The local lives near the Makaha surf break, and like most locals is closely attuned to weather conditions which affect the surf. It is not like he is nobody bystander unfamiliar with weather events.I mean if irrational fear is your thing, then sure. You should trust your local friend.
Not the numbers.
I am not dealing with irrational fear, but rather with the odds. If, for instance you are continually taking 1 in 1000 chances of serios accidents or death, it will eventually catch up with you. On my end, I am not that interested in the trip (sure it would be good, but really doesn't light my fire). For something more important or enjoyable for me, the calculus would be much different. Will talk to my children and see how important it is to them -- if real important, it will change my calculus.
Will add that if children go, I will obviously go -- won't expose them to a risk that I won't take.
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