OT: Hitchcock's "The birds".

And while we're at it, Lampoons Vacation, The park shuts down for two weeks in the middle of summer vacation? Do they think we are idiots? He didn't get out of the cockadutty car!
Really? They weigh lick two ounces each. Just grab a tennis racket and swat them into the twilight zone.
funny. seriously, I guess its the volume or birds. Honestly, having grown up on a farm, I don't understand why people are afraid of dogs. One good kick and the fight is over. Dogs attack when you cower. If you attack, they run. People always try to defend against animals when the proper tactic is to attack. This is what dogs do too. My Bichon will make like she is a pitbull when there is a dog or threatening person nearby. But will run like hell when not protected or on the leash. She is a small dog so protects herself by trying to intimidate.
