OT Jim Harbaugh


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Sep 29, 2008
Mt Dora FL
The more I learn, the more I like him.
Mary, he is a known cheater through at least two different schemes that we are aware of. Just because he claims to be a Christian on a spiritual mission, that does not make him a good man. He is a fraud. How many supposed Christians end up being liars, cheaters, and just awful human beings. The UM and Harbaugh spin machines are so effective they flipped the national media last month and now some of our own are falling for this propaganda. It is unbelievable to me.
Wasn't he doing an 'in-home' revival when he slept over at a recruit's house who was scheduled to leave the next day for a weekend recruiting visit to Penn State?
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The more I learn, the more I like him.
This is like singing the praises of Joel Osteen or at the extreme, catholic priests know. Good people can do bad things and bad people can do good things. Which one do you think Harbaugh is? Is he a weirdo who sleeps over at the house of teenagers he doesn't know and cheats at football, who also happens to be a believer in God, or is he a good, but really awkward, God-fearing man, who felt pressure to win and succumbed to temptation?
Mary, he is a known cheater through at least two different schemes that we are aware of. Just because he claims to be a Christian on a spiritual mission, that does not make him a good man. He is a fraud. How many supposed Christians end up being liars, cheaters, and just awful human beings. The UM and Harbaugh spin machines are so effective they flipped the national media last month and now some of our own are falling for this propaganda. It is unbelievable to me.
LMAOROFL like he needs to cheat.
A lot of chicken spit here. Nothing is more petty than attacking a team that beats you like a drum
LMAOROFL like he needs to cheat.
A lot of chicken spit here. Nothing is more petty than attacking a team that beats you like a drum
Honest question…if he was Muslim and was working to make sure his players understood the benefits of accepting his religion, would you still be looking up to him, and/or defending any of the stuff he did at Michigan that had/will have the NCAA investigating?
Honest question…if he was Muslim and was working to make sure his players understood the benefits of accepting his religion, would you still be looking up to him, and/or defending any of the stuff he did at Michigan that had/will have the NCAA investigating?
Egg - zactly!
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He's a two-faced phony
I dislike Michigan, but respect Harbaugh for giving 1.5 million of his own money to the Michigan employees during covid. He got caught doing what everyone else does, who cares.
Cheat? All he needed to do was run the ball over and over. And that he did.
UM escapes the Bo coverups and Harbaugh cheating with no repercussions and a Natty. We were nearly buried by Sandusky. UM definitely has a better disaster response and pr department!
UM escapes the Bo coverups and Harbaugh cheating with no repercussions and a Natty. We were nearly buried by Sandusky. UM definitely has a better disaster response and pr department!
Don’t bother trying to compare PSUs disaster recovery and PR response to Sandusky to anything sane. A group of third graders working a class project of the same situation could have come up with a more intelligent approach.
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Honest question…if he was Muslim and was working to make sure his players understood the benefits of accepting his religion, would you still be looking up to him, and/or defending any of the stuff he did at Michigan that had/will have the NCAA investigating?
Don't hide behind chicken s*** questions just admit you hate Christians.
lol he didn’t need to cheat but he still did. Kind of Christian Mary idolizes
Actually he did need to cheat. It all started after the 3rd season and oddly the defense stats went from the 80th worst to the 10th best in one season. Then the cheating produces wins and then recruiting gets better.

Mary’s change is the same Lou Holtz phenomena. Cheat your way at every stop, leave schools on probation. Get hailed as a great motivator and command $50k for speaking engagements.
Honest question…if he was Muslim and was working to make sure his players understood the benefits of accepting his religion, would you still be looking up to him, and/or defending any of the stuff he did at Michigan that had/will have the NCAA investigating?

