Our next opponent, Bowling Green returned the opening kickoff 100 yards for a TD

Is this your way of warning us that we have to endure a week of you telling us how we might lose, just like West Virginia?
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Is this your way of warning us that we have to endure a week of you telling us how we might lose, just like West Virginia?
I'm already prepared for hearing how they're better than we expected and it won't essy...especially if we don't win by 50
There was a block in the back by the return team at the 14:58 mark at the 22 yard line. Clearly visible on X. Just sayin.
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I love that fact that the lead blocker hustled downfield. I hate when lead blockers are slow. They need to get on their horse and engage downfield. Otherwise they are just slowing their own runners down.
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Is this your way of warning us that we have to endure a week of you telling us how we might lose, just like West Virginia?
Bowling Green is a middle-of-the-pack MAC school. If Penn State struggles with them, it is going to be a long season. WVU is a far stronger opponent, especially there.
Great. More for the Chicken Littles to fret about.😀
There was a block in the back by the return team at the 14:58 mark at the 22 yard line. Clearly visible on X. Just sayin.
And he was clearly in position to make a tackle.
WVU is not a good team. Winning by less than 2 touchdowns is practically an embarassment, on the road or not.
It's amazing people have so little faith in us. Some of its on McAfee but it's like these people didn't watch WVU a lot last year.