OSU Women's Hockey Coach


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2014
They knew. They all knew.

Nate Handrahan resigned Monday after four seasons as Ohio State's women's hockey coach. Ohio State athletic director Gene Smith and human resources director for athletics Kim Heaton received a report that day detailing Handrahan's inappropriate conduct towards players, including his use of telling them to "get horny for the puck."
The complaints about Handrahan ranged from sexual harassment to unprofessional behavior. Ray Stein of the Columbus Dispatch[/I] had details:
Handrahan, according to witnesses, made sexual comments or innuendos about female players and their relationships with their boyfriends and that he routinely used sexually explicit or vulgar language during practices and in games. Witnesses said that he occasionally implored his players to "get horny for the puck" during practice, a term that players found inappropriate.
Witnesses also said that Handrahan regularly speaks to players in a belittling or condescending tone, and several described him as a "bully." In one instance, according to the report, a player asked Handrahan to stop yelling at her during a meeting and the coach responded by saying, "I haven't yelled. Do you want me to show you what yelling is?"[/QUOTE]
"Get horny for the puck" is a landmark in bad coaching.
This after the fiasco with their marching band director. CULTURE.
Seems to be a disturbing lack of institutional control***

Re: Seems to be a disturbing lack of institutional control***

All the time.
What did they know, and when did they know it???

These questions NEED to be answered!!!
Meanwhile, at Michigan...

U. of Michigan Faculty Criticizes Weak Due-Process Protections in Investigations

A faculty committee at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor says professors accused of harassment and discrimination receive weak due-process protections, reports The Michigan Daily,[/I] the university's student newspaper.
In a report, the Faculty Senate's advisory committee on university affairs asserts that the university's Office for Institutional Equity does not provide "fair and adequate notice" to professors under investigation and does not foster appeals of any findings against them, among other things. The report recommends that the office's procedures be overhauled in consultation with the committee.
The report also recommends that the cases of three faculty members who complained to the committee be reconsidered. "The evidence available to us, examined in the course of reviewing OIE's practices, raises serious doubts about the validity of the OIE findings in these cases," the report states. The advisory committee "does not take a position on the outcome of these cases," the report continues. "But our findings regarding lack of due process necessitate reconsideration of these cases."
In a written statement, a spokesman for the university, Rick Fitzgerald, said it stands behind "the professionalism of the staff" in the Office for Institutional Equity. "We also note that the … report has some good suggestions about enhancements to our processes that we are looking into implementing," he said.

Today's Chronicle story
I'm not going to argue about whether or not the coach should have kept his job but "horny for the puck"?? I get what he meant but it's a weird thing to say.
Good thing in offensive drills he didn't tell the girls to shoot "Shoot the 5-HOLE!"

Good thing he didn't refer to any player as honey or sweetheart. They would lock him up and throw away the key and charge his entire family for breeding and harboring a sexual predator. Lucky for him that he has already served time at an "institution". He could just be sentenced for time served at tOSU.