OT/FC: Jim Boeheim Hits & Kills Pedestrian

It was icy last night. Road conditions were not good. People where dark clothes this time of the year. It is surprising that more deaths do not occur in such weather and road conditions. It is very sad for all.
It was icy last night. Road conditions were not good. People where dark clothes this time of the year. It is surprising that more deaths do not occur in such weather and road conditions. It is very sad for all.
So the report from the Syracuse Post Standard said victim was a passenger in the car that hit a guardrail and wound up in the middle of the road. Boeheim tried to drive around the wreck in the middle of the road and hit the victim standing on the side of the road. So he didn’t stop for a wreck in the middle of the road, and tried to get around the wreck. Speeds were not determined yet. Questionable judgement IMO.
F*ck boeheim, smug prick bastard cocksucker asshole.

Sounds like you’re not so fond of him.

The prick will have to live with this the rest of his life. I’d say this is a decent payback for how he spoke about Joe. Sad that an innocent person had to get killed tho. Pretty shitty.
I truly can't stand JB. Even before his comments about Joe, I found him to be such a whiny, arrogant prick.

With that said, this is completely different. Someone lost their life and I feel some of you are almost finding joy in the situation. It is extremely sick in my mind and gives credence to those who portray PSU as a cult obsessed with Joe Paterno.
I truly can't stand JB. Even before his comments about Joe, I found him to be such a whiny, arrogant prick.

With that said, this is completely different. Someone lost their life and I feel some of you are almost finding joy in the situation. It is extremely sick in my mind and gives credence to those who portray PSU as a cult obsessed with Joe Paterno.
Sorry but your interpretation is wrong. No one here feels ok with a person losing their life. If you think that, then you need to readjust the big picture. People here despise Boeheim because he has been nothing but a prick towards Penn State and especially Joe. Gee, remember his comments about Joe never winning the Big 10 when we decided to go to the Big 10 for all sports?
From 1990:
“Last week Boeheim blasted both Penn State's football and basketball programs for the University's decision to join the Big Ten conference.

Boeheim said Penn State's football program, which has gone 226-59-3 and won two national championships in 25 seasons under Joe Paterno, will not be able to win in the Big Ten.”

"I think Joe pulled off a move that will allow him to go down as the winningest Penn State coach," Boeheim said in published reports. "Because they won't win anymore, Joe will be sitting in retirement saying, 'They can't do it without me.' "

Upon hearing those comments at Tuesday's football press conference, Paterno got his shots in at Boeheim.

"Well, you know, what do you want me to say about that?" Paterno asked. "Here's a guy who can't win obviously. He can't win a national championship with the best material in the country, year in and year out, so what's he talking about."

Then we have the wonderfully compassionate Boeheim throwing Joe under the bus when he was under fire for the Bernie Fine situation.
And then we have the NCAA sanctions against Syracuse for their crappy drug screening policy that wasn’t followed as well as academic fraud. So, yeah F Boeheim. I have no sympathy for that judgemental fool. Be careful what you sow because karma is a bitch. And this is no “cult of Joe” statement either. The hit to PSU’s reputation with the entire Second Mile/BOT debacle has left a bitter taste in many alumni’s mouths. So when a former critic has a moment of karma, then yes, folks are going to express themselves about it.
So the report from the Syracuse Post Standard said victim was a passenger in the car that hit a guardrail and wound up in the middle of the road. Boeheim tried to drive around the wreck in the middle of the road and hit the victim standing on the side of the road. So he didn’t stop for a wreck in the middle of the road, and tried to get around the wreck. Speeds were not determined yet. Questionable judgement IMO.
Yeah, if the road conditions were that bad and there's an accident in the road why is he driving fast enough to kill someone. You would think that with those conditions he would be driving slow and cautious????????
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Yeah, if the road conditions were that bad and there's an accident in the road why is he driving fast enough to kill someone. You would think that with those conditions he would be driving slow and cautious????????

I suppose if cautious driving was a norm in his situation you might have a point, but this scene plays itself out everywhere. All the time. And it even does if one is cautious.

At the moment it neither fair nor right to judge.

