OT: More JZ - latest column on today's events - including staged, fake victim info...


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
If Public Knew How Wrong These ‘Joe Paterno Knew’ Headlines Are There Would Be Riots
by John Ziegler | 3:50 pm, July 12th, 2016

Back in May when stories first surfaced about Joe Paterno supposedly being told about, and ignoring, horrendous allegations against Jerry Sandusky all the way back in the 1970s, I wrote for LawNewz that those headlines were outrageous on every level. Today, as the news media once again picks through the carcass of completely absurd and unsubstantiated claims against a dead man, which were rewarded with huge financial settlements with no scrutiny, I am surer than ever that I was right.

And anyone who cares about the truth and media ethics should be enraged about what is happening today.

To review, once Penn State fired Joe Paterno, a star prosecution witness against Sandusky, before any of the actual facts of this case (including even the year of the primary episode) were known, Penn State University made it clear, way before there was ever a trial, that they would be paying out up to $100 million dollars to Sandusky’s accusers.

As a result, 32 accusers have been paid an average of $3 million each for their stories of abuse. This was done without any sort of trial, investigation, or even cross-examination. If the accuser had been part of Sandusky’s Second Mile charity, was under 30 years old (the statute of limitations in Pennsylvania for such claims), and the accusation involved Penn State in any way, they were paid with almost literally no questions asked. The agreements with the claimants (see below) make it very clear that Penn State was not verifying the accuracy of their accusations and Penn State’s president has recently, against his self-interest, admitted that the university did not adequately vet these accusations.

As part of the process for Penn State to get reimbursed for these massive settlements by their insurance company, a judge very briefly mentioned some of the accusations indicate that Penn State either knew, or could have known, about the Sandusky allegations all the way back in the 1970s. This is all it took for the news media to prematurely take a molehill of “evidence” and turn it a mountain of damning headlines against the late Joe Paterno, all for easy ratings and to substantiate their prior rush to judgement, which likely facilitated his death.

The media, sensing the chance to replenish their poisonous feast, petitioned to have these settlement documents unsealed (which were never intended to be made public, thus the reason for the settlements in the first place). That request was granted, however the identities of the accusers have been redacted, which of course makes it very difficult to evaluate their credibility (if you don’t even know who the person is making the claim, how do you even know if they were living in the area at the time of the allegation?).

Today those documents are the source of numerous very declarative headlines, from allegedly reputable news sources, that Joe Paterno, as well as some of his assistants, “knew” about Sandusky and chose to do nothing about it in the name of protecting their football program. At the center of these stories is the allegation that in 1976, after being abused at a Penn State football camp, the accuser told Paterno about it and the Hall of Fame coach with a sterling reputation told him to go away.

This accusation (where Sandusky abuses a kid at a camp he doesn’t even run and then Paterno not only keeps him on staff but helps him start a major kid’s charity the very next year?!) is simply not remotely plausible in any way and is far from proven.

You know who agrees with me? That very accuser’s own lawyer, Michael Boni!

Back in May, Boni (who was not yet known as the 1976 accuser’s attorney because it was not clear then that the documents would be unsealed) said:

“The headlines of these stories is Paterno knew of Sandusky’s molestation in the ’70s, ’76 or ’77. I’m unaware of direct, irrefutable evidence that that’s the case. Believe me, I’m the last person to defend the guy, but I am the first person to believe in our justice system. And I think you need more than anecdotal evidence or speculative evidence.”

Those are the words of the accuser’s own attorney! And yet not one media outlet has even bothered to mention this remarkable statement or abide by his rather obvious implicit admonition that there at least be some caution in reporting anonymous allegations about a dead man from 40 years ago when millions of dollars are being paid out for story.

Paterno isn’t the only dead man being implicated unfairly in this fiasco. One accuser’s story involved former Penn State strength coach Kevin O’Dea witnessing abuse in 1988. Not only is O’Dea now conveniently no longer with us, but he didn’t even come to Penn State until at least 1990. In 1988 he was at the University of Virginia. And yet the news media will almost certainly ignore this factoid which should instead make them question this entire nonsensical narrative.

No other former Penn State assistant has remotely substantiated the claims they were supposedly involved in and I am told very credibly that current UCLA assistant Tom Bradley will be strongly denying the allegations alleged to have involved him.

