OT: Another ISIS attack


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2014
Apparently, in a station in London. Someone yelling this for Syria slashed a bunch of people's throats.
Expect the UN to sanction Israel. Attacker must have worked at the station.
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At what point do you need to end the religion? Many of my friends in the service(marines, army, airborne, etc) say that until you end the religion, it continues.
Huh, safe London . Good thing they weren't shot.

First I've heard of this but I'm afraid I expect more to come. If you watched the recent debate (and sideshow infighting in the Labour Party that followed) over bombing ISIS in Syria you could see this coming. There was such vicious infighting by people in that party that they were threatening each other, harassing those who voted for it at their homes and publishing the names and contact info (including addresses) of those who voted for it for people to act on. It got to the point of open rebellion where members of the Labour Party asked the government of the opposing party to get the police involved and see if they needed protection officers assigned to themselves and their families.
Three people were stabbed - one person is in serious condition and two were treated for minor injuries. None of the injuries are life threatening.
The UK had, just in the last day or two, approved air strikes against ISIS. That's likely what set this one off.

Hopefully the Brits respond a little better this time than when the 2 (IIRC) Muslim terrorists slit the throat of Lee Rigby on the streets of London because he was in the military. The Brit response then was to tell their military to not go out in public in uniform because they might offend someone by wearing it. o_O
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At what point do you need to end the religion? Many of my friends in the service(marines, army, airborne, etc) say that until you end the religion, it continues.
Your friends in the service are correct. The problem is that it's impossible.
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We are talking about a "religion" in which mass murder of innocent men, women, and children, is encouraged, where even the non radical section of said religion, excuses, justifies, and rationalizes that mass murder.

You are god damn right we have a right, and a duty, to end that religion.
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At what point do you need to end the religion? Many of my friends in the service(marines, army, airborne, etc) say that until you end the religion, it continues.
I agree with the sentiment..... but there are 1,400,000,000 muslims spread all around the planet. You aren't "ending" a religion.
Isis wants a holy war? The west should give them one. We could use another crusades.
WTF? So you think that its OK to target people because they are Muslim, but you don't think it's OK for Muslim extremists to target non-Muslims?

We need to work with peace loving Muslims to rid the world of violent extremeists. Targeting all Muslims is only going to make peace loving Muslims transition to the violent extremeist type of Muslim.
WTF? So you think that its OK to target people because they are Muslim, but you don't think it's OK for Muslim extremists to target non-Muslims?

We need to work with peace loving Muslims to rid the world of violent extremeists. Targeting all Muslims is only going to make peace loving Muslims transition to the violent extremeist type of Muslim.

I think most would agree. The caveat (that IMO is the real sticking point in this approach) is that peace loving/ moderate Muslims have to have a "come to Jesus" moment (for lack of a better term ;)) and face the issue that is a cancer in their religion. No more deflecting. No more blaming Israel/ USA/ Britain/ France / Russia, etc for the behavior. No more excusing it because of 'X , Y, and Z'. Face the issue and stamp it out of their religion. Just my opinion but I haven't seen that will or effort yet to do that.

It's a complicated issue with middle eastern politics and religious bias with places like Saudi, Iran, Pakistan, etc but it has to be solved from within.
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How do you end a religion? Isn't that what Hitler wanted to do?

You bring it to dialogue. There isn't one religion - not one - that can survive intellectual dialogue.

Back in the day, one could hide under the response, " This is my faith." And, the dialogue ended there.

Not any more. Bring it on, religious people. Prepare to meet your, I meant Mack Daddy.

Buona fortuna.
You're so full of shit it's unreal. You nor anyone else has a right to tell anyone how or what to believe. Yeah, we should all bow down to your intellectual elitism because you are the one who knows best. That's why we're in the mess we are. A bunch of elitists who think they know what's best for everyone. Even though none have a bit of leadership experience in their lives, nor have they ever got their hands dirty. No thank you. I've heard enough sermons from people that think they knows what's best. Same idiots that cannot change their oil because they can't even find the drain plug...
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So, if you end one religion (assuming you can), do you move on to end the next religion?

