OT: Another ISIS attack

The vast majority of ISIS's victims are peace-loving, moderate Muslims. ISIS has butchered tens (hundreds?) of thousands of Muslims. This is why people are fleeing the region (duh). If your actually think that the vast of Muslims are not opposed to ISIS then you need to find some new sources for your daily news, because Muslims around the world condemn these lunatics EVERY DAY. Muslims are losing their lives fighting these lunatics EVERY DAY.

No one ever said otherwise. It's one thing to condemn an attack after it happens. It's another to actively stomp out the ideology as totally unacceptable. And let's be honest here- there are also plenty that support these groups, others that turn a blind eye, and states in the region that use them for agendas as well. There needs to be zero tolerance for it.
The problem is, it isn't a vast majority. It is a minority of muslims that support Sharia law, terrorism, etc., but depending upon the location and poll, it's somewhere in the high single digits and low double digits. That's a real problem.

Out here in the real world, 80-90% of any population is indeed "the vast majority."
Perhaps Penn State has online statistics class that you can take.
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No one ever said otherwise. It's one thing to condemn an attack after it happens. It's another to actively stomp out the ideology as totally unacceptable. And let's be honest here- there are also plenty that support these groups, others that turn a blind eye, and states in the region that use them for agendas as well. There needs to be zero tolerance for it.

If you want to stamp out the problem you need to go straight to Saudi Arabia. You bring that up at the next GOP convention and tell me how it goes.
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Out here in the real world, 80-90% of any population is indeed "the vast majority."
Perhaps Penn State has online statistics class that you can take.

I doubt I need to take any statistics courses. I may teach a few when I retire, although I've often found statistics to be a poor excuse for a lack of understanding of the physics behind the mathematical model.

Most importantly, if you are saying that if 10%-20% of muslims supporting Jihad is not a problem.....then I think we'll let the average reader decide for himself.
I'm sure there are extremist Muslims who defend what their fellow extremists have done, just like there are "Christians" who defend attacks on womens health clinics. But the vast majority of the world's 1.2 billion Muslims condemn ISIS. If you doCn't know that, you need a new source for your news.
If you want to stamp out the problem you need to go straight to Saudi Arabia. You bring that up at the next GOP convention and tell me how it goes.

Seriously, you need to step down off your high horse for a little while. . No one has made this political until you. They've been discussing the issue at hand while you've been attacking. Yes Saudi and it's Wahabbi ideology are a major problem (that both D and R administrations have turned a blind eye to by the way) plus our new "trustworthy" buddy Iran is a major supporter of groups like Hezbullah and Hamas so let's just stop the partisan political nonsense and get back to the issue in a somewhat 'civil' manner, ok? ;)
If the 'majority' of the 1.2 billion "peace loving' Muslims wanted to put an end to radical Muslims ruining their religion, shouldn't they me making a much stronger push to denounce these 'fringe' lunatics.

For example, let's say there was a lunatic radical fringe of Catholics doing the same crimes against humanity as ISIS. For example, let's use the Dan Brown book and say that the Illuminati were a real radical sect of catholicism. And let's say that these Illuminati were doing the exact same crimes and atrocities as ISIS is doing..... In this example, I believe that the Vatican, the Pope and 99.999999% of the normal peace loving contingent of the Catholic Church would be front and center taking an active and visible role to destroy the Illuminati.
The biggest current problem: the creation of ISIS was directly due to our "invasion" and "conquest" of Iraq, then our "withdrawal". In short, we encouraged a war between the Sunni (minority, in power under Hussein) and Shia (majority, now in power). To me the only potential "solution" is to give the Sunni's their country and the Shia their country (geographically speaking). Oops, almost forgot the Kurds.
So, you divide Iraq into three countries.

Religion is a real bitch, very similar to the war between the Irish Catholics and the English/Irish Protestants. Their final solution was to divide Ireland !!! Both groups are "Christians" :)

Of course "OIL" and resources will be a big problem for the U.S. (world) business community.
Fighting a war against Islam is insane, unwinnable and unnecessary. The war we must win is the war within Islam, moderates vs radical militants.

