OT: WWII aircraft armada flew over my house shortly after noon.

Went up to the roof of our office building and watched the first 20 or so come into town - very cool. Really got to understand how slow the bombers moved vs the fighters. Sitting ducks. God bless the greatest generation.
Various vintage aircraft formations did a DC flyover about noon to mark 70th anniversary of VE Day. On their way back to temporary quarters at Virginia airfields they flew over my home in Springfield. That was pretty cool!
What a day of joy that must have been!



Book recommendation: Helluva Town, Richard Goldstein.

NYC during the War Years. So much there that I never learned in school. Only people who lived through it I guess would have that knowledge. Book gets bogged down with a lot of entertainment stuff that didn't interest me but the historical stuff about what went on in the Big Apple before, during, and after the war was pretty compelling. The little we were taught in school about WW2 never goes into detail about what went on in the big east coast cities, and how exposed they were. Addresses a lot of the societal issues as well, many of which are no different than today. Overall a good read and if you're into Broadway that stuff is a bonus for you.