OT US Open

Anyone watching this tonight? Last match started at 10:30 and could be a long one. Seems a bit late to start doesnt it?

I watched Venus's match last night and while I love the atmosphere of night matches, starting a match after 8-9pm (especially a men's match that could run three hours or more) is just bad for most of the viewing audience during the week. If I could go in person and didn't have to get up early the next day, I would love it. Not sure what the fix is; play men's matches first?
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Start a little earlier? last match ended at 2 AM and was close to going to 5 sets could've been 3 AM not much crowd left by then anyway. Depends who is playing. I remember Connors last run and seats would have been full but for more unknowns it really thinned out . Just seems crazy starting a possible 3-4 hr match at 10:30 for crowd and players