What is most outrageous about how the media is once again gleefully and blindly rushing to a judgment which fits their agenda is that there is a very simple and obvious explanation for what REALLY happened here.

There is a very good reason for why these settlements have produced allegations against Penn State employees which suddenly stop at the end of the 1980s. It is just basic math.

As I previously stated, the statute of limitations for suing for allegations of child sex abuse in Pennsylvania is 30 years old. The accepted “limit” for being a Sandusky accuser (thanks to the trial accusations) is 15 years old. This means that anyone who came forward after Paterno’s firing to make a claim against Penn State realistically had to have been abused before the mid-90s. Otherwise, they and their lawyer had a big problem.

This was not a challenge which could not be overcome, however. If you had a claim which gave Penn State an extra incentive to make your story go away, they were willing to pay those allegations outside of the statute of limitations. For instance, Matt Sandusky, Jerry’s adopted son, was one of those who, despite not having a legally legitimate claim, was paid because of his “celebrity” status and ability to get huge media coverage for his story.

For accusers without that option, they needed a Penn State “hook” for them to be eligible for the money. And for the really old accusers (who claim they were abused before Sandusky’s charity started in 1977 and therefore had “two strikes” against them in the settlement process) there was no more powerful weapon than to claim that you told Joe Paterno. This is why to the two oldest (and after an even cursory examination, least credible) claims which were paid, directly involve him.

In short, these stories may be fairytales specifically crafted to get free money, which they got.

I am sure that many people are very skeptical that what I am saying here is anything more than a theory I have to try to discredit what appears, to the untrained eye, to be a tsunami of evidence that I am wrong about this case. I can assure you that this is not remotely the truth.

For the first time publicly, I can reveal that my knowledge of the bogus Penn State settlement process is both extensive and definitive. There is a man who has gone through the settlement process as a purposely fake accuser because he did not believe that the Sandusky allegations were true or that Penn State’s settlement process was remotely credible. He wanted to prove that was the case. During that process it became clear that anything he said would be both believed and manipulated into conforming to what Penn State needed to pay out a claim under the “rules” which I have outlined here.

This is all on tape and with documentation. Hopefully, someday this story can be fully revealed so as to prove what an outrageous farce this entire situation has become.

I have seen a ton of “Media Malpractice” in my career, but there is nothing I have endured which compares to what we are witnessing today with the further destruction of a revered dead man with horrendous allegations which are not only not remotely proven, they simply are not true.

Victim Settlement Agreement by Mediaite on Scribd

John Ziegler is a nationally-syndicated radio talk show host and documentary filmmaker. You can follow him on Twitter at @ZigManFreud.
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I was going to say...I'm pretty sure O'Dea is still alive. However, I don't know where he's getting that Boni is John Doe 150's lawyer.
For the first time publicly, I can reveal that my knowledge of the bogus Penn State settlement process is both extensive and definitive. There is a man who has gone through the settlement process as a purposely fake accuser because he did not believe that the Sandusky allegations were true or that Penn State’s settlement process was remotely credible. He wanted to prove that was the case. During that process it became clear that anything he said would be both believed and manipulated into conforming to what Penn State needed to pay out a claim under the “rules” which I have outlined here.

This is all on tape and with documentation. Hopefully, someday this story can be fully revealed so as to prove what an outrageous farce this entire situation has become.
Well that is some $hit right there.
Not a fan of how he delivers some messages, but maybe that's the only way. Problem is people focus on his demeanor and immediately dismiss the context of his message.

The guys effort has been unreal for having no connection to PSU.

Most people have him labeled as an attention seeking lunatic but the truth is he has more info on this than 99.7% of the people on this board.
Well that is some $hit right there.
Agree, if true. Only part that troubles me is JZ saying "hopefully, someday, this story can be fully revealed." Hopefully? WTF. Why go through this if the guy's not going to reveal it? Someday? I don't know about you guys, but I've had it with all of this someday stuff. How about today or tomorrow? This waiting around crap to reveal information has become very, very, very ,very old. Time for everyone to come forth with what they know. Enough of all of these lame excuses.
Wait, how do we know John Doe A is the plant? And is John Doe A the one who said he talked to Joe via conference call and Joe threatened to go to the police? (I can almost not type that without laughing.)
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For the first time publicly, I can reveal that my knowledge of the bogus Penn State settlement process is both extensive and definitive. There is a man who has gone through the settlement process as a purposely fake accuser because he did not believe that the Sandusky allegations were true or that Penn State’s settlement process was remotely credible. He wanted to prove that was the case. During that process it became clear that anything he said would be both believed and manipulated into conforming to what Penn State needed to pay out a claim under the “rules” which I have outlined here.
Interesting. For this tactic to be considered successful, success being confirmation that PSU did not properly vet claims before paying a settlement, then this plant would have needed to receive a settlement. If so, that would mean that at best this plant committed some fraudulent activity in doing so. At worst they may have committed perjury, if they were deposed and continued with the falsehood.

