Is it me or is that a much darker navy color on the shorts and tops? Anyway, looking forward to seeing these women in action this fall!

#17 is all mine guys!
So back off or I'll sic PSUKNOCKER on you!!
The athleticism and skill is amazing. PSU fans are really lucky because when you go to a volleyball match you are probably seeing future national team members and international stars.
WVB without question is my second favorite psu sport. These girls are so incredibly talented. A real pleasure to watch
Anyway, looking forward to seeing these women in action this fall!
What is the teams early prognosis? Seem like a very sophomore dominated team in talent as well as numbers. Besides Courtney and Whitney, all sophomores will play the bulk of minutes. If so, they may be on another run if they can find a good setter. Micha won't be replaced over night. Any prseason polls out?
What is the teams early prognosis? Seem like a very sophomore dominated team in talent as well as numbers. Besides Courtney and Whitney, all sophomores will play the bulk of minutes. If so, they may be on another run if they can find a good setter. Micha won't be replaced over night. Any prseason polls out?
Most likely PSU will be in the top spot to start the season. As the defending National Champions and with all of the talent they have the pollsters will likely give them the preseason nod. They have a home match against Stanford and USC which will go a long ways toward determining who is No. 1. Stanford has most of their players returning, but Inky may not be ready to play in the match or, possibly, for the rest of the season. Out of all the top teams, Stanford may be given the top spot over PSU.
Unless there as been a scheduling change, we are not playing USC in the regular season. Stanford and Colorado are coming in to Rec Hall to play us and Illinois.
I would think PSU will be preseason #1, especially now that one of the Stanford stars is injured.
They play Stanford early and that will give some indication of how well they can compete with the elite.
PSU has the best array of attackers in the nation and I think there is little doubt in that statement.
Kendall Pierce, a senior, will also play a substantial amount of minutes and may be the libero.
Two big questions to answer is who will serve and how well will we serve receive and pass?
I would think the Pierce sisters are the libero and the primary DS in the back row. They were good last year backing up last year's starters and provided great depth. The question this year is how well can they and the currently inexperienced DS subs serve receive and make the first pass to the setter.
Weiskirchner would appear to be the setter as she has been committed for over two years prior to arriving, and redshirted last year. As apposed to lots of setters who were something else in HS (Hancock was an OH; Carpenter was a DS), Weiskirchner has been a dedicated setter for several years. She is 6' and thus a little taller than most setters. She has a year of experience setting in practice and was Lee and Franti's setter on Club Fusion.
However, Coach Rose brought in Rivera for a reason. Maybe it was to simply have a back up setter who had been a setter. Also, Rivera is LH which is a small advantage when you attack on 2 and she is large enough at about 5' 10" to see the floor.
Finally, back to the attackers. Courtney, Franti, Whitney, Lee and Washington are experienced front court players. Add on Thielen, Reed, Gorrell and the Serbian girl and there is almost too much talent.
I think coach will spend the non conference schedule tinkering with several combinations to reduce 18 down to a core of 10-12 who will see most of the activity after the conference season commences as well as identify the setter, the substitute back row players and the front row rotation pattern assuming that Courtney and Franti are six rotation players.
I would see PSU, Wisky and Nebraska being the most likely conference champion with scheduling having some factor.
I see only Wisky, Nebraska, Texas, Stanford and maybe one of the ACC powers being able to beat PSU nationally.
Of course, winning 6 straight matches with no error margin is a tough gauntlet.
The pairings in the regionals will be huge as, with no upsets, some of the above will have to beat some of the others in a regional final or two to get to the Final 4. Others will be paired with an opponent with less talent.
If PSU gets to Final 4, I would think we would be very tough out based on experience alone.
Appreciate the thoughtful comments and insight! I would add that in addition to Hancock's excellent serve, we're also going to have to replace her leadership on the court, which was just as valuable.
Appreciate the thoughtful comments and insight! I would add that in addition to Hancock's excellent serve, we're also going to have to replace her leadership on the court, which was just as valuable.
Micha had her setting, her leadership, her serve and her ability to attack on 2 and almost always getting the point.
The leadership issue is a big one. Typically leaders are seniors.
However, I don't sense it is Whitney's makeup and maybe not Courtney.
Kendall Pierce may want a leadership role, but will have to earn it. I thought D'Errico was a leader in her days as the libero.
Fortunately, coach has some time to work it out.
Majority of dudes saying hi to our team=Is it me or is that a much darker navy color on the shorts and tops? Anyway, looking forward to seeing these women in action this fall!