NYC's Bravest. There was a giant fire yesterday in the East Village and


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2011
In the video attached, you see an off duty fire fighter run towards the building that just had an explosion.
Save a woman who was on the fire escape and the climb up the fire escape of the now burning building
to check every window and make sure everyone was out safe. As he is coming down, the building goes up.

It is pretty breath taking and the man is a hero.

It is hard to believe more people didn't die in this and it is amazing how quickly it happened

A firefighter died in an apartment fire in Cincinnati yesterday ...

I definitely have a lot of respect for fire-fighters, they have to be ready to risk their lives at a moment's notice. They do deserve the term "heroes."
Re: A firefighter died in an apartment fire in Cincinnati yesterday ...

It's great to see people like that spring into action as that vid shows, but it's even better to see them completing their actions without harm. That was dicey. They are heroes.
A brave man, indeed ---

I've always respected and admired the men and women who go TOWARD trouble, not away from it.
I probably need to qualify this reply, in that I am in no means trying to diminish what they do and definitely what this man did, as it's not even in the same category. Having said that, I often wonder, in the course of fighting a fire, if it comes down to adrenalin and team work? I will tell you, that during a firefight, intestinal fortitude is probably less than 25%. I can't remember ever even being scared. Yet, while moving, whether on foot or in a vehicle, your fear of an ambush and/or IED is an experience that can't even be explained. This is especially true when it is happening daily as is the case in some operational areas. The point is, I sense that if bravery can be quantified, firemen probably out class the infantry every time!
My Grandfather was FF/Battalion Chief (So. Bend IN) died in the line in '54

He ran into a burning warehouse fire after a wall collapsed on 2 of his men. Died of smoke inhalation. There is a fallen firefighter memorial in South Bend with his name on it. When they erected it shortly after 9/11 I had a chance to meet a few of the men who served under his command and served as pall bearers. I still have his shield tucked away safely in my safe.
A true hero and a very brave man. Thanks for posting the video *
