On this day in 1978...


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2015

Please take this opportunity to remember that Penn State has a culture problem.
Woody was totally out of line. No question. So was Bobby Knight back in his day. While I can never recall Joe ever hitting a player, I can remember more than a few times Joe grabbing his players by the facemask and giving them the business in front of a packed stadium. I never liked that either. They were old school coaches who operated by a different set of rules. Not excusing any of it. Just saying it was a different time.
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Woody was totally out of line. No question. So was Bobby Knight back in his day. While I can never recall Joe ever hitting a player, I can remember more than a few times Joe grabbing his players by the facemask and giving them the business in front of a packed stadium. I never liked that either. They were old school coaches who operated by a different set of rules. Not excusing any of it. Just saying it was a different time.
I think that you should reconsider putting a sentence about Joe grabbing one of his own player's face mask while shouting at him in the same paragraph about Woody Hayes punching an opposing player on the sideline after he makes a game-clinching play in a bowl game. You should edit your post, it contains nothing but random ramblings that really should be 4 separate tweets on Twitter.
Karma is a bitch. Woody's anger issues caught up with him. Joe decided to chase 409 and paid for it. Both should have stepped down years earlier but did not.

History is much kinder to Woody than it ever will be to Joe.
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I was in a New Orleans hotel room recovering from a Bourbon St hangover, the likes of which I've never again encountered
Karma is a bitch. Woody's anger issues caught up with him. Joe decided to chase 409 and paid for it. Both should have stepped down years earlier but did not.

History is much kinder to Woody than it ever will be to Joe.
Why should Joe have stepped down?? He was 8-1 when his final season came crashing down (for something that had nothing to do with his ability to coach). What are you smokin'?
that wasn't nearly as bad as I almost looked like he was doing one of those lineman punches into the upper body while grabbing ahold of his jersey....clearly he was really angry but it just didn't look that bad to me
Why should Joe have stepped down?? He was 8-1 when his final season came crashing down (for something that had nothing to do with his ability to coach). What are you smokin'?
8-1 against garbage
“coaching” from the press box
Finding time for Nike nautical junkets but not for home visits to top recruits
Continuing to employ his incompetent son
It was clear then he was not effectively doing the job. He was doing it on fumes and the legend of Joe Paterno.
Joe was 66-20 during his final seven seasons. That's a 77% winning percentage. Jim Harbaugh (for example) has a 74% winning percentage at Michigan so far and 65% winning percentage overall at the college level.

If THAT'S Joe winning on fumes and "not doing his job", most Div 1 coaches should be fired right now.
This thread is about woody hayes being remembered as a one-man culture problem by assaulting a college student. It is not about Joe Paterno, the most positively influential person in Penn State history, to whom all Penn Staters are eternally indebted.
I agree with you I cannot tell you how many times a post is started on a particular topic and then all of a sudden it completely changes to something else.
I agree with you I cannot tell you how many times a post is started on a particular topic and then all of a sudden it completely changes to something else.

Reminds me of my first spring break in '89. We were in Daytona, or was it Panama City, anyways we tried shooters for the first time at a place called Breakers,

wait, no it was Hooligans... where was I?
This thread is about woody hayes being remembered as a one-man culture problem by assaulting a college student. It is not about Joe Paterno, the most positively influential person in Penn State history, to whom all Penn Staters are eternally indebted.
Not one bit of evidence of a "culture problem". OSU relieved Woody of his coaching duties within 24 hours of the incident. The issue was addressed promptly in a proper manner.

Woody's legacy took a small hit but basically has recovered to be overall favorable.

Joe Paterno's legacy has been trashed and will not recover due to the nature of the Sandusky scandal.

Both disgraces could have been avoided if these coaches would have retired when they should have.

Karma is a bitch.
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A career in HR, primarily in comp and benefits in multiple industries. My plan is to take 6 months to figure out my plans.

Well done! I hope you have happiness and health in whatever you do to pass the time? But enjoy yourself more than anything!!
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Some moronic comments in this thread, coming from the cheap seats. Unbelievable.
After the 94 season would have been an optimal time.
Good call. He only went 48-14 over the next five seasons. That's like barely an 80% winning percentage. Plus he ONLY won eight bowl games after that (plus sent a ton of players to the NFL and had an unbelievably high graduation percentage). You are a very intelligent poster.

So tell us, in precisely which year should Saban & Meyer retire? Two seasons ago?
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Not one bit of evidence of a "culture problem". OSU relieved Woody of his coaching duties within 24 hours of the incident. The issue was addressed promptly in a proper manner.

Woody's legacy took a small hit but basically has recovered to be overall favorable.

Joe Paterno's legacy has been trashed and will not recover due to the nature of the Sandusky scandal.

Both disgraces could have been avoided if these coaches would have retired when they should have.

