Last time I went Vegas a touch different than your trip. New hot girlfriend, birthday, climbing in Red Rocks. THEN she took me to Frankie's Tiki Lounge !!!!! If one wants to have a couple of drinks, you may think about only having one. They rate the potency of their drinks with number of skulls. 4 skulls for the Zombie, think they will only serve you one. Of course they probably will serve you 10 3 skull drinks right after that: cool place. I feel the only gambling worth while in Vegas is poker, maybe a sports bet and the occasional keno ticket. Had 2 friends hit big on Keno, one for something like $37,000, the other around 10k. If you want to see the innards of the town ride the bus at like sunrise. The night shift workers look so tired and weary it will give you a new take on the place. Weather looks good for your trip, would you take a picture of your skywalk experience? I've only seen it from below as we strolled around camp all day naked on a private river trip so the tourists could check us out