OT-colonoscopy Fri. A.M.--full report


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
  • Started fasting all day Thurs. Jello,coffee,and Sprite. Took the first dose of suprep at 6:00 pm. 6 ounces of prep mixed with 10 ounces cold water. Drank it down in 3 swigs.Then 32 ounces cold water in one hour. Repeat this procedure at 4:00 am. THe suprep is much more tolerable tha the gallon jug of colyte I have used before. Disposable/flushable wipes are the key. He removed somepolyps and I see the doctor in a few weeks for a follow up appt. Glad its over but the suprep makes the procedure a little more tolerable.
Pretty funny, Rudy. Kudos to you for getting it done. But if I posted a thread like this on the Cal Board, they'd carve me a new asshole. (Pun intended.)
Good for you Rudy!

Now if you could only transfer your new "straight flush" generating procedure to playing poker!
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With all due respect, the toilet paper discussion is between you and Colorado Man.....JUST the two of you!

My doctor wants me to get a colonoscopy. I need to learn all I can from the "all knowing" PSU BWI board. Since I am all alone (sigh) and can't send someone for "wipe and flush", I need to prepare in advance.
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