OK, so now that McAndrew is away, lets talk about........


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 21, 2001
What's the story on all the stuff he knows but can't tell us?

Surely he must be sitting on a motherlode of explosively juicy insight.
Re: What's the story on all the stuff he knows but can't tell us?

We've been asking that for years now to no avail.
Is Tom graduate from PSU? If no, then from where?*

Pretty sure that it's public knowledge that Tom is not an alum.

You don't have to be an alum to be a Nittany Lion.
Re: Well let's hope so as I'm not an alum. I didn't think he went tpo PSU

I was just curious to see where he went. What does he do for a living? Anyone? Anyone? Buller ?
THE Tom McAndrew has slept in my bed. I know you're jealous*

From my past in West Chester back in the 70's, his name might be Billy N....

Note sure if my info is correct. He does know a lot of info around this area.
Re: What's His REAL Name - Any Pics From Tailgating? *

Tom makes you sign a waiver if he shows up at a tailgate saying you can't take any pictures of him under penalty of death. I was surprised at his appearance, however. He is a giant of a man, almost Andre The Giant size. When I shook his hand, it felt like I put my hand into a giant baseball mitt. Just beware if he comes to a tailgate, however! He ate 5 cheesesteaks at ours and drank a case of beer, but he is a really big guy!;)
I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here...

he'd consume the NCAA with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse. HE IS Tom McAndrew and he sees a whole army of his countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What would you do without freedom? Will you fight with him?????
He brought his was that type of party

Actually just rented my house out a couple times.
and you think ...

that just because I'm on vacation, I won't be monitoring what you say?

you underestimate me. ;)

Re: and you think ...

The posters here would never talk about you while you were away. Clearly there's been a massive hack of the system with posters logins compromised. I blame the Russians or Chinese..... ;)
Re: Abort! Abort! *** Hahaha... Funny reply LionJim *

This is like when your parents were supposed to be out for a while and come

home early and walk in on a party you're having.
Re: This is like when your parents were supposed to be out for a while and come


McAndrew holding a beer!
This post was edited on 3/27 9:35 PM by rudedude
Had Just Put A Drink Down Or Else My Computer Screen Would Have Drowned!

GREAT line LJ.....great line!