OT: There should be a law against high headlights.


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2014
If you want to have a vehicle that sits really high, fine, go for it. But there should be a rule against the headlights being so high that they shine directly into the eyes of drivers of regular sized cars. It amazes me that there are so many safety rules and regulations involving vehicles and yet these ridiculous, annoying, dangerous headlights are permitted.

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If you want to have a vehicle that sits really high, fine, go for it. But there should be a rule against the headlights being so high that they shine directly into the eyes of drivers of regular sized cars. It amazes me that there are so many safety rules and regulations involving vehicles and yet these ridiculous, annoying, dangerous headlights are permitted.

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They are intentionally trying to blind you to keep you from noticing their lack of manhood. The higher, the lift the shorter the “stick“
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If you want to have a vehicle that sits really high, fine, go for it. But there should be a rule against the headlights being so high that they shine directly into the eyes of drivers of regular sized cars. It amazes me that there are so many safety rules and regulations involving vehicles and yet these ridiculous, annoying, dangerous headlights are permitted.

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Great pet peeve Op2
If you want to have a vehicle that sits really high, fine, go for it. But there should be a rule against the headlights being so high that they shine directly into the eyes of drivers of regular sized cars. It amazes me that there are so many safety rules and regulations involving vehicles and yet these ridiculous, annoying, dangerous headlights are permitted.

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I own a very nice utilitarian 4x4 pickup truck and ........the best car I have owned : a Prius. The little peepee trucks love to hang 2 feet off the bumper of the Prius , my truck not so much . Tells one something .
If you want to have a vehicle that sits really high, fine, go for it. But there should be a rule against the headlights being so high that they shine directly into the eyes of drivers of regular sized cars. It amazes me that there are so many safety rules and regulations involving vehicles and yet these ridiculous, annoying, dangerous headlights are permitted.

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Anyone who modifies an automobile to be higher or lower should be automatically exterminated, as should be anyone who buys a motorcycle. Combine that with anyone who buys a firearm and, boom ... 90% of the world's problems are gone.
Anyone who modifies an automobile to be higher or lower should be automatically exterminated, as should be anyone who buys a motorcycle. Combine that with anyone who buys a firearm and, boom ... 90% of the world's problems are gone.
Not exactly a great example of tollerance. I think you'd have a better outcome of you got rid of all of the people who had a gun illegally.
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It is a plague in Texas. I like to take my son on evening drives out in the Hill Country here and it’s at least 1 in 3 vehicles passing me where I have to avert my eyes

And many aren’t lifted - these are factory installed on run of the mill pickups and SUVs down here
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The night driving glasses with yellow tinted lenses significantly cut down on glare. I might look like a nerd wearing them but they work. You can see much better in a rain storm as well.
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If you want to have a vehicle that sits really high, fine, go for it. But there should be a rule against the headlights being so high that they shine directly into the eyes of drivers of regular sized cars. It amazes me that there are so many safety rules and regulations involving vehicles and yet these ridiculous, annoying, dangerous headlights are permitted.

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They have tools to aim and adjust headlights
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I am forever blinded by high headlights...
If you want to have a vehicle that sits really high, fine, go for it. But there should be a rule against the headlights being so high that they shine directly into the eyes of drivers of regular sized cars. It amazes me that there are so many safety rules and regulations involving vehicles and yet these ridiculous, annoying, dangerous headlights are permitted.

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In most states there are laws that headlights be properly adjusted. Even supposed to be checked during inspections. But few enforce it.

People putting on larger rims and tires. Having some heavy stuff in back lowers rear and raises sim of lights.

Another issue is fog lights, especially aftermarket lights. These are often set up wrong.
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I bought a lightly used Toyota Highlander about 2 years ago from a dealership. On my first drive at night, I got a few oncoming drivers that flashed their headlights at me. It turned out that my headlights were set too high, so I adjusted them downward a couple of notches and the problem was solved. It doesn't take much for a car's headlights to be a nuisance and a danger to oncoming drivers.
Aftermarket lights are a pet peeve of mine too and yes, there are laws that prohibit a lot of what has become the norm on the street. If my memory is correct, in Pennsylvania headlights cannot be mounted over a certain height from the surface of the road. You cannot have more than four forward facing headlights. If you do, the extra ones need to be covered (example, those mounted on a rooftop lightbar intended for off-road use). Forward facing lights also need to be a certain distance apart from each other. Aftermarket LED bulbs cannot be used in the primary headlights but are allowed for use in driving/fog lights. Emergency colors (blue and red) are not allowed for forward facing lights. I'm sure there are a lot more regulations but these are some I recall.
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People driving behind you with high beams on🤬

Some idiot did that to me on a winding highway last week so slowed down go 30 mph.

Knew a guy that said when he was young he attacked a deer spotlight to his rear bumper and would switch it on if someone was behind him with high beams on 😹
Knew a guy that said when he was young he attacked a deer spotlight to his rear bumper and would switch it on if someone was behind him with high beams on 😹
Needless to say, this would also be illegal. You can have auxiliary backup lights but they needs to be switched with the factory reverse lights. If you can switch it manually, it has to be covered during on-road use.
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I agree, some factory LED headlights are too bright, especially when the concentration of the beam's focus is in your eyes.
Agree. I notice, with the new lights, that there is a distinct line that it illuminates. In other words, it is brighter at the bottom than the top so as to not blind a driver coming from the other direction. But that doesn't work perfectly if it is a hilly road and the other driver's lights don't align perfectly across from them.