted that said:

"Michigan Football will watch "American Sniper"! Proud of Chris Kyle & Proud to be an American & if that offends anybody then so be it!"

Is there something wrong with that? Is this somehow "heavy lifting" that needs left to "those more qualified"? Qualified at what, exactly?
It's his typical MO. Start a tangent to deflect away from the original topic or move the goal posts because he's uncomfortable with something that rubs his fragile liberal sensibilities.
Re: Sorting out what the role of a FB coach is. Harbaugh needs to bring that

And douchie ambulance chasers from WV need to stick to burning couches, destroying boats, and camping 'badly'!
Re: Pretty funny statement released by Michigan on this

But what about the Teddy bear-hating anti-American radicals get to watch? Are they being discriminated against?
Re: Pretty funny statement released by Michigan on this

So tired of the incessant culture war crap that we see in the media. Sigh...
Your facts are a little off, but your point re Harbaugh is valid

Protests were much more general in nature, and not solely "radical Islamists" as you state,

Also, anyone of the Islam faith who protests something is not, by definition, "radical".

College campuses need more students, teachers and coaches to stand up to the huge liberal bias and lack of courage on the part of decision makers (and this from someone who is no fan of the extreme right wing either).