While I can understand the intentions, such an approach comes with massive risks as well which could easily be used to discredit the entire approach.
The 1971 claimant didn't give a deposition, correct?
I don't know if all did, but even in the absence of a deposition I'd imagine there is sort of relevant criminality to lying in order to obtain a settlement even if it didn't happen under oath and even if it was premeditated in order to "test" the process.
If Public Knew How Wrong These ‘Joe Paterno Knew’ Headlines Are There Would Be Riots
by John Ziegler | 3:50 pm, July 12th, 2016

Back in May when stories first surfaced about Joe Paterno supposedly being told about, and ignoring, horrendous allegations against Jerry Sandusky all the way back in the 1970s, I wrote for LawNewz that those headlines were outrageous on every level. Today, as the news media once again picks through the carcass of completely absurd and unsubstantiated claims against a dead man, which were rewarded with huge financial settlements with no scrutiny, I am surer than ever that I was right.

And anyone who cares about the truth and media ethics should be enraged about what is happening today.

To review, once Penn State fired Joe Paterno, a star prosecution witness against Sandusky, before any of the actual facts of this case (including even the year of the primary episode) were known, Penn State University made it clear, way before there was ever a trial, that they would be paying out up to $100 million dollars to Sandusky’s accusers.

As a result, 32 accusers have been paid an average of $3 million each for their stories of abuse. This was done without any sort of trial, investigation, or even cross-examination. If the accuser had been part of Sandusky’s Second Mile charity, was under 30 years old (the statute of limitations in Pennsylvania for such claims), and the accusation involved Penn State in any way, they were paid with almost literally no questions asked. The agreements with the claimants (see below) make it very clear that Penn State was not verifying the accuracy of their accusations and Penn State’s president has recently, against his self-interest, admitted that the university did not adequately vet these accusations.

As part of the process for Penn State to get reimbursed for these massive settlements by their insurance company, a judge very briefly mentioned some of the accusations indicate that Penn State either knew, or could have known, about the Sandusky allegations all the way back in the 1970s. This is all it took for the news media to prematurely take a molehill of “evidence” and turn it a mountain of damning headlines against the late Joe Paterno, all for easy ratings and to substantiate their prior rush to judgement, which likely facilitated his death.

The media, sensing the chance to replenish their poisonous feast, petitioned to have these settlement documents unsealed (which were never intended to be made public, thus the reason for the settlements in the first place). That request was granted, however the identities of the accusers have been redacted, which of course makes it very difficult to evaluate their credibility (if you don’t even know who the person is making the claim, how do you even know if they were living in the area at the time of the allegation?).

Today those documents are the source of numerous very declarative headlines, from allegedly reputable news sources, that Joe Paterno, as well as some of his assistants, “knew” about Sandusky and chose to do nothing about it in the name of protecting their football program. At the center of these stories is the allegation that in 1976, after being abused at a Penn State football camp, the accuser told Paterno about it and the Hall of Fame coach with a sterling reputation told him to go away.

This accusation (where Sandusky abuses a kid at a camp he doesn’t even run and then Paterno not only keeps him on staff but helps him start a major kid’s charity the very next year?!) is simply not remotely plausible in any way and is far from proven.

You know who agrees with me? That very accuser’s own lawyer, Michael Boni!

Back in May, Boni (who was not yet known as the 1976 accuser’s attorney because it was not clear then that the documents would be unsealed) said:

“The headlines of these stories is Paterno knew of Sandusky’s molestation in the ’70s, ’76 or ’77. I’m unaware of direct, irrefutable evidence that that’s the case. Believe me, I’m the last person to defend the guy, but I am the first person to believe in our justice system. And I think you need more than anecdotal evidence or speculative evidence.”

