OT: CNN panel (w/ Ganim) cannot cope with false UVA rape story


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Plano, TX

Ganim is such an embarrassment to the seemingly dead world of journalism.

kind of interesting that on the heels of Barron announcing a blue ribbon panel to decide the role of fraternities/sororities on campus based on a few degenerate KDR brothers, we see Ganim basically ignoring the damage that was done to this UVA fraternity over patently false allegations that were . . . oh what is the term . . . investigated by law enforcement and found not credible??
Lmfao. It's ok for you to call kdr brothers degenerates, but gamin is a bitch for piling on uva fraternities.
perhaps I did not make my point clear

Originally posted by Pardlion:
Lmfao. It's ok for you to call kdr brothers degenerates, but gamin is a bitch for piling on uva fraternities.
I was saying that a few guys at KDR and NOT THE ENTIRE FRATERNITY participated in these degenerate acts. Should not be an indictment of an entire "fraternity culture".

Ganim is crappy for a lot of reasons . . . this just the latest . . .
Re: perhaps I did not make my point clear

Well, ok. She does suck.
M. Kelly and Kurtz discussing "hands up" right now.

kurtz just said the press can't admit when they are wrong, citing Duke, uva,, but no PSU. Kid that claimed hands up now is working for the city, the cop is unemployed.
Re: M. Kelly and Kurtz discussing "hands up" right now.

Saw that too. They talked about how no one, (even now knowing what was said was not true), will go against the narrative for fear of being labelled the usual names. Thought instantly of the PSU case where even the Patriot News/ CDT won't step 1 inch outside the approved narrative despite all the info found in depositions etc so far. Not even to raise the possibility that maybe thered a 1% chance the narrative is false or even raise a few questions.
Ha, is your wife downstairs too?

press is truly sad and sickening. We are on our own. Can no longer trust the press, govt, cops.....hate to sound like a tin foil loony, but is it not obvious?
Re: Ha, is your wife downstairs too?

I agree. I can see why some national news has 'moved on' (although I don't excuse them at all from not looking at the situation dispassionately) but I can not forgive the local outlets who should be more tuned in to every twist and turn in the mess.

To read Charles Thompson articles on Pennlive - it's just laughable and criminal at the same time. Even on BoT meetings it's always Lubrano said 'X' but it's always portrayed that he's not really right because Masser (or Peetz etc) said 'Y'. The underlying push is that the old guard is rock solid truth (even when they lie) and the alumni reps are somehow biased and not really trustworthy. Every article is written the same way. He couldn't even fathom that the BoT could be dishonest. Usually reporters are forever trying to question authority but not him. Then to see stuff from depositions and email releases that would send most people up in arms hardly get mentioned by Pennlive or the CDT it's just frustrating. (Especially since they covered catching a football player drunk in State College on a Friday night for like a week). I know people here know everything about the JS mess but most in PA don't follow it as closely and don't know some basic facts.

There really is a problem with the political correctness / peer pressure hold in the media these days. It really is scary when you think of big national/ international issues they cover and how they sway public opinion on certain issues.

This post was edited on 3/23 10:08 PM by psu00