OT: I hadn't realized Taylor Swift was so HOT. I'll admit I don't


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2002
listen to the radio often or her music, but I recently saw one her videos and she is smoking. Plus she is from Pennsylvania....same town as Chad Henne.
Do I really need to tell you what is wrong with your post?
Actually she's from the same town as Nolan McCready not Chad Henne. Henne uses a Wyo zip code but is a Wilson boy. Just sayin.
If you were a Michigan player and you pulled this stunt

Even Dave Witvoet would throw the flag!!!

He might even say you "were lucky to even be playing"
The foul is so flagrant, the penalty must be SEVERE!!!

When you fail to post a photo, and you leave it to others, this is what you get....


or, this...........


This post was edited on 4/7 11:16 PM by fairgambit
Re: The foul is so flagrant, the penalty must be SEVERE!!!

Man oh man, Gambit. Those pictures are awful. The second with, complete with beard, is almost criminal. LOL...
glad to see some of you were enforcing the rules while I was on vaca ...

I posted a few times while away, but now I'm back.

Pride, there are so many flags on the field from your post it's hard to tell if the field is green or yellow. The refs may have to conference, as it's questionable whether a 15-yard personal foul penalty will be sufficient for your transgression.

Originally posted by PennsylvaniaPride:
listen to the radio often or her music, but I recently saw one her videos and she is smoking. Plus she is from Pennsylvania....same town as Chad Henne.
Like Lord Voldemort - you're not supposed to say that out loud.

Dammit - I'm taking my daughters to see Taylor Swift in June when she comes back to her "home town" of Philadelphia. I may be THINKING those things, but I'm not allowed to say it out loud!!

I do have to admit, in terms of famous Wyomissing women, I'll take her over Kate Gosselin anyday. Kate is "rubber knecking" attractive - in the same way that you just can't resist looking at a train wreck.
Re: The foul is so flagrant, the penalty must be SEVERE!!!

fair; thanks for posting these un-retouched photos, especially the one with the chest hair. It is important for young girls to know that they don't have to have the perfect bodies as depicted in all the photo shopped model shots that are so common. And kudos to Ms Swift for being so brave to release these.