Not all things Michigan are bad

Re: Pretty funny statement released by Michigan on this

Originally posted by LafayetteBear:
So tired of the incessant culture war crap that we see in the media. Sigh...

Can it, you Bear-loving commie. Admit it, you were THRILLED that they screened Paddington.

Aside from the humor, I agree.

For example:
Keep Christ in Christmas. I have no idea what that means, but there is no conspiracy to remove him. All the people who bemoan or claim that this conspiracy is true because of the use of X-Mas, has clearly never studied the history of Christianity, particularly its spread to Greece in the first century, or the fact that the Greek letter for Ch is the letter X. So X-Mas was something created by the early Christians. Writing letters in Greek. And celebrating the birth of Christos with an X.
This post was edited on 4/9 4:50 PM by jjsocrates
Not taking "sides" BUT the Michigan Administration canceled a movie (American Sniper) because of student protests? AND Harbaugh said he will show the movie to his team anyhow. OK, so, Harbough is an "employee" and he has chosen to ignore his boss? Kind of tells me, he best WIN games ASAP. Maybe there is a FOOTBALL CULTURE PROBLEM !!!!!! NCAA where are you :)

Now, I have no idea what the true facts are, so all may be in error.
Originally posted by dawgduice:
Not taking "sides" BUT the Michigan Administration canceled a movie (American Sniper) because of student protests? AND Harbaugh said he will show the movie to his team anyhow. OK, so, Harbough is an "employee" and he has chosen to ignore his boss? Kind of tells me, he best WIN games ASAP. Maybe there is a FOOTBALL CULTURE PROBLEM !!!!!! NCAA where are you :)

Now, I have no idea what the true facts are, so all may be in error.
Harbaugh will get away with it because he is the most powerful person on campus. He runs the place.
He interjected himself in a discussion at the University and said he did

not care who was offended. he's a jackass. Not his place to provide the counterpoint to those who oppose the movie--he can say what he wants but I disagree that makes him some sort of hero.

He is just another pretend patriot. Like I said, fix the thug factor in your own locker room, make a record as a decent citizen of the University, then you might be a hero for somebody depending on how you spin a movie.
you just happen to believe the parts that fit your strained analogy.


Harbaugh is coming into a program which has not been a particularly good citizen in AnnArbor. It is his job to change that. Once he does then will be the time for him to impress us with his social activism. up to now he had done nothing to warrant being treated like some sort of hero.

I only give a damn about his opinion because a knucklehead thinks it makes him some sort of hero.
Re: He interjected himself in a discussion at the University and said he did

Originally posted by demlion:
not care who was offended. he's a jackass. Not his place to provide the counterpoint to those who oppose the movie--he can say what he wants but I disagree that makes him some sort of hero.

He is just another pretend patriot. Like I said, fix the thug factor in your own locker room, make a record as a decent citizen of the University, then you might be a hero for somebody depending on how you spin a movie.
Holy excrement?!?!?!

"he's a jackass." Based on what; on the fact that he expressed an opinion? On the fact that the previous head coach had two rogue elements on the Team?

"he can say what he wants but I disagree that makes him some sort of hero." I saw no one here that portrayed Harbaugh a "hero" but I did see someone here imply that Harbaugh should not be expressing his opinion until he demonstrates his worthiness to you.

"He is just another pretend patriot." What makes him a "pretend patriot? Is he a conservative and that automatically makes him such?

"Like I said, fix the thug factor in your own locker room, make a record as a decent citizen of the University," What is the "thug factor" in his locker room? Doesn't he already have a "record as a decent citizen of the University? Educate us.

This ought to be good.
Re: He interjected himself in a discussion at the University and said he did

Originally posted by PSU-Knocker:
Originally posted by demlion:
not care who was offended. he's a jackass. Not his place to provide the counterpoint to those who oppose the movie--he can say what he wants but I disagree that makes him some sort of hero.

He is just another pretend patriot. Like I said, fix the thug factor in your own locker room, make a record as a decent citizen of the University, then you might be a hero for somebody depending on how you spin a movie.
Holy excrement?!?!?!

"he's a jackass." Based on what; on the fact that he expressed an opinion? On the fact that the previous head coach had two rogue elements on the Team?

"he can say what he wants but I disagree that makes him some sort of hero." I saw no one here that portrayed Harbaugh a "hero" but I did see someone here imply that Harbaugh should not be expressing his opinion until he demonstrates his worthiness to you.

"He is just another pretend patriot." What makes him a "pretend patriot? Is he a conservative and that automatically makes him such?

"Like I said, fix the thug factor in your own locker room, make a record as a decent citizen of the University," What is the "thug factor" in his locker room? Doesn't he already have a "record as a decent citizen of the University? Educate us.

This ought to be good.
As this thread goes on, it is easy to see why some here refer to him as dumblion. He's ridiculous.
Re: He interjected himself in a discussion at the University and said he did

Originally posted by 9fold:

Originally posted by PSU-Knocker:

Originally posted by demlion:
not care who was offended. he's a jackass. Not his place to provide the counterpoint to those who oppose the movie--he can say what he wants but I disagree that makes him some sort of hero.

He is just another pretend patriot. Like I said, fix the thug factor in your own locker room, make a record as a decent citizen of the University, then you might be a hero for somebody depending on how you spin a movie.
Holy excrement?!?!?!

"he's a jackass." Based on what; on the fact that he expressed an opinion? On the fact that the previous head coach had two rogue elements on the Team?

"he can say what he wants but I disagree that makes him some sort of hero." I saw no one here that portrayed Harbaugh a "hero" but I did see someone here imply that Harbaugh should not be expressing his opinion until he demonstrates his worthiness to you.

"He is just another pretend patriot." What makes him a "pretend patriot? Is he a conservative and that automatically makes him such?

"Like I said, fix the thug factor in your own locker room, make a record as a decent citizen of the University," What is the "thug factor" in his locker room? Doesn't he already have a "record as a decent citizen of the University? Educate us.

This ought to be good.
As this thread goes on, it is easy to see why some here refer to him as dumblion. He's ridiculous.
Everything he says regarding sports is ALWAYS wrong.

But when he goes into culture or pop culture I am not even sure he puts balanced thoughts together that don't eventually end up intertwining themselves to the point that there is no unraveling what the hell he is saying. Basically, that he is FoS.
Originally posted by pnnylion:
How many idiotic turds has Barron let come on our Campus?
None compared to erickson. barron hasn't screwed up badly enough to get a building named after him...yet.
But I thought you said you don't give a damn what he says?

So why so worked up over this? Why such an interest? If you really "don't give a damn", I'd think you would simply ignore this.