OT, SIAP: Pentagon releases “UFO” videos.

I'm open to being shocked that aliens might be out there, but I doubt it. I'm not saying that life in some form doesn't exist on any other planet, but I highly doubt that they visited here.

To travel at light speed, based on all that we know about physics, and all that we know about technology, is impossible for anything with mass. Think of the distances involved and the amount of "earth time" it would take for any being to get anywhere in the cosmos.

For us to explore another solar system with planets that are habitable by life as we know it, a mission of many light-years would be required. Only, we can't travel at light speed, so we would have to create some multi-generational expedition with a craft that can go at maybe 10% of light speed -- we still can't do that -- and the original crew would have to create children, train them in engineering and medicine, somehow create food and water a few million miles away from earth, and then die off. And maybe the next generation would have to do the same thing, at which point the technology they're flying in is 100 years old, and maybe the earth has destroyed itself in a nuclear war.

You think there's an alien society out there that can do all of this?
Have you ever noticed, the aliens are always smarter than us, but a lot uglier.

And always our size relatively speaking. Why couldn’t they be the size of mice? Or even smaller.

I’m of the mind that we cannot possibly be alone in the universe (it’s too big and too old) but that it’s highly unlikely that we’ve been visited by intelligent aliens (things are just too damn far apart).

I post this without comment.

They would have to be far superior to us intellectually to make it here. And I can’t imagine flying in the alien equivalent of a fighter jet or bomber light years away. Even at the speed of light, it would take too long. Or they need to be able to show up without us noticing. But then why let us see them once they are here? But then again, see my first sentence in this paragraph.
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To travel at light speed, based on all that we know about physics, and all that we know about technology, is impossible for anything with mass. Think of the distances involved and the amount of "earth time" it would take for any being to get anywhere in the cosmos.

Right. Earth time. And lifespans on earth make it seem crazy. But what if another life form out there has a bazillion earth year lifespan and a few earth years seem like minutes to them? All relative.
Have you ever noticed, the aliens are always smarter than us, but a lot uglier.

So we got the looks, they got the brains? That’s pretty scary. ;)

Ever notice all these UFO videos are like every picture ever seen of Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster- small, blurry, nothing really identifiable.

We have satellites in orbit that can read the license plate of a car but we can’t get a halfway decent pic of reported UFOs allegedly zipping right by them in and out of the atmosphere and being tracked by fighter jets.

My friend posted this meme on Facebook.

What if this is all just a plot by the aliens to fatten us up before killing us?
That's pretty funny. Reminds me of the South Park episode where "Earth" was simply a reality TV show created by the aliens so the universe could watch the craziness that ensues with all of the different human conflicts.
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Maybe the billions of us here on earth are each similar to one of the billions of blood cells flushing through some larger body and our collective years are but like a few seconds in the larger scope of things?

Maybe we’re all similar to a speck of sand and together the human population as we know it all
adds up to a tiny beach in an earth-sized world?

Maybe this social isolation is getting to me more than I thought it was.....
Right. Earth time. And lifespans on earth make it seem crazy. But what if another life form out there has a bazillion earth year lifespan and a few earth years seem like minutes to them? All relative.

I suppose if a superior life form were able to solve aging so they could almost live forever, maybe then they could expand about the universe. The time it would take to travel between stars would not matter. That is just about the only possible way aliens could visit other civilization.
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In less than 120 years we have gone from the Wright brothers to where we are today. Where will we be in a thousand years, 10 thousand, a million years. It's a very old universe. Not to mention how technological progress accelerates with each passing year.

It seems pretty egotistical to believe that what we know about the limits of physics today will limit us in a distant future.
I'm open to being shocked that aliens might be out there, but I doubt it. I'm not saying that life in some form doesn't exist on any other planet, but I highly doubt that they visited here.

To travel at light speed, based on all that we know about physics, and all that we know about technology, is impossible for anything with mass. Think of the distances involved and the amount of "earth time" it would take for any being to get anywhere in the cosmos.

For us to explore another solar system with planets that are habitable by life as we know it, a mission of many light-years would be required. Only, we can't travel at light speed, so we would have to create some multi-generational expedition with a craft that can go at maybe 10% of light speed -- we still can't do that -- and the original crew would have to create children, train them in engineering and medicine, somehow create food and water a few million miles away from earth, and then die off. And maybe the next generation would have to do the same thing, at which point the technology they're flying in is 100 years old, and maybe the earth has destroyed itself in a nuclear war.

You think there's an alien society out there that can do all of this?
If we sent people off on a multi-generational voyage taking hundreds of years there is a very good chance that there will be humans waiting to greet them at their destination when they get there.
If we sent people off on a multi-generational voyage taking hundreds of years there is a very good chance that there will be humans waiting to greet them at their destination when they get there.
Humans? No way. Something else? Perhaps.

Evolution is too location-specific.

I suppose I’m splitting hairs here.
Maybe they were already here. I think when the ice melts in Antarctica we will know more. Theres a lot out there we don’t know and when most people don’t care it’s easy to keep that way. For whatever reason. I don’t subscribe to conspiracy theories but it’s a very interesting topic that merits closer examination to say the least.
Humans? No way. Something else? Perhaps.

Evolution is too location-specific.

I suppose I’m splitting hairs here.
Guess I should have been clearer. The humans would be from earth. During the hundreds of years mission the earthlings on earth will figure out how to get there much faster and will be waiting to greet the ship.
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In less than 120 years we have gone from the Wright brothers to where we are today. Where will we be in a thousand years, 10 thousand, a million years. It's a very old universe. Not to mention how technological progress accelerates with each passing year.

It seems pretty egotistical to believe that what we know about the limits of physics today will limit us in a distant future.
Except for whatever extinction event lies ahead?...which is why I believe intelligent life advanced enough to move about the universe is extinguished by extinction events before they can get advanced enough. Mother Nature is still in charge.
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