Be careful, you’re starting to get dangerously close to a truth that @Marylovesthelions doesn’t want to admit.
The guy is an absolute dirt bag. Their fortunes dramatically changed the year after covid. Which, oh by the way, is when they started cheating. And started killing it in the transfer portal.
The guy was sanctioned twice in the same year for two different violations. That's got to be close to a record. I'd guess, conservatively, that 75% of college coaches are of some Christian faith. One in particular, Harbaugh, just happens to be a scumbag.
The more I learn, the more I like him.
Old age dementia is a sad thing to witness. My sympathies on your condition.
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Don't hide behind chicken s*** questions just admit you hate Christians.
You do understand - or maybe you don't - that Harbaugh was suspended 2x in the same year for underhanded BS ? Not exactly a honest-standup guy. There's a reason he got "the hell out of Dodge" this time and wanted "immunity" if he signed another Michigan contract. He's no dummy and probably knows what's coming
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Cheat? All he needed to do was run the ball over and over. And that he did.
If you're talking about our game - running the ball against Penn State in the second half wasn't really all that successful until Franklin decided to go for it on his own 30, turning the ball over to Michigan on downs. Michigan predictably scored a TD on the next play, probably because the defense was still shocked at how dumb their head coach was.
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You do understand - or maybe you don't - that Harbaugh was suspended 2x in the same year for underhanded BS ? Not exactly a honest-standup guy. There's a reason he got "the hell out of Dodge" this time and wanted "immunity" if he signed another Michigan contract. He's no dummy and probably knows what's coming
And he only was able to build the foundation for the elite levels of success he had at the end by acting in such a manner. He wanted immunity because he was guilty as hell.
And he only was able to build the foundation for the elite levels of success he had at the end by acting in such a manner. He wanted immunity because he was guilty as hell.
Yep, agree, should be obvious and a no-brainer
My apologies. My answer is no because Islam is a satanic cult. I doubt if Harbaugh knew sign stealing was going on. It just is very inappropriate that so many criticize teams that are much better as though we had a chance in hell of beating them. They did not even have to throw one pass in the 2nd half.
I hate MI, but they did not have to cheat to beat us this year or last. Our Offense STUNK.
Also, UM does not make its players practice on Sunday. Thier kids can go to church if they want. Jim, Jack, and their father are strong Catholics.
I am very excited about the new coordinators. I expect a much improved offense in big games.
I stand by my opinion. Harbaugh is one of the good guys in coaching..
Coaches at that level manage everything. While minutely possible, I see no way he didn’t know it was going on. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but cheating the sport is something I can’t stand.
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My apologies. My answer is no because Islam is a satanic cult. I doubt if Harbaugh knew sign stealing was going on. It just is very inappropriate that so many criticize teams that are much better as though we had a chance in hell of beating them. They did not even have to throw one pass in the 2nd half.
I hate MI, but they did not have to cheat to beat us this year or last. Our Offense STUNK.
Also, UM does not make its players practice on Sunday. Thier kids can go to church if they want. Jim, Jack, and their father are strong Catholics.
I am very excited about the new coordinators. I expect a much improved offense in big games.
I stand by my opinion. Harbaugh is one of the good guys in coaching..
When did cheating get excused by Christianity? When did this become a religious conversation? The guy was suspended for violations twice in one season. Different reasons. Do you think he sat in his office each week wondering why his defense was so good at knowing what the other team was going to do? Do you understand that cheating leads to winning which leads to better recruiting?? That’s the whole promise of unfair advantage. Michigsn played this year with players they would not have had otherwise. If you can’t grasp that, check in on Jackie Sherrill, Hugh Freeze and Lou Holtz. Harbaugh pushed the envelope hoping no one would catch him. They did…and for some reason, people and media want to give him a pass. Lance, Barry and Marion Jones are asking for the same pass.
The more I learn, the more I like him.
Jim coached at a public university. His job was to be a football coach, not a spiritual leader. Even if I thought Jim was a great guy, and I don't, I think this seems problematic if he was pushing it. If the players on their own decided to do this then great.

Born Again Christians and Catholics, while they may share some beliefs such as being pro-life, are not really in the same camp, by the way. The Born Again Christians I know think Catholics, while claiming to be Christian, are going to hell for following a false religion. They see it as a Satanic Cult just as Mary sees Islam as a Satanic Cult. They may get along in public, but privately the Born Again Christians are praying for the Catholics.
My apologies. My answer is no because Islam is a satanic cult. I doubt if Harbaugh knew sign stealing was going on. It just is very inappropriate that so many criticize teams that are much better as though we had a chance in hell of beating them. They did not even have to throw one pass in the 2nd half.
I hate MI, but they did not have to cheat to beat us this year or last. Our Offense STUNK.
Also, UM does not make its players practice on Sunday. Thier kids can go to church if they want. Jim, Jack, and their father are strong Catholics.
I am very excited about the new coordinators. I expect a much improved offense in big games.
I stand by my opinion. Harbaugh is one of the good guys in coaching..
Their cult bad, your cult
My apologies. My answer is no because Islam is a satanic cult. I doubt if Harbaugh knew sign stealing was going on. It just is very inappropriate that so many criticize teams that are much better as though we had a chance in hell of beating them. They did not even have to throw one pass in the 2nd half.
I hate MI, but they did not have to cheat to beat us this year or last. Our Offense STUNK.
Also, UM does not make its players practice on Sunday. Thier kids can go to church if they want. Jim, Jack, and their father are strong Catholics.
I am very excited about the new coordinators. I expect a much improved offense in big games.
I stand by my opinion. Harbaugh is one of the good guys in coaching..
Islam is a Satanic cult what does that make Catholics? Millions dies in war sanctioned by the catholic church. Thousands of kids were sexually molested by clergy of the catholic church. The Church actively covered up and protected child molesters yet you call Islam a cult?
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LMAOROFL like he needs to cheat.
A lot of chicken spit here. Nothing is more petty than attacking a team that beats you like a drum
Chicken spit? Is that why the NCAA suspended him twice - yes, 2x - this past year? Sounds to me like he felt he needed to cheat
Islam is a Satanic cult what does that make Catholics? Millions dies in war sanctioned by the catholic church. Thousands of kids were sexually molested by clergy of the catholic church. The Church actively covered up and protected child molesters yet you call Islam a cult?
MosIems kill infidels every day of the year
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