I would say that you need to clarify a little bit. I don't think it's practical to end Islam throughout the world. I would say that it is practical to get rid of it here in the US before the over run us. Maybe that doesn't mean ban it, but we can absolutely stop all immigration from Islamic countries, and speak actively against it, monitor the radical IMAMs here in the US, etc.

Although I am not religious, I see that 99%+ followers of Christianity benefit from their beliefs and harm no one else (Catholic priest scandal being the obvious outlier), as is the case with Hinduism, Jewish, etc. As such, I see no reason to lump them all together.

In this case, one of these things (Islam) is not like all the others.
We are talking about a "religion" in which mass murder of innocent men, women, and children, is encouraged, where even the non radical section of said religion, excuses, justifies, and rationalizes that mass murder.

You are god damn right we have a right, and a duty, to end that religion.

There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world. If they all wanted us dead, we'd all be dead.

The vast majority of the victims of these fundamentalist lunatics are other Muslims - this is why so many people are fleeing the region.

When you write this kind of nonsense you are aiding the fundamentalists who are actively seeking to draw the West into a Holy War. Shame on you.
Subway we just put the fringe elements in a room and let them destroy each other. Then the rest of us can get on with our lives
I think most would agree. The caveat (that IMO is the real sticking point in this approach) is that peace loving/ moderate Muslims have to have a "come to Jesus" moment (for lack of a better term ;)) and face the issue that is a cancer in their religion. t.

The vast majority of ISIS's victims are peace-loving, moderate Muslims. ISIS has butchered tens (hundreds?) of thousands of Muslims. This is why people are fleeing the region (duh). If you actually think that the vast of Muslims are not opposed to ISIS then you need to find some new sources for your daily news, because Muslims around the world condemn these lunatics EVERY DAY. Muslims are losing their lives fighting these lunatics EVERY DAY.
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We do have a duty to protect our Country. In doing so, if it is deemed that a particular subset of the population is a great risk to others, then you seek to minimize that population. That means no more Islamic immigrants and careful monitoring of those that chose to stay who are already US citizens. It's not the fault of the rest of US that one segment of the population has self-identified with terror. If a peaceful Muslim community doesn't see that the radicals among them would be the reason for the special treatment, then they can choose to leave. If they recognize that Islamic extremists are causing the rest of the world to treat them differently, then they should rise up against those extremists who are bringing them harm.

But in the US, we need to protect our citizens and that means being honest about who are the risks and the problems and not pussy footing around it. Strength and resolve are the only qualities they will respect, not feelings and liberties.
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We do have a duty to protect our Country. In doing so, if it is deemed that a particular subset of the population is a great risk to others, then you seek to minimize that population. That means no more Islamic immigrants and careful monitoring of those that chose to stay who are already US citizens. It's not the fault of the rest of US that one segment of the population has self-identified with terror. If a peaceful Muslim community doesn't see that the radicals among them would be the reason for the special treatment, then they can choose to leave. If they recognize that Islamic extremists are causing the rest of the world to treat them differently, then they should rise up against those extremists who are bringing them harm.

But in the US, we need to protect our citizens and that means being honest about who are the risks and the problems and not pussy footing around it. Strength and resolve are the only qualities they will respect, not feelings and liberties.

I would like us to be protected from "Christian" extremists who bomb women's health clinics and black churches. What should we do about that?
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The vast majority of ISIS's victims are peace-loving, moderate Muslims. ISIS has butchered tens (hundreds?) of thousands of Muslims. This is why people are fleeing the region (duh). If you actually think that the vast of Muslims are not opposed to ISIS then you need to find some new sources for your daily news, because Muslims around the world condemn these lunatics EVERY DAY. Muslims are losing their lives fighting these lunatics EVERY DAY.
That's a crock and you know it: Muslims DEFEND these murders, claiming "that's what you get when you mention the name of Muhammed...etc"
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I would like us to be protected from "Christian" extremists who bomb women's health clinics and black churches. What should we do about that?

We should do nothing about it, except enforce the existing laws. That's because less than 0.5% of Christians support bombing of abortion clinics.