I will considerjudging ESPN though. They just decided to move GameDay away from Syr/Duke due to the celebratory nature of game day. If this was another school, the Syr heavy staff at ESPN would be all too happy to make more of a story.
Wow, you are connecting two completely different situations. I despise Boeheim, but to bring JP in and the comments made from the past, that have NOTHING, to do with the situation is ridiculous and sad.
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Sorry but your interpretation is wrong. No one here feels ok with a person losing their life. If you think that, then you need to readjust the big picture. People here despise Boeheim because he has been nothing but a prick towards Penn State and especially Joe. Gee, remember his comments about Joe never winning the Big 10 when we decided to go to the Big 10 for all sports?
From 1990:
“Last week Boeheim blasted both Penn State's football and basketball programs for the University's decision to join the Big Ten conference.

Boeheim said Penn State's football program, which has gone 226-59-3 and won two national championships in 25 seasons under Joe Paterno, will not be able to win in the Big Ten.”

"I think Joe pulled off a move that will allow him to go down as the winningest Penn State coach," Boeheim said in published reports. "Because they won't win anymore, Joe will be sitting in retirement saying, 'They can't do it without me.' "

Upon hearing those comments at Tuesday's football press conference, Paterno got his shots in at Boeheim.

"Well, you know, what do you want me to say about that?" Paterno asked. "Here's a guy who can't win obviously. He can't win a national championship with the best material in the country, year in and year out, so what's he talking about."

Then we have the wonderfully compassionate Boeheim throwing Joe under the bus when he was under fire for the Bernie Fine situation.
And then we have the NCAA sanctions against Syracuse for their crappy drug screening policy that wasn’t followed as well as academic fraud. So, yeah F Boeheim. I have no sympathy for that judgemental fool. Be careful what you sow because karma is a bitch. And this is no “cult of Joe” statement either. The hit to PSU’s reputation with the entire Second Mile/BOT debacle has left a bitter taste in many alumni’s mouths. So when a former critic has a moment of karma, then yes, folks are going to express themselves about it.

and that is the least of it ... Boeheim is actually the one who covered for a pedophile

"Davis said that Fine molested him at Fine's home, at the basketball facilities at Syracuse, on recruiting road trips and even at the 1987 Final Four. Davis said he was Fine's constant companion at all of those places. He said Boeheim would come into Fine's room and see Davis lying on Fine's bed, but never asked him any questions."

Jim Boeheim is a walking pile of horse excrement who should have been removed from his position years ago
Wow, you are connecting two completely different situations. I despise Boeheim, but to bring JP in and the comments made from the past, that have NOTHING, to do with the situation is ridiculous and sad.
The connection is Boeheim. Will you be sending him a sympathy card are you praying for his soul? Sheesh get real.
I suppose if cautious driving was a norm in his situation you might have a point, but this scene plays itself out everywhere. All the time. And it even does if one is cautious.

At the moment it neither fair nor right to judge.
He mowed down a pedestrian at the scene of an accident in a snowstorm. That is not normal and does not happen all the time.
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He mowed down a pedestrian at the scene of an accident in a snowstorm. That is not normal and does not happen all the time.
No. It doesn’t. But people driving too fast in a snowstorm happens ALL the time and unfortunately IS normal. And all too often, results in people dying who are both in cars...and out. So this isn’t exactly out of the norm. But go ahead. Just slay someone without every ounce of fact. Perhaps he was going slow enough and was looking at the car itself while guy in dark clothing appears in his windshield.

I don’t like him either, but we weren’t there and don’t know his speed or what he was doing other than going home after a game and not drinking.
He mowed down a pedestrian at the scene of an accident in a snowstorm. That is not normal and does not happen all the time.
Traffic accidents unfortunately happen. But as of right now we do not know if the pedestrian was at fault or Boheim or neither .
You’re just a sick weirdo like most of the crowd here.
I’ve seen people walking at the night wearing black on the road. In the country they’re easier to spot, but a highway like this they might not be seen in time.’ You know nothing except you hate Boheim. Go have a snickers you freak.
Traffic accidents unfortunately happen. But as of right now we do not know if the pedestrian was at fault or Boheim or neither .
You’re just a sick weirdo like most of the crowd here.
I’ve seen people walking at the night wearing black on the road. In the country they’re easier to spot, but a highway like this they might not be seen in time.’ You know nothing except you hate Boheim. Go have a snickers you freak.
No sure what your hysterics are all about, but who cares.

