OT: Nice story about a deaf girl in Massachusetts with terrific neighbors.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2003
Levittown, PA to Olney, MD

The girl was born deaf and the neighbors started taking lessons in American Sign Language. Very cool.

Just as a PSA, in regards to kids born deaf with hearing parents it's absolutely in their best interests that they be exposed to ASL as soon as possible. Even if it's the intention to give the child a Cochlear Implant, deaf kids, like any other kid, really need to get exposed to a language from the beginning and ASL is the way to do it. I've been teaching deaf kids for 36 years and it's my experience that the kids with the best English skills are either those who are late-deafened (as I was; I was in kindergarten) or those with deaf parents, who would sign to them from the get-go.

And, anyhow, nothing's cooler than signing ASL with a little kid.

The girl was born deaf and the neighbors started taking lessons in American Sign Language. Very cool.

Just as a PSA, in regards to kids born deaf with hearing parents it's absolutely in their best interests that they be exposed to ASL as soon as possible. Even if it's the intention to give the child a Cochlear Implant, deaf kids, like any other kid, really need to get exposed to a language from the beginning and ASL is the way to do it. I've been teaching deaf kids for 36 years and it's my experience that the kids with the best English skills are either those who are late-deafened (as I was; I was in kindergarten) or those with deaf parents, who would sign to them from the get-go.

And, anyhow, nothing's cooler than signing ASL with a little kid.
How do you say “get off my lawn” in ASL?

Haha, just kidding. Nice story.
Jim...that was an incredible story about some very great neighbors. I found it impossible to continue to watch it without tears in my eyes.
That girl's lucky.

I've been lucky too. I have stories of people who really went the extra mile to help me out, stories that would blow your mind.
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