OT - Willis Reed passed away

The "Willis Reed Game"

My 1st favorite NBA team as a young boy were those knickerbocker teams.

I used to go up into my attic with my transistor radio and listen to Knick games broadcast on AM in the evenings.

It took extra work to be a fan back in the day.

RIP to one of my personal all-time favorites.
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Showed up in game 7 in 1970, barely able to walk, and inspired his teammates to their 1st NBA championship. Role model for today's athletes?
RIP Captain.
What a warrior!

Hope it wasn't the "vaccine" that killed him.
The article doesn't give a cause of death. Cause unknown suggests it could have been due to the vaccine. I genuinely hope that's not the case.
He was in poor health for some time and couldnt even walk without help. He was 80 years old too. Can't you have some respect and give your agenda a rest.
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He was in poor health for some time and couldnt even walk without help. He was 80 years old too. Can't you have some respect and give your agenda a rest.
Not that I believe you, but the jabs don't really care how old you are.

There will be plenty of time to rest when the right people are held accountable for the greatest crime against humanity in history.