OT: Wrestling Championships Session 2

Re: 133 Gulibon wins 8-4

ESPN3 allows you to select the mat you want to watch and has a live scoreboard for all the matches.
285 Lawson tied 0-0 after first


This post was edited on 3/19 8:53 PM by JonZ
No more PSU wrestlers tonight/ PSU in second right now

Re: No more PSU wrestlers tonight/ PSU in second right now

PSU Wrestlers are showing how comfortable they are on the big stage and wrestling above their previous levels shown this year. Looking good!
IA HWT Telford gets fall, PSU 4th. tOSU, IA, OK ST & PSU

Looks like that's the team order going into Saturday

This post was edited on 3/19 11:04 PM by T J