#WeAre #Unrivaled
Since we don’t have a rival, this is all rather anecdotal, hypothetical, or something. I was born in western PA (Butler) and was raised a yinzer team fan — Steelers, Pirates, Penguins, ….. Pitt Panthers. BUT, my dad didn’t go to college (joined the Navy instead) so he rooted for all of the local teams, including Penn State. We moved to the Harrisburg area when I was eight, and was surrounded by Nittany Lions and Fighting Irish (I’m catholic and went to a school nicknamed the Fighting Irish). Once it came time to pick a college, my parents said I had to choose an in state school or I was on my own financially. Pitt and Temple are in cities — not my style. And I had no interest in a small state school. I wanted big time sports. So I ended up at Penn State. Great decision. My sophomore and junior years were the John Shaffer years, which included a national championship.
My younger sister, on the other hand, ended up at Pitt. It was fun playing them four years in a row. Especially because she married a Nittany Lion. They fly one of those split banners in their yard. I swear her wardrobe is 95% Pitt gear. I have fun with it, but at the end of the day this is just football — kids going to college and playing a sport — so I have a hard time hating any other team. Fans on the other hand. Yoi.