Karma is a bitch.
how would it have been different if Joe had been retired instead of an active coach? there were still a zillion axes out there ready to be grinded and that's what "trashed" his legacy
Good call. He only went 48-14 over the next five seasons. That's like only a 77% winning percentage. Plus he ONLY won eight bowl games after that (and sent a ton of talent into the NFL and had an unbelievable graduation percentage). You are a very intelligent poster.

So, in precisely which year should Saban & Meyer retire? Two seasons ago?
With the following 4 out of 5 being losing seasons.

I doubt very seriously that when Saban / Meyer retire that they will be stubborn enough to become the shell of a coach that Paterno was. They will also most likely leave positive legacies that will eclipse Paterno's.
With the following 4 out of 5 being losing seasons.
I doubt very seriously that when Saban / Meyer retire that they will be stubborn enough to become the shell of a coach that Paterno was.
And then he managed to win 77% of games over the NEXT seven years. Not bad for a guy who "should have retired".

IF Saban & Meyer continue to win about 75% of their games (against top level opposition) going forward, win at least eight bowl games and have their players graduate at about the top percentage in the nation then they might be in roughly the same league as JVP from this point on. Otherwise, they should probably quit right now.
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IF they continue to win about 75% of their games (against top level opposition), win at least eight bowl games going forward and have their players earn around the top level graduation percentage in the nation then they might be in roughly the same league as JVP from this point on. Otherwise, they should probably quit right now.
They both are already more successful than JVP and will be remembered much more favorably than Paterno. Both are great coaches, presently the best in the business.
They both are already more successful than JVP and will be remembered much more favorably than Paterno. Both are great coaches, presently the best in the business.
They have each won over 409 games and more bowl games than any other coach in history? And their players graduate at a higher rate than Joe's players have? I DID not know that.
They have each won over 409 games and more bowl games than any other coach in history? And their players graduate at a higher rate than Joe's players have? I DID not know that.
Tell you what - you take your 409 / bowl record / grad rates with a disgraced toxic legacy as success.

I'll lean towards the NC hardware and legendary status of multiple natties at different schools. Not to mention legacies that are free of scandal.

Bear Bryant got a USPS postage stamp, a Presidential Medal of Freedom, and a stadium that bears his name. I consider that pretty damn successful. Joe will never have that level of success.

You take your measure of success and I'll take mine. We'll both be happy, right?
Tell you what - you take your 409 / bowl record / grad rates with a disgraced toxic legacy as success.

I'll lean towards the NC hardware and legendary status of multiple natties at different schools. Not to mention legacies that are free of scandal.

You take your measure of success and I'll take mine. We'll both be happy, right?
Fair enough. Joe wouldn't know anything about NC hardware, plus undefeated seasons are overrated and you're right, graduation rates can suck it.

Here's the problem you have, Joe was not directly responsible for any toxic legacy or scandal. Everybody has kinda figured that out by now. That was Sandusky bud, and even HIS own wife didn't know what was going on. As soon as Joe heard about it (second hand) he reported it the next day. That is why the NCAA de-vacated his wins from 1998-2011 and only haters still cling to some kind of hope that the two are indelibly linked. Nice try though.
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Fair enough. Joe wouldn't know anything about NC hardware, plus undefeated seasons are overrated and you're right, graduation rates can suck it.

Here's the problem you have, Joe was not directly responsible for any toxic legacy or scandal. Everybody has kinda figured that out by now. That was Sandusky bud, and even HIS own wife didn't know what was going on. As soon as Joe heard about it (second hand) he reported it the next day. That is why the NCAA de-vacated his wins from 1998-2011 and only haters still cling to some kind of hope that the two are indelibly linked. Nice try though.
You are correct, Joe was not directly responsible for the scandal. If he had retired in 94/95 he would not even be involved. Instead, he placed his bet on "409" and it came up snake-eyes.

Karma is a bitch, huh?
You are correct, Joe was not directly responsible for the scandal. If he had retired in 94/95 he would not even be involved. Instead, he placed his bet on "409" and it came up snake-eyes.

Karma is a bitch, huh?
That made literally no sense. So Joe should have retired in his prime because he should have known that one of his assistants (that he didn't even really get along with) would someday turn out to have a double-life that nobody could have even imagined, but instead he continued to coach just so he could win exactly 409 games???

Karma... you keep using that word but I don't think you really know what it means
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That made literally no sense. So Joe should have retired in his prime because he should have known that one of his assistants (that he didn't even really get along with) would someday turn out to have a double-life that nobody could have even imagined, but instead he continued to coach just so he could win exactly 409 games???

Karma... you keep using that word but I don't think you really know what it means
Again, you are correct. I can plainly see why this makes no sense to you. So sorry to have confused you.