And how did last night's atmosphere compare to previous White Outs? Was a little worried about the weather and rain dampening the overall impact.
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Because of rain and too much Scarlet in areas where I did not expect or want to see Scarlet.
Schedule dictates the important games but I still believe the white out should be in the warmer weather.
Given the weather the students wisely came in a little late. The flow of the game sapped the enthusiasm at points. The crowd roared back with the team in the fourth quarter.
Students hung in during the bad parts of the Game and were there for emotional support in the fourth quarter.
I was going to point this out. The "Red-Out" game (UNL) 2002 was very successful - considering what UNL had done to ND and other home crowd ego's. There were entirely too many buckeyes in the stadium.In the stadium, I'd give it a 7. Way too many buckeyes there, but like I said before, all money is green to sandra.
I said 7. Too much red. But the crowd was pretty solid given the conditions. I've been to so many games they run together but the Wiscy game under O'Brien was crazy cold. I forget if that was a whiteout though. I've been to colder games than yesterday but not a whole lot of them. The rain and the wind made it higher on the misery scale than some colder games I sat through.
By the way, although it was cold, let me say this as a rookie in the club section...those chairbacks are a big difference to the body as far as overall misery in cold weather. The aluminum bleachers are way colder than sitting on a plastic stadium seat. If we do re-jigger the seating at Beaver with stadium seats instead of bleachers, I'm all in favor.
Welcome to the club. We are glad to have you here. You no longer have to mingle with the proletariats.
Sometime later I will show you the secret handshake
InterloperNo, no, I was a guest of somebody. They almost had to sneak me in.
And how did last night's atmosphere compare to previous White Outs? Was a little worried about the weather and rain dampening the overall impact.
I have been at every major white out going back to the 2005 Ohio State which was student only.
Overall, I would say this was about an 8 or a 9. Thing was, people didn't actually expect what happened to happen and the cold wind and the rain really dampened things early. For instance, when the team entered the stadium, it has been pretty crazy in the past, it was fairly subdued this time. Lots of people but not a ton of enthusiasm. It didn't help that there was a weird announcer guy trying way too hard to get people pumped up. Just have the band and that is it in my opinion. Don't force it.
Anyway, even early on, things were a little bit subdued.
HOWEVER, come the 4th quarter, I have never heard it louder. Especially the last two Ohio State drives. It was sustained even during a time out.
I went 5, which I know sounds like I'm being a downer, but the main reason was seeing a huge section of empty stadium in the one corner. And it was there throughout the game. Just really takes away from the whole thing when it's not even filled. I don't think anyone will be framing photos of this white-out where there's a big chunk of the stands that are empty. Now, framing a photo where the whole field is white on the other hand....
Wb, you referring to the upper corner of the student section? There was a period of time it looked full. Most of the time the top was empty.
Good for him!Texted one of my sons just before last night's game started, and he reported that he was in a luxury box. (!!) I asked him how he wangled THAT one, and he replied "I know a guy." LOL, it turned out to be the wealthy parent of one of his Beta fraternity brothers, who had an extra slot left for him. (The dad is himself a PSU grad, and a Pike.)
This kid of mine has a way of stepping in shiat and nonetheless coming out smelling like a rose. He regaled me with a tale of sucking down jack and cokes and eating some tasty food in the comfort of this luxury box as the game unfolded and the freezing rain came down.
He had a pretty good evening.
Wb, you referring to the upper corner of the student section? There was a period of time it looked full. Most of the time the top was empty.
I am. Obviously those who were there would know better if it eventually filled, but I saw it on TV at the start, and am pretty sure I still saw an empty section there late in the game as well.
I also think that the White Out can get too artificial and forced at times, like it's a white out, we have to do A, B, C...checking off boxes.
Don't tell that to fairfax lion, he'll blame it on the gates and say it eventually filled up. I say BS, yes it did fill up, but emptied out again at halftime and never filled back up again.I went 5, which I know sounds like I'm being a downer, but the main reason was seeing a huge section of empty stadium in the one corner. And it was there throughout the game. Just really takes away from the whole thing when it's not even filled. I don't think anyone will be framing photos of this white-out where there's a big chunk of the stands that are empty. Now, framing a photo where the whole field is white on the other hand....
Agree....I went 5, which I know sounds like I'm being a downer, but the main reason was seeing a huge section of empty stadium in the one corner. And it was there throughout the game. Just really takes away from the whole thing when it's not even filled. I don't think anyone will be framing photos of this white-out where there's a big chunk of the stands that are empty. Now, framing a photo where the whole field is white on the other hand....
LOL, those poor bastards.