OT: Verizon FIOS drops The Weather Channel, adds new AccuWeather Network


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Interesting seeing The Weather Channel get the boot.

Iirc, TWC was one of the early cable channels that got widely adopted by many cable/satellite systems.

From an announcement out today...
Verizon's agreements to carry The Weather Channel and Weather Scan have expired, and have not been renewed. In today's environment, customers are increasingly accessing weather information not only from their TV but from a variety of online sources and apps.

Verizon is therefore pleased to launch the new AccuWeather Network, which will be available on FiOS® TV on channel 119/619 (HD) and on our free FiOS Mobile App starting March 10, 2015.

Verizon will also provide the FiOS TV WeatherBug "widget" application, which features hyper-local weather, on FiOS TV channel 49. WeatherBug can also be launched by pressing the "widget" button on the FiOS TV remote.


Your Verizon Team

This post was edited on 3/10 5:10 PM by T J
I look forward to this change. TWC programming is losing appeal.

Just to get away from the idiotic naming of winter storms makes it all worthwhile for me.
TWC has become quite a joke... not much a weather channel any longer.

and I've grown tired of every weather event requiring a name.
Their ratings are suffering -- the web makes them obsolete

Why sit and watch 9 minutes of commercials every half hour just to get your forecast?

The problem is weather information is a commodity. You can call up WC, Weather Underground (owned by the Weather Channel), and Accuweather online and get everything you need in minutes -- no need to sit through commercials.

The naming of winter storms is really annoying to me, but the reason they do it is they're trying to differentiate themselves from the other services, and some people like the names.

Weather Channel still commands fairly high payments from the cable companies -- I think they make you pay over $1 a month for it, which is really a lot considering they stream so many commercials at you.
I feel you Boyer, but I can't reach you.

Here's what you are overlooking. The entertainment value of live reporting by TWC. Whenever the wind blows everyone wants to see Jim Cantore hanging horizontally from a palm tree in 100 mph winds. Everyone wants to see that fine piece Stephanie Abrams hanging it out there for all to see. You're not going to get such a live feed without sponsors paying for it.

The naming of storms irritates me as well. In fact, naming hurricanes after men is a travesty. Everyone knows the reason for naming hurricanes after women is like women, hurricanes are tempestuous. They are unpredictable. But the kill joys and PC folks came along and neutered it. It's just another example of the wussification of Amerika. Pretty soon boys will be wearing skirts. This country has gotten so f_cked up it's like biting into a soup sandwich.

This post was edited on 3/10 3:30 PM by Cosmos
Re: I feel you Boyer, but I can't reach you.

Yeah, weather porn :) Get a look at those huge snowdrifts!

Watching Atlanta try to drive on ice last year was pretty entertaining.

But really any more you can watch that stuff (absent the pretty news readers) on the web. And then you don't have to listen to Winter Storm Remus, let alone Thor and Uli.
Bingo. I can get weather info in 10 seconds from my phone

I have no idea how any weather channels will get viewers.
It's Amazing Out There

we want more weatherbabes in hot outfits, less commercials, less named storms and no more fruits like Sam Champion
Directv briefly dropped TWC a year or so ago after a dispute. Replaced TWC with Weather Nation. We've since gotten TWC back, but I never really missed them. I actually prefer weather nation.
I like the weather channel when they are doing the weather. The problem is, they are more interested in selling their own programming (most of which has nothing to do with the weather). I like weathernation except that I always seem to turn to that station when the west coast forecasts are being made. I do like the Weathernation app on my sony tv though.
Stephanie Olmo of Accuweather is freakin hot. I dont know how often shes on it. Not enough.
Originally posted by tgar:

early reviews are that the new channel sucks.
So, in comparison with The Weather Channel... it's a wash?


The way the Verizon announcement read, this may be the startup of the new Network.

Perhaps they will continue to improve their service over time.

No, not to me. I enjoy the weather channel. I like their regular coverage and their in depth coverage of storms.

Abrams and Roker are excellent along with Cantore and some of the other folks reporting during storms. The nerdy science storm experts are also solid.

Let's see what Accuweather comes up with to compete, I don't really care, currently I get WC and hope it stays that way.

Smells to me like the various carriers are trying to find ways to operate cheaper as many in this next generation care little about their programming.

Every month it seems like Dish ( I live in the sticks ) drops a package of channels while negotiating. Ultimately it comes back, apparently with Fios ( and I am not impressed with Fios ) they are possibly setting a trend of replacing expensive programming with less expensive, less comprehensive programming.

I love the Weather Channel.
Direct TV did the same thing a year or so ago. There was a lot of pressure to bring the Weather Channel back, and they did bring them back eventually. Weather Nation TV replaced the Weather Channel, Now Direct TV has both.
This post was edited on 3/11 8:24 AM by SR108

Not true about DirecTV/TWC

There was not a lot of backlash about bringing the channel back.

TWC wanted an increase in the amount DTV paid them per subscriber, and DTV wanted a decrease due to the fact that there was a dramatic drop in actual weather programming.

The agreement to bring TWC back on DTV included no increase in the per subscriber rate, and also mandated that TWC also carry x hours of weather-related programming, and less reality shows.
I guess it depends on your perspective..

I remember a lot of complaints at the time.

I hate the naming of storms but also hate that Verizon is all about the money in your wallet, disappearing and showing up in their account. If they are not inching up your rates or depending on you not noticing bogus charges on your bill, then they are removing more expensive programming and telling you it is for your own good.
Pretty much the same with any of these cable/satellite/internet TV providers. There really is no difference/competition. was a PR campaign orchestrated by TWC

It was akin to PSU fans sending letters about Ken Frazier to Merck--a blip on the radar screen that just doesn't matter.

TWC orchestrated and paid for a PR campaign to get back on DirecTV. In the end, yeah, they got back on.......under the terms DTV set forth to begin with with even more concessions.
Originally posted by tgar:
No, not to me. I enjoy the weather channel. I like their regular coverage and their in depth coverage of storms.

Abrams and Roker are excellent along with Cantore and some of the other folks reporting during storms. The nerdy science storm experts are also solid.

Let's see what Accuweather comes up with to compete, I don't really care, currently I get WC and hope it stays that way.

Smells to me like the various carriers are trying to find ways to operate cheaper as many in this next generation care little about their programming.

Every month it seems like Dish ( I live in the sticks ) drops a package of channels while negotiating. Ultimately it comes back, apparently with Fios ( and I am not impressed with Fios ) they are possibly setting a trend of replacing expensive programming with less expensive, less comprehensive programming.

I love the Weather Channel.
Thanks for your comments tgar. Appreciate your insights. Guessing you're on to something - that the Weather Channel isn't carrying its weight anymore with viewers, relative to the price they are demanding.

I've used website access and mobile apps for local info for some time and haven't missed the TV broadcasts.

However, if there is a big story, then I appreciate the more in-depth coverage, as you mentioned. You can get deeper coverage via the web in many cases.

As a side issue... TWC really screwed its brand image with lots of customers when it lost its way and went the pseudo-science, emotional hysteria route on global warming, as a political propaganda outlet. Rational people want to make decisions based upon science and real world data, not political, science fiction hype. They apparently tried to recover from their market share losses, by dropping their GW pseudo-science, hysteria approach. Not sure if they ever fully recovered. Having a big system like Verizon drop them won't help their bottom line.