Those are the words of the accuser’s own attorney! And yet not one media outlet has even bothered to mention this remarkable statement or abide by his rather obvious implicit admonition that there at least be some caution in reporting anonymous allegations about a dead man from 40 years ago when millions of dollars are being paid out for story.

Paterno isn’t the only dead man being implicated unfairly in this fiasco. One accuser’s story involved former Penn State strength coach Kevin O’Dea witnessing abuse in 1988. Not only is O’Dea now conveniently no longer with us, but he didn’t even come to Penn State until at least 1990. In 1988 he was at the University of Virginia. And yet the news media will almost certainly ignore this factoid which should instead make them question this entire nonsensical narrative.

No other former Penn State assistant has remotely substantiated the claims they were supposedly involved in and I am told very credibly that current UCLA assistant Tom Bradley will be strongly denying the allegations alleged to have involved him.

What is most outrageous about how the media is once again gleefully and blindly rushing to a judgment which fits their agenda is that there is a very simple and obvious explanation for what REALLY happened here.

There is a very good reason for why these settlements have produced allegations against Penn State employees which suddenly stop at the end of the 1980s. It is just basic math.

As I previously stated, the statute of limitations for suing for allegations of child sex abuse in Pennsylvania is 30 years old. The accepted “limit” for being a Sandusky accuser (thanks to the trial accusations) is 15 years old. This means that anyone who came forward after Paterno’s firing to make a claim against Penn State realistically had to have been abused before the mid-90s. Otherwise, they and their lawyer had a big problem.

This was not a challenge which could not be overcome, however. If you had a claim which gave Penn State an extra incentive to make your story go away, they were willing to pay those allegations outside of the statute of limitations. For instance, Matt Sandusky, Jerry’s adopted son, was one of those who, despite not having a legally legitimate claim, was paid because of his “celebrity” status and ability to get huge media coverage for his story.

For accusers without that option, they needed a Penn State “hook” for them to be eligible for the money. And for the really old accusers (who claim they were abused before Sandusky’s charity started in 1977 and therefore had “two strikes” against them in the settlement process) there was no more powerful weapon than to claim that you told Joe Paterno. This is why to the two oldest (and after an even cursory examination, least credible) claims which were paid, directly involve him.

In short, these stories may be fairytales specifically crafted to get free money, which they got.

I am sure that many people are very skeptical that what I am saying here is anything more than a theory I have to try to discredit what appears, to the untrained eye, to be a tsunami of evidence that I am wrong about this case. I can assure you that this is not remotely the truth.

For the first time publicly, I can reveal that my knowledge of the bogus Penn State settlement process is both extensive and definitive. There is a man who has gone through the settlement process as a purposely fake accuser because he did not believe that the Sandusky allegations were true or that Penn State’s settlement process was remotely credible. He wanted to prove that was the case. During that process it became clear that anything he said would be both believed and manipulated into conforming to what Penn State needed to pay out a claim under the “rules” which I have outlined here.

This is all on tape and with documentation. Hopefully, someday this story can be fully revealed so as to prove what an outrageous farce this entire situation has become.

I have seen a ton of “Media Malpractice” in my career, but there is nothing I have endured which compares to what we are witnessing today with the further destruction of a revered dead man with horrendous allegations which are not only not remotely proven, they simply are not true.

Victim Settlement Agreement by Mediaite on Scribd

John Ziegler is a nationally-syndicated radio talk show host and documentary filmmaker. You can follow him on Twitter at @ZigManFreud.

Given that Mr. Zigler says he has definitive documented evidence proving that the most Senior PSU "Executive Committee" Trustees purposely and willfully violated their Legal Fiduciary Obligations to The University AND has documented proof of these same Senior EC of the BOT Trustees attempts to commit insurance fraud, how can the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General ignore these claims of FRAUDULENT ACTIVITIES and BLATANT VIOLATIONS OF FIDUCIARY OBLIGATIONS including the intentional misuse and misappropriation of funds at an NPO Institution owned by the Public Trust of Pennsylvania directly under the Pennsylvania AG's purview and authority???

