My daughter takes soccer lessons and a few days ago won the "110% effort" award (not to confused with the hustle or other awards). She was, of course, very happy. That in turn makes me happy because she is having fun. Her coach is a teacher who teaches elementary kids as her day job. She is very enthusiastic and makes it a lot of fun for the kids. However, this notion of 110% effort when it is theoretically impossible grates on me. I have so far held off on telling my daughter that 110% is impossible and that her coach is wrong, but I'm not sure if I should tell her now or wait until she's older. I don't mind a few white lies for her benefit (I'm looking at you Mr. Santa and all your fill-in mall elves pretending to be the real Santa), but when it comes to math I tend to be pretty rigid. If she seems like she's guessing at an answer I remind her there is no guessing in math and to solve the problem properly (btw, don't get me started on the common core crap they use to teach math. I'm all for standardized approaches, but do they have to tailor it towards the lowest performers?!? But I digress.). So, how should I handle this egregious violation of math principles? Should I or should I not explain this to my daughter? If so, how do I do it in a tactful way? TIA.