OT: Need new PC/Laptop Advice (I want both Windows/Apple Geek opinions)


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2001
It is time to retire our Dell Laptop and get a new one that will serve mostly for kids academics, everyone's email, camera and itunes organizer, and general family stuff. Please no platform bashing each other. I respect everyone's opinions. Kids are in Elementary school and already have their ipads for all that stuff. This is more for paper writing, keyboarding, online tutorials, etc.
Apple the way to go!! they just work!! I have a Mac, & Macbook pro

and love both machines. Knock on wood, but I have never ever had issues with mal ware, virsus', etc etc. It will work with Itunes great, safari is a great browser you are good to go!!!
I' man Apple guy but won't bash on Windows. Apple can/will run Windows if the drive is partitioned - need to talk to an Apple Genius on that.
I like the solid dependability of Apple as well as it's intuitive (at least to those who use them) operating system. Also, great customer support.
Before you make up your mind I'd suggest you go to an Apple Store and talk to them.
I'm a Mac guy (Graphic Desinger/Photographer) both my work and home computers are Mac's.
I have a 17" Macbook Pro at home with the Retina display and really like it.
Its super fast and the display is very nice.
Apple has changed its Photo application. It used to be IPhoto (which was pretty good) they have since gotten rid of
Apature (which was very good) and updated IPhoto to just Photos. Honestly most people I've talked to are not real happy with it but maybe they aren't used to it yet.
For my pics I use Lightroom, Photoshop and NX2 for post processing and it runs those programs great.
I would think since your kids have iPads and iTunes it would be easier to move all those files to your new laptop if its a Mac.
The Apple Genius Bar is a big help if you have problems and Apple's customer service is really pretty good.
We have both in our household and I am a long-time Windows platform person, but I'd say that if you're asking this question you are not a geek and you will probably find the Mac more trouble-free than Windows.
The big issue comes down to what are you going to use the computer for. If it is for only email, internet, writing documents etc. it doesn't really matter. If you are going to run specialized software then it makes your decision easy. For example, I run a lot of software that either runs on windows or linux. There is a TON of software in the category. So for me Apple is out is out the question just on that alone(and I'm not going to run virtual machines or anything like that).
Some advantages of Macs based on experience
-Integration across all Apple devices (iphone, ipad, mac) is pretty seamless and getting better all the time. So for example, sharing photos across multiple devices is pretty easy within the Apple ecosystem. One of the newer features is the ability to pick up where you left off in your iPhone on your Mac. So if you're on a surfing the web on your phone and want to get a better look on a bigger screen, you can simply open an icon on your Mac and pick up where you left off on your phone by clicking an icon (again, this might or might not come in handy for you).

-Apple's customer support, if needed, is generally pretty well regarded (at least compared to PC makers)

-Macs are super easy to set up to support dual booting OS X and Windows. If you have a need for Windows, you have the option to install it on your Mac, which may or may not be important to you.

-The hardware and software are well integrated which in theory optimizes the user experience. The downside is that if you have a desire down the line to upgrade your Mac by adding more memory or something, it's much harder (or impossible) on a Mac, whereas a PC is generally much easier in this regard.

-PCs almost always come loaded with a bunch of garbage software including generally terrible anti-virus software that can be frustrating out of the box. Macs on the other hand come with software that you're generally going to be happy to use (iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, etc.) and nothing that'll make you spend an hour "taking out the garbage".

The downside of Macs is the cost. You can generally save yourself a decent amount of $$ by choosing a PC with similar specs.
We have both in our home

My daughter, who is an artist, has a Macbook Pro. I have an iPad.

We also have IBM desktops and laptops. I am so used to the Windows platform, starting out with DOS, that I have had a hard time adjusting to the way apple products work and find them very frustrating at times. I DO NOT find them so user friendly or super easy to use, but perhaps that is because I am so used to the way Windows works and how Windows is organized.

Interestingly, the first PC I ever used (for doing research) was an Apple IIC back in the early '80's.
Mac is better, but more expensive. You do get what you pay for. If, on an extremely rare occasion you need to run a PC specific program ( ie. Certain games) you can partition the HD. That section becomes a REAL PC ( danger virus alert). You will however have to purchase the Windows OS to use the partition. In short, you can have your Mac "startup" in PC Mode. It will look and run as a PC . Not an emulation.
All that being said, if you had a good experience with your Dell, why change?
As for me I ONLY use Mac, and I have purchased more computers PC and Mac that just about anyone you will meet. I ran a Technology division for a major corporation, buying and supporting thousands of computers every year.
Apple's OS is based on unix so by it's very nature it's better. Window's OS is based on a whole bunch of bad ideas.

As for the hardware, they are both intel based machines. It's the same hardware however you are going to pay a LOT more for the same hardware on a Mac.

It appears to me that what you want it for is pretty simple stuff so you might want to just go Windows and save the money which can be significant. You are going to pay a lot more for the apple logo.

Repairs on the Mac will cost you a lot more too so you probably want to buy Apple Care. Thank God we did that for both my kids machines. It saved us thousands.

Bottom line, if money is a factor go with the Windows box. You will get more power for your $. Of course with windows comes all the issues associated with it. Blue screens of death, virus software, etc. However I must say that Windows 7 seems pretty stable.

If I were in your shoes I'd just buy an inexpensive Windows laptop. You can get one pretty cheap these days and if you look for a refurbished one you can get one for practically nothing.

We have been away for 6 months so I picked up a refurbished Samsung Tablet PC with an i5 and a 128GB SSD for $359. I also bought a $25 wireless keyboard/mouse to use with it (typing on it now). It's worked out great. I can use it as a tablet or hook up the keyboard and it feels just like a desktop.

Good Luck.
If cost is not a big concern, I would go with a Mac. Good software and easy to use iCloud to sync other Apple devices.

There certainly are inexpensive Windows laptops out there that would meet basic PC needs.

I would suggest that you stop by an Apple Store and see how you like the Mac. Staff there are usually friendly and knowledgeable.
Great stuff everyone thanks!

You are supporting my thoughts that I have shared with the family. I will let you know how it turns out.
If you have MacBook Pro money (which basically means money is no object lol), take a hard look at the Dell XPS 13 for a Windows machine.
Really great screen (see link)

XPS 13 Review