Oberman on Letterman tonight

PSU Proud

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Sep 2, 2003
Lower Bucks County
Keith Oberman is a complete jackass. On Letterman tonight he managed to, or tried to, sidestep his tweet screw up. As usual, he used the Sandusky scandal to paint all of Penn State with the stain of a pervert, a BoT that gave the pervert the opportunity to ply his trade and covered it up until they thought they could make it work for themselves. The media is less than worthless, they are corrupt.
And Keith Olbermann, people of the world...IS the shithead of eternity. Not just of the day. And he is why people can't tolerate overbearing liberals anymore than they can overbearing Republicans like Rush. They all need to shut the freaking hell up. Letterman is included. That old scraggly rat is not funny. Fallon yeah, Letterman is dumb.
Saw he was going to be on the show and made a mental note to stay away (not that I watch Letterman anyway). I think those two are two of the most self absorbed and obnoxious people on the planet. However, if he said what you report, then let's see how quickly Penn State responds. After the THON comments the Penn State PR person quickly said that they were going to answer this stuff right away now. Let's see how they respond tomorrow. I'm not holding my breath......
Also this arrogant NEEDED the last word. He chose a non Disney network to attempt this. He is going to go down eventually. "Batting Practice" is about ready to become a fastball right at the pompous head because the stuff he is saying is not only untrue but bordering on criminal given what he is talking about.
His ploy worked. He's on Letterman. He's using us. Its obvious.
Gjve it up and stop paying attention to him

By making threads like this and continuing to talk/think about him, you're only playing right into the wheelhouse.
Re: Yea the last time Letterman was funny or mildly interesting...

was about 1990 and I don't think Olberman was ever funny or interesting.
Dave's show and his shtick is sooo old and soooo bad...

When I was an undergrad at PSU in the mid/late eighties - I'd make sure my ass was in the TV room of our fraternity house at 12:20 to make sure we got to watch Dave and to block the troup of losers in our house who wanted to watch Star Trek retreads (ugh) which came on at the same time...

I've tried to watch his CBS show and, yikes, each time in the past 15+yrs I just could not believe how simply awful his show, and its writing, had become... used to love the irreverence / Larry Bud / Chris Eliot days but now the show is merely a clear reflection of the unhappy man Dave has always been
agree..he always sounds snarky and bitter

perhaps he always was but that attitude is just no longer in step. I find Olbermann to be the same way. The next time he says something nice about someone will be his first...yet, he looks down his nose like some kind of elitest. At the same time, what has he accomplished? Nothing.
Originally posted by PSU Proud:
Keith Oberman is a complete jackass. On Letterman tonight he managed to, or tried to, sidestep his tweet screw up. As usual, he used the Sandusky scandal to paint all of Penn State with the stain of a pervert, a BoT that gave the pervert the opportunity to ply his trade and covered it up until they thought they could make it work for themselves. The media is less than worthless, they are corrupt.
True, but unfortunately, people listen to what they have to say and thanks to Peetz, Joyner, Masser, Suhey, Surma, Myers, Deviney, Riley, and the rest of their November, 2011 cronies, the media will continue to "paint all of Penn State with the stain of a pervert". I am no longer a young man, but I have young grandchildren and I believe if they become Penn State alums, this issue will still haunt them all the years of their lives. The stain will likely fade as the years pass, but it will never go away.
Re: Yea the last time Letterman was funny or mildly interesting...

I enjoy it when Jack Hanna is on.....
Was watching Better Call Saul (awesome), and they had a commercial

on for Mad Men where they had a bunch of people talking fondly about it. Obertwit was one of them. Ugh, he was his usual pompous twit.
Re: Yea the last time Letterman was funny or mildly interesting...

Originally posted by kgilbert78:
I enjoy it when Jack Hanna is on.....
I would enjoy it more if Letterman was mauled by something that Hanna brought on.
Do you remember his morning show on NBC?

This was early 80's. I remember I would never miss it when I was in HS and had summers off. I bet this was around 82-83. I thought he was the funniest guy on TV. I had never seen anything like that show. Then later he came on after Johnny and I'd try to catch as much of it as I could at night. He can be one bitter bastard these days, for sure. Started taking himself too seriously, like a lot of them end up doing.
I, too, was in HS at that time.... but I did catch a few of his daytime

shows and that energy was carried to his NBC Late Night program for many years...

Dave was awesome.... now he just mailes it in and it is difficult to watch
Because you're a loser who has nothing better to do with his time than post about Penn State on message boards..
And, so.......this doesn't change your opinions of Letterman?

Hope happens........I crossed that bridge many years ago.
What did they call the segment? The washed-up has been

over the hill gang? Haven't watched Letterman for years, he hasn't been funny since before the turn of the century.
Re: What did they call the segment? The washed-up has been

Olberman is irrelevant. I am surprised Letterman would even have him on.