ISIS would like nothing better than for the U.S. to engage a war against Islam itself, to treat all of Islam as a single entity, to send U.S. troops in number in a ground war against "Islam." ISIS's goal, similar to Bin Laden's, is to set all of Islam against the West. If the U.S. engages tactics that isolate moderate Muslims and push moderates toward the radicals, we will have truly lost.

There is certainly a role for military force, especially a coalition of ground forces from threatened Arab countries backed by U.S. intelligence and air power, but, ultimately, this is a war of ideas and will eventually be resolved as such.
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We should do nothing about it, except enforce the existing laws. That's because less than 0.5% of Christians support bombing of abortion clinics.

However, a sizeable minority of muslims do appear to support ISIS, Al Qaeda, and terrorism. See links. Given that large threat (less than 50%, but not as low as 2% or even 5%), we should do something about Islamic terrorism.
Liar stop making numbers up. The only poll I have seen on support of abortion clinic violence is 4% in favor and 89% against. It might be worse since who admits it? No doubt it is worse among Christian fundamentalists. I would bet by your perverted standard they are almost as dangerous as Muslims and a lot more numerous in the US.
I would say that you need to clarify a little bit. I don't think it's practical to end Islam throughout the world. I would say that it is practical to get rid of it here in the US before the over run us. Maybe that doesn't mean ban it, but we can absolutely stop all immigration from Islamic countries, and speak actively against it, monitor the radical IMAMs here in the US, etc.

Although I am not religious, I see that 99%+ followers of Christianity benefit from their beliefs and harm no one else (Catholic priest scandal being the obvious outlier), as is the case with Hinduism, Jewish, etc. As such, I see no reason to lump them all together.

In this case, one of these things (Islam) is not like all the others.
Define "Islamic country."
Explain why such laws would be constitutional. If they are explain why they would not be a great recruiting tool and poison relations with friends and allies.
What evidence do you have that 99%+ benefit? What does that even mean?
For someone who pretends to be rational you sure make a lot of assumptions and throw bogus stats around based on your "feelings"
The links speak for themselves. I did make up the 0.5% number, as an example. If you have a link to a better number, let's have it.

The point is - there's a lot more extremist muslims than there are Christians, and no one will ever believe otherwise.
The links speak for themselves. I did make up the 0.5% number, as an example. If you have a link to a better number, let's have it.

The point is - there's a lot more extremist muslims than there are Christians, and no one will ever believe otherwise.
My numbers are readily available to anyone not too dumb or lazy to google. Here is a hint: H....P...
If the 'majority' of the 1.2 billion "peace loving' Muslims wanted to put an end to radical Muslims ruining their religion, shouldn't they me making a much stronger push to denounce these 'fringe' lunatics.

For example, let's say there was a lunatic radical fringe of Catholics doing the same crimes against humanity as ISIS. For example, let's use the Dan Brown book and say that the Illuminati were a real radical sect of catholicism. And let's say that these Illuminati were doing the exact same crimes and atrocities as ISIS is doing..... In this example, I believe that the Vatican, the Pope and 99.999999% of the normal peace loving contingent of the Catholic Church would be front and center taking an active and visible role to destroy the Illuminati.

Every time there is one of these attacks mainstream Muslims come out in droves to denounce them. If you are not hearing that then you need to re-evaluate your news sources.

Interestingly, there was indeed a "was a lunatic radical fringe of Catholics doing the same crimes against humanity as ISIS." They were called the IRA. Did we condemn all Catholics for the actions of the IRA? Did we argue that no one should be allowed to immigrate from Ireland? Did we hold all US Catholics responsible for the actions of the IRA? (Consider this particular question carefully, in light of the fact that some American Catholics were sending money to the IRA).
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We are talking about a "religion" in which mass murder of innocent men, women, and children, is encouraged, where even the non radical section of said religion, excuses, justifies, and rationalizes that mass murder.

You are god damn right we have a right, and a duty, to end that religion.

Nice to see you political views are as stupid as your opinions on football.
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The links speak for themselves. I did make up the 0.5% number, as an example. If you have a link to a better number, let's have it.

The point is - there's a lot more extremist muslims than there are Christians, and no one will ever believe otherwise.

Are you counting the Serbian Christians who massacred Bosnians in that number?
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