Simply pointing out the fact that he mowed down a pedestrian in a situation where he should have been driving cautiously. There is a possibility that he bears zero fault, but the odds are heavily against that. He’s gonna get sued for sure.
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No sure what your hysterics are all about, but who cares.

Simply pointing out the fact that he mowed down a pedestrian in a situation where he should have been driving cautiously. There is a possibility that he bears zero fault, but the odds are heavily against that. He’s gonna get sued for sure.
And once again you aren’t simply pointing out a situation. You have indicated he “mowed down” someone. Mowed down has implications of speed and fault. Neither has been proven. You say he should have been driving cautiously but there is no indication he wasn’t. He’s gonna get sued for sure? Sure...people get sued all the time for things they aren’t at fault.

Meanwhile a 65 year old man just accidentally backed over his wife and killed her. I’m pretty sure he was cautious. She feel after getting out of the car and he rolled over her head. Nice huh? If he was being MORE cautious maybe he would have seen her fall, or wait to see her again before moving, but he didn’t.

Seems like we had our own judge and jury problem starting in 2011 and I can tell you I have learned from that experience. I’ll wait to judge if I ever judge at all.
Seems like we had our own judge and jury problem starting in 2011 and I can tell you I have learned from that experience. I’ll wait to judge if I ever judge at all.

I agree with the premise of your post. If we use the basis of Jim Boeheim's own judiciary court then he is getting charged with manslaughter and reckless driving. I never ran over and killed someone. I am not Jim Boeheim.
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And once again you aren’t simply pointing out a situation. You have indicated he “mowed down” someone. Mowed down has implications of speed and fault. Neither has been proven. You say he should have been driving cautiously but there is no indication he wasn’t. He’s gonna get sued for sure? Sure...people get sued all the time for things they aren’t at fault.

Meanwhile a 65 year old man just accidentally backed over his wife and killed her. I’m pretty sure he was cautious. She feel after getting out of the car and he rolled over her head. Nice huh? If he was being MORE cautious maybe he would have seen her fall, or wait to see her again before moving, but he didn’t.

Seems like we had our own judge and jury problem starting in 2011 and I can tell you I have learned from that experience. I’ll wait to judge if I ever judge at all.
Everyone with half a brain knows that when you run over and kill a pedestrian, you are in serious trouble. Since you don't know this, I conclude that you have less than half of a brain.
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Everyone with half a brain knows that when you run over and kill a pedestrian, you are in serious trouble. Since you don't know this, I conclude that you have less than half of a brain.

Wow. Impressive. Get called out for implying things that are not a matter of fact and start insulting the person. Well done.

He certainly is in trouble.
I agree with the premise of your post. If we use the basis of Jim Boeheim's own judiciary court then he is getting charged with manslaughter and reckless driving. I never ran over and killed someone. I am not Jim Boeheim.
And those charges may well occur.
Most of us have driven down a dark road at night only to pass someone near the edge of the road in dark clothing. Sometimes they're even on a bike -- that could easily wobble onto the road -- with no forms of illumination. A step or two closer, they're dead, and we're left with having killed someone. There's often no way to see them until it would be too late -- no lights, no reflectors, not even much size to pick up a dark object on the periphery relative to background objects.

I could easily see how avoiding a car unexpectedly stopped in the middle of the road might bring one into the range of someone along the side of the road. Many people are just not very cognizant of safety issues.

It doesn't take much speed for a car to produce lethal injuries to a pedestrian or cyclist. All depends on the nature of the collision.

In a situation like this it really behooves the pedestrian to be extra cautious with respect to what oncoming vehicles might do on the highway. I'll assume that Boheim had his headlights turned on, but with a crashed vehicle, through no fault of his own, he might still have been passing too fast. That vehicle's lights might be off and reflectors disoriented. It might have been too late to recognize the accident.
You are pathetic....the situation about his comments...and most of America's back then have NOTHING to do with this situation. Someone died and this is where you are twisted