However, a sizeable minority of muslims do appear to support ISIS, Al Qaeda, and terrorism. See links. Given that large threat (less than 50%, but not as low as 2% or even 5%), we should do something about Islamic terrorism.
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That's a crock and you know it: Muslims DEFEND these murders, claiming "that's what you get when you mention the name of Muhammed...etc"

I'm sure there are extremist Muslims who defend what their fellow extremists have done, just like there are "Christians" who defend attacks on womens health clinics. But the vast majority of the world's 1.2 billion Muslims condemn ISIS. If you don't know that, you need a new source for your news.
I'm sure there are extremist Muslims who defend what their fellow extremists have done, just like there are "Christians" who defend attacks on womens health clinics. But the vast majority of the world's 1.2 billion Muslims condemn ISIS. If you don't know that, you need a new source for your news.

It is the relative percentages that matter. It isn't relevant that out of about a billion people, both faiths have crazy people greater than zero. It is that in one faith, the amount of jihadist supporters is in double digit percentages.
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We should do nothing about it, except enforce the existing laws. That's because less than 0.5% of Christians support bombing of abortion clinics.

However, a sizeable minority of muslims do appear to support ISIS, Al Qaeda, and terrorism. See links. Given that large threat (less than 50%, but not as low as 2% or even 5%), we should do something about Islamic terrorism.
Perhaps you should rely on a slightly less xenophobic source of information.
Perhaps you should rely on a slightly less xenophobic source of information.


Few U.S. Muslims voice support for suicide bombing or other forms of violence against civilians in the name of Islam; 81% say such acts are never justified, while fewer than one-in-ten say violence against civilians either is often justified (1%) or is sometimes justified (7%) to defend Islam. Around the world, most Muslims also reject suicide bombing and other attacks against civilians. However, substantial minorities in several countries say such acts of violence are at least sometimes justified, including 26% of Muslims in Bangladesh, 29% in Egypt, 39% in Afghanistan and 40% in the Palestinian territories.

Federation of Student Islamic Societies: About 1 in 5 Muslim students in Britain (18%) would not report a fellow Muslim planning a terror attack.
Hopefully the Brits respond a little better this time than when the 2 (IIRC) Muslim terrorists slit the throat of Lee Rigby on the streets of London because he was in the military. The Brit response then was to tell their military to not go out in public in uniform because they might offend someone by wearing it. o_O

I remember that--it was sickening.

Hope you're doing and feeling much better.
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Few U.S. Muslims voice support for suicide bombing or other forms of violence against civilians in the name of Islam; 81% say such acts are never justified, while fewer than one-in-ten say violence against civilians either is often justified (1%) or is sometimes justified (7%) to defend Islam. Around the world, most Muslims also reject suicide bombing and other attacks against civilians. However, substantial minorities in several countries say such acts of violence are at least sometimes justified, including 26% of Muslims in Bangladesh, 29% in Egypt, 39% in Afghanistan and 40% in the Palestinian territories.

Federation of Student Islamic Societies: About 1 in 5 Muslim students in Britain (18%) would not report a fellow Muslim planning a terror attack.

So the vast majority of Muslims abhor terrorism - the exception being a few places that have been embroiled in near-constant conflict. Is that the point you were trying to make?

And how does 21Guns propose to eliminate Islam? Is he going to start WWIII and try to kill 1.2 billion people - the vast majority of whom never intended him or anyone else any harm, or is he going to force people to convert to Christianity like we did during the Spanish Inquisition? Because that was such a shining example of Christianity.

Seriously. What is wrong with you people? Why are you doing ISIS's work for them?
So the vast majority of Muslims abhor terrorism - the exception being a few places that have been embroiled in near-constant conflict. Is that the point you were trying to make?

And how does 21Guns propose to eliminate Islam? Is he going to start WWIII and try to kill 1.2 billion people - the vast majority of whom never intended him or anyone else any harm, or is he going to force people to convert to Christianity like we did during the Spanish Inquisition? Because that was such a shining example of Christianity.

Seriously. What is wrong with you people? Why are you doing ISIS's work for them?

The problem is, it isn't a vast majority. It is a minority of muslims that support Sharia law, terrorism, etc., but depending upon the location and poll, it's somewhere in the high single digits and low double digits. That's a real problem.