The PA OAG has to make a statement and INVESTIGATE these rather serious claims and allegations, no???
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Agree, if true. Only part that troubles me is JZ saying "hopefully, someday, this story can be fully revealed." Hopefully? WTF. Why go through this if the guy's not going to reveal it? Someday? I don't know about you guys, but I've had it with all of this someday stuff. How about today or tomorrow? This waiting around crap to reveal information has become very, very, very ,very old. Time for everyone to come forth with what they know. Enough of all of these lame excuses.

You don't do something like that unless you are going to expose it. File this under I'll believe it when I see it.
I don't know if all did, but even in the absence of a deposition I'd imagine there is sort of relevant criminality to lying in order to obtain a settlement even if it didn't happen under oath and even if it was premeditated in order to "test" the process.
I would say that if it was done with the knowledge of law enforcement and/or oversight agencies and any monies collected were put into escrow accounts they would be good to go. This type of investigation could have two prongs that I can think of:
Suborning perjury by a member of the bar
Breach of fiduciary responsibility

There may be more that I can't think of
I don't know if all did, but even in the absence of a deposition I'd imagine there is sort of relevant criminality to lying in order to obtain a settlement even if it didn't happen under oath and even if it was premeditated in order to "test" the process.

There is also "criminality" in PSU's most SENIOR Trustees on the all-powerful Executive Committee of the BOT blatantly violating their Fiduciary Obligations as well as misusing and misappropriating PSU assets and resources, especially given the fact that PSU's Trustees are under the DIRECT purview and authority of the OAG as a Pennsylvania NPO, let alone a Pennsylvania NPO FOUNDED by the State (literally founded by State Law and an Act of the Legislature) and originally FUNDED by PA's share of the "Land Grants" in the Federal Morrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 (and primarily funded as to infrastructure and "real property" by the State to the tune of billions upon billions of $$$s to this day!!!).
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I would say that if it was done with the knowledge of law enforcement and/or oversight agencies and any monies collected were put into escrow accounts they would be good to go. This type of investigation could have two prongs that I can think of:
Suborning perjury by a member of the bar
Breach of fiduciary responsibility

There may be more that I can't think of
I think I know who it is, and if I'm correct, your method would make a lot of sense for a few obvious reasons. The guy is also smarter than the PSU BOT and the PA OAG all put together.
There is also "criminality" in PSU's most SENIOR Trustees on the all-powerful Executive Committee of the BOT blatantly violating their Fiduciary Obligations as well as misusing and misappropriating PSU assets and resources, especially given the fact that PSU's Trustees are under the DIRECT purview and authority of the OAG as a Pennsylvania NPO, let alone a Pennsylvania NPO FOUNDED by the State (literally founded by State Law and an Act of the Legislature) and originally FUNDED by PA's share of the "Land Grants" in the Federal Merrill Land-Grant Act of 1862 (and primarily funded as to infrastructure and "real property" by the State to the tune of billions upon billions of $$$s to this day!!!).
If they were this cavalier with all this money, who knows....they could have intentionally paid a "victim" w/ an attorney that was close to a very powerful board member. I'm trying to think of what is worse than turning your back on someone like JVP and a place like Penn State. Then I think about doing it for profit. For graft. That is so much worse, words cannot describe it.
If he actually has this info then why not expose it? What would be things that would hold him back from doing so?
I don't think it's up to him at this point. Just like his conversations w/ Costas, Spanier and others have to stay secret for now. A promise is a promise.
Given that Mr. Zigler says he has definitive documented evidence proving that the most Senior PSU "Executive Committee" Trustees purposely and willfully violated their Legal Fiduciary Obligations to The University AND has documented proof of these same Senior EC of the BOT Trustees attempts to commit insurance fraud, how can the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General's Office ignore these claims of FRAUDULENT ACTIVITIES and BLATANT VIOLATIONS OF FIDUCIARY OBLIGATIONS including the intentional misuse and misappropriation of funds at an NPO Institution owned by the Public Trust of Pennsylvania directly under the Pennsylvania AG's purview and authority???

The PA OAG has to make a statement and INVESTIGATE these rather serious claims and allegations, no???

