There is a lot going on here but I read up on this stuff when Dylan sold his catalog a year or so ago. Apparently, a lot of these decisions have to do with estate planning and protection of the music for the future. They seem to think it's better to deal with it now than let some heir deal with it.
But this leads to the bigger problem, "wealthy" people, not rich people (huge difference), want to buy and control any entities that have value or future value....all of them baseball cards, music catalogs, real estate, classic cars, you name it. They have so much of the overall money they can easily do it. We are in a time when 1% of people own 45% of the stock market and 10% of people own 80% of the stock market. These folks don't have enough to do with their money, so they are loading up on anything and everything that has perceived value or may provide passive income. They know Dylan's songs are timeless and not only is it cool to own them but every streaming service, movie that wants to use a song, commercial will lead to continued rights paydays in perpetuity.
I have news for a lot of you, letting people control and make ungodly sums of money doing nothing is NOT capitalism. It's actually anti-capitalism because they buy out the competition which helps to regulate supply and costs. Passive income and compounding interest is not capitalism. But those folks will go to any measure to make sure you think it is. I can assure you, it is not. You think Charles Koch's new yacht is cool and he earned it the old fashion way? Actually, its a giant middle finger to YOU! You think Tucker "Fishsticks Heir" Carlson is fighting for you.....Hahahaha, then your intellect is nearly non-existent.
I saw another post about predicting a recession......You think the 500 people who control the stock market are going to let that happen ever again? Comical. It's their money, they can't play off the retail investors of yesteryear because all the skin in the game is theirs now. Why would they destroy their own capital? Barring a complete monetary policy collapse or a World War III, there won't be any recession's in the future, the money is to condensed in the hands of too few.