Notre Dame hanging tough with Kentucky at the half, 31- 31.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2010
ND's turned the ball over a decent amount and missed some easy shots. Surprised it's still tied. ND hanging tough.
Re: Is this update for people that don't have television? *

No. Just for starting discussion on a close every other thread on this board discussing games.
Re: Is this update for people that don't have television? *

No, it's for people like me who have many televisions, but will not watch the NCAA slimeball tournament on any of them.
I say go Irish. Kentucky's coach is slimy and their program doesn't exactly resemble what the NCAA "should" stand for. At least ND has some academic integrity. A ND win opens the door for a potential all B1G Final
Kudos To ND - Great Effort, Great Game, Great Season! *


This post was edited on 3/28 11:14 PM by ILLINOISLION
you could still get an ALL BIG final game. I was glad to seek Kentucky win - neat to see them make destiny unbeaten. that is not easy to do.

I felt that KU played a mediocre game and ND played their very best. many lose ball points played with a lot of hustle. KU did not seem to be nearly as intense. Having watched both teams a few times, if feels like ND was out of their heads. had they won, I think Wisky might have rolled them.
Sure but I think it was more likely if Wiscy played ND instead of KU. Wiscy will need to work the clock and maximize every possession to beat KU but I think it can be done. Should be fun.
Woodie must have been precocious.

He was six years old when he penned that line........ for Grantland Rice.
Ah, but I heard him say it many, many times--often with

no more grounding in reality than Golic has.
But Woodie said it many times, and here is the main reason why

Woodie works better as a guy to mock golic with:
UK shot 53%, 50% from 3pt, 70% at the FT line, had 9 blocks...

... and only 11 turnovers, and didn't miss a shot the last 11 minutes of the game... that's not playing mediocre. I realize people might have been surprised that ND was effective offensively, but the Irish were #2 or 3 nationally in offensive officiency (so strength going against strength). Actually ND shot sub-par from 3pt line (4/14) - if they'd hit even a few of the open looks they had when it was a 4-5pt lead, they very well probably would have won. It did well inside the arc, and while that probably surprised people, they did have the #1 2pt shooting % in the country this season.

Did ND play well - sure. Did they play crazy good, no. They were great in controlling the tempo, but what we saw last night is pretty much how they've played all season - particulary the last month.

A lot of "UK played poorly, and ND played over their head" is based on pre-game/program perception. I fully expect for Wisconsin to beat them next Saturday, even w/o shooting 10/12 from 3 (or whatever crazy % it was vs. AZ in 2H yesterday).

ND Missing 3 FTs In The Last 5 Minutes Hurt Them Big Time Too!

ND not getting a shot off in their (I believe) next to last possession (shot clock violation) was I think their only second half turnover, but talk about timing.....ouch.

Thought ND played as well as ANYONE in the country since they began the ACC Tournament. Not a big ND fan, but was rooting for them as hard yesterday as I've ever rooted for KU.

Know it's disappointing, years like this don't come along very often.....but congrats on an OUTSTANDING season!
Re: ND Missing 3 FTs In The Last 5 Minutes Hurt Them Big Time Too!

Yeah - I was texting w/ a buddy during the game... and when we missed those 3 FTs, we were both like "you just KNOW, that's gonna cost us". Also, w/ 5min to go and up 2 or 3, we agreed that we'd need two 3 pointers for ND to win, we got one.

It sucks to have lost, since like you say these types of years (32-6, ACCT champs) don't come along often. Kentucky's good, and there's no shame in losing to them - but the storyline am hearing this morning of UK played bad and ND great, really misses the mark.

Great season, sad to see it end. So close. Thanks for the nice words on the season.

Calipari's Getting Trashed On "Social Media" For His Post-Game Comments!

Kentucky didn't play well? Come on, they played very well or they would have been beaten yesterday. end of story.

(Erik, note I didn't just praise ND in my response to you this morning, I also posted my regards in this thread after the game. I really thought ND had a great chance to win yesterday, really loved the team's balance, fundamentals and unselfishness as I watched them over the last few weeks.)
Rent-a-Player University defeats Rent-a-Conference University. I was pulling for the latter.
Originally posted by Lions82:
Rent-a-Player University defeats Rent-a-Conference University. I was pulling for the latter.
You just can't count on a good meteor these days. It is very disappointing.

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