Where were they on Afghanistan?? I'm guessing Lindsey Graham is one. He should be. He's been around DC long enough. Anyway, he's calling for Biden's impeachment. I hope his advice leading up to Dumbkirk backs it up. That's all I'm saying. I believe in deeds over words. As my dad used to constantly remind me, someone is always watching you.
BTW, I want to go on record as saying both impeachments were bull$hit. The second one was meant to keep Trump from running again. In other words, Congress tried to disenfranchise voters by taking away our choice. And that dog don't hunt with me.
Thank you.
BTW, I want to go on record as saying both impeachments were bull$hit. The second one was meant to keep Trump from running again. In other words, Congress tried to disenfranchise voters by taking away our choice. And that dog don't hunt with me.
Thank you.