There was a running gag on King of Queens where his wife in real life Anna Meara played Spence's mom would need a date or whatever and he would always turn her down. Once he pretended to date her so he could trick her into testing his meds.
The opposite of Charlie and The Waitress on It's Always Sunny.
probably my favorite character actor of all time. Whenever he showed up, he stole the show. I can't recall a scene with him on Seinfeld of KoQ where he didn't dominate the screen.
Funny story about him ( to me anyways)... was up at my parents house on Nantucket over Thanksgiving. My kids wanted a certain food late at night and it was rainy and miserable outside. I walk down to the grocery store in town and walking in the aisle and no one is in the store. Suddenly I hear a familiar voice saying "Excuse me can you help me?" I recognize the voice but can't put a face to it. I turn around it's Jerry Stiller. He is so short he can't reach the top items in the aisle and asks me if I can reach something for him. I do and go on our way and suddenly I hear him ask again. So I help again and we strike up a conversation and end up doing grocery shopping together with me grabbing all the top shelf items he needs. He says he got in early and was put in charge of doing the Thanksgiving day shopping and Ben et al are coming in the next day. Super nice guy and we had a blast for about 45 minutes shopping the store by ourselves on a late rainy cold night on Nantucket.