Is there documentation of close ties between Mr. Lubert and attorney Kline? I wonder if Mr. Lubrano and the alumni trustees might consider it a breach of their fiduciary responsibilities if a real investigation was not opened into this matter. A public request to Gov Wolf might be how they could phrase it. (Maybe even Dept of Justice if the state is too flawed to handle it) Perhaps Mr. Lubert and those responsible for any payments could be placed on "desk duty" until resolution of this matter.
I don't think it's up to him at this point. Just like his conversations w/ Costas, Spanier and others have to stay secret for now. A promise is a promise.
I'm going to admit I'm not a fan of JZ. I know you are and I respect that. Let me ask this question tho. Is there any way that JZ is embellishing this as a way to keep attention on what he is doing? He would then have an out and say his source will not ever allow it to be exposed? Honest question not flaming.
I'm going to admit I'm not a fan of JZ. I know you are and I respect that. Let me ask this question tho. Is there any way that JZ is embellishing this as a way to keep attention on what he is doing? He would then have an out and say his source will not ever allow it to be exposed? Honest question not flaming.

IMO he's on the record and either it comes out or JZ was a fraud all along IMO. You don't throw that out there unless you have it and there is no backing out of it.
I'm going to admit I'm not a fan of JZ. I know you are and I respect that. Let me ask this question tho. Is there any way that JZ is embellishing this as a way to keep attention on what he is doing? He would then have an out and say his source will not ever allow it to be exposed? Honest question not flaming.
I think he was going to get plenty of attention today regardless. For me to believe something like you are suggesting, I would need to have previously witnessed a pattern of him being untruthful or misleading. I haven't seen any of that from him at all. I've seen plenty of it from Penn State, but not JZ.
I would say that if it was done with the knowledge of law enforcement and/or oversight agencies and any monies collected were put into escrow accounts they would be good to go. This type of investigation could have two prongs that I can think of:
Suborning perjury by a member of the bar
Breach of fiduciary responsibility

There may be more that I can't think of
Agreed, but my assumption is that law enforcement would be hesitant to approve such an approach, especially if coordinated by JZ and not by law enforcement themselves. Of course I could be wrong, but there are many possible holes to JZ's claims and until it goes public his statements really add no value.
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Agreed, but my assumption is that law enforcement would be hesitant to approve such an approach, especially if coordinated by JZ and not by law enforcement themselves. Of course I could be wrong, but there are many possible holes to JZ's claims and until it goes public his statements really add no value.
JZ had nothing to do with orchestrating this. I don't know where you got that impression.
If he actually has this info then why not expose it? What would be things that would hold him back from doing so?

Only thing would be a legal reason. Who I said I'll believe it when I see it. If it is a legal reason why in the hell would that person, legal team, or law enforcement agency speak to him about it? Time will tell and kudos to anyone that pulled it off as it would be a major FU to the OG BoT and those that made it rain without properly looking into every victims claim.
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How many of Ziegler's "bombshells" have actually made an impact publicly? If this is true, where's the tape?
Probably on his hard drive or a DVD. Where else would it be? The actual owner of the information will bring it public when the time is right - given his circumstances. I wouldn't think JZ has much say in when that would be.
Mt, if you could, explain why you think you know who it is. Thanks.
I'll say this...when I say "smart guy", I'm not talking about the "victim", rather maybe someone that's sort of helping him. As to who it actually is, just some common sense, looking at the timing of the victims coming forward, the comparison of absurdity of some of the claims, some recent travel, and a minor league baseball game.
Wait - so perhaps Sara Ganim got punk'd?

Please MAKE IT SO!
Wendy, it looks like the Settlement Agreement JZ has belongs to John Doe A who filed suit(02968) in 2011 vs. TSM, JS and PSU and is NOT the planted victim. Hopefully, JZ will soon clarify more details of the fake victim.
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Wendy, it looks like the Settlement Agreement JZ has belongs to John Doe A who filed suit(02968) in 2011 vs. TSM, JS and PSU. Hopefully, JZ will soon clarify more details of the plant.
Not sure how you deduced that. You may be mixing his comments on other victims and statements. 2011 wouldn't really make much sense, would it? It took more than a month for us to see what was going on. Chances are this "victim" isn't any different.
If they were this cavalier with all this money, who knows....they could have intentionally paid a "victim" w/ an attorney that was close to a very powerful board member. I'm trying to think of what is worse than turning your back on someone like JVP and a place like Penn State. Then I think about doing it for profit. For graft. That is so much worse, words cannot describe it.

This has the stench of Philadelphia about it.

And it's not coming from the subway grates on Broad St.