OT: A little project I've been working on...


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
...43,000 square foot putting green for a development in Port St. Lucie - will be the largest such green anywhere. Met with the architect today and got the OK for a little creative freedom. Will be adding a few shelves, tiers, mounds, etc.. Another couple of days of base preparation and then we should be laying turf.

Very nice piece of business, but what kind of community needs or desires

A one acre (43560 sq ft = 1 acre) putting green?

Seems overly large. What's the story?

How many putters does this development expect to use the green at any one time?
Re: Very nice piece of business, but what kind of community needs or desires

Maybe the idea is an essentially unlimited number of different putts at 100's of different holes rather than only 5 or 6 cups and limited slopes on the green.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by MtNittany:
...43,000 square foot putting green for a development in Port St. Lucie - will be the largest such green anywhere. Met with the architect today and got the OK for a little creative freedom. Will be adding a few shelves, tiers, mounds, etc.. Another couple of days of base preparation and then we should be laying turf.
Not quite. There is a 17 acre putting green at the Mission Hills Golf Club in China. It was crafted by Schmidt-Curley Design of Scottsdale, Ariz.
Ummm... it synthetic? When I say "laying turf", I'm not referring to sod or sprigs. I'm referring to expensive, green nylon carpet.

This post was edited on 3/26 9:05 PM by MtNittany
Re: So what was your point? *

"largest such green"...."such" = synthetic. You must know nothing about golf if you can look at that picture and deduce that I'm sprigging it. Nothing.

Do me a favor and just stay away from me.

This post was edited on 3/26 9:17 PM by MtNittany
That looks awesome! Please post more pics as it gets developed...

Hell, I could spend all day there! And probably only lose a couple balls, lol
That is an impressive project....

I am not a golfer.

But, even I can be impressed by golf topics.

Congrats. Will be a nice addition to your portfolio.
You think it's easy being that big of an asshole?

No, it's not. It takes years and years of experience. The average human simply can't act like him without years of professional assistance.

No, being a professional prick is not easy. But some people do master it.
Classic narcissist...

...thinks he knows more about other people's professions than they do. I don't advise him on how to pick ear wax out of his ear and eat it because I know he knows much more about it than I do.
Re: Very nice piece of business, but what kind of community needs or desires

The idea is to place Obama at one end and leave him there for several weeks while the adults take over and correct all his f&@$ ups!
Alas.........if you just knew him better, you would LOVE him

I know, because he told me that.

Everybody except YOU is a hack, amiright?....

Really. You put POTUS in this thread? What kind of wounded mind would does that?
He was formerly a CFO of a company, yet when he talks about financial....

matters he often has no idea what he's talking about. Yet he blathers on in his officious tone as if he actually has a clue. That happens on matters he has no experience with as well.
Re: So what was your point? *

Originally posted by MtNittany:
"largest such green"...."such" = synthetic. You must know nothing about golf if you can look at that picture and deduce that I'm sprigging it. Nothing.

Do me a favor and just stay away from me.

This post was edited on 3/26 9:17 PM by MtNittany
Looks like a piece of barren ground that still needs further base preparation before it gets sprigged or sodded. Who would think it's to be an artificial surface considering it's in Florida?

This post was edited on 3/27 6:52 PM by Cruising Route 66
Re: So what was your point? *

You didn't even reference the difference between a "putting course" and a "putting green" when childishly trying to call me out on the China project...two totally different applications whether real grass or synthetic. You just went to google to try to prove someone wrong w/ inapplicable facts in an effort to feel superior. Sort of like your idols on the 11-11 bot.
Re: So what was your point? *

Originally posted by MtNittany:
You didn't even reference the difference between a "putting course" and a "putting green" Didn't think I needed to. "Green" vs "course" is mere form over substance because on either one the player is restricted to using a putter. And didn't you say you were adding tiers, undulations, and shelves similar to what the Mission Hills facility has? Sounds to me like you're creating your own little "course" with lesser real estate to negotiate between the holes? Tell me you haven't had a friendly competition on a practice putting green using each cup as a course hole. when childishly trying to call me out on the China project...two totally different applications whether real grass or synthetic. You just went to google to try to prove someone wrong w/ inapplicable facts in an effort to feel superior. I admit I did google it because someone had earlier told me about the Mission Hills layout while we were having a friendly competition on the practice green at my club. You know, using it as sort of a small "course". Sort of like your idols on the 11-11 bot.