PA porn scandal makes A Section story in Sunday Wash Post

Now you guys did it. Every PL and Liar troll will be over there. Including that Jeffrey Sim or Zim troll that put the same crap in 4 different papers, yet lived in 4 different cites on the same day.
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It did basically exonerate him of slow walking the case for political reasons. And by the way, I personally disagree completely with that conclusion.
I agree. It was milquetoast in its critique. It was a huge disappointment. It did highlight the fact that Fina and company should have seized Sandusky's computers and searched his home for evidence much sooner. But that's about the only scathing criticism I could find in the very long document.
Out of curiosity, I have had the occasion to ask a bunch of Pa. residents (mostly not PSU affiliated) about these various scandals while at parties, etc. over the last few weeks. I am pretty surprised at how minimally aware to completely unaware most people are about any of this.

I am also surprised that the national media has not picked up more on this story, given the attractive AG, state supreme court justice involvement, Sandusky connection, the salacious nature of the emails, etc. Usually the media whores are all over this sort of thing.
I agree. It was milquetoast in its critique. It was a huge disappointment. It did highlight the fact that Fina and company should have seized Sandusky's computers and searched his home for evidence much sooner. But that's about the only scathing criticism I could find in the very long document.

Agree. Huge disappointment. I have never been able to shake the sense that it was watered down for some reason.
I agree. It was milquetoast in its critique. It was a huge disappointment. It did highlight the fact that Fina and company should have seized Sandusky's computers and searched his home for evidence much sooner. But that's about the only scathing criticism I could find in the very long document.

No porn was found on Jerry's computer. However, even if he switched out drives, the dates on what they would've found would tell the tale. Corbutt was not exonerated by any means.
It did basically exonerate him of slow walking the case for political reasons. And by the way, I personally disagree completely with that conclusion.

no it didn't. Moulton said there were inexplicable delays, and Kane intimated that other victims were abused while Corbett slow walked the investigation, but they merely said they didn't find any evidence that it was slow walked for political purposes.

However, it was left open as to WHY the investigation was handled with Neolithic incompetence . . .
no it didn't. Moulton said there were inexplicable delays, and Kane intimated that other victims were abused while Corbett slow walked the investigation, but they merely said they didn't find any evidence that it was slow walked for political purposes.

However, it was left open as to WHY the investigation was handled with Neolithic incompetence . . .
We have learned that the media is infantile and must be spoon-fed all of the sound bytes. This report does not exonerate Corbett's crew. However, it implicitly did because it was not worded in a manner similar to Freeh's press release or Kelly's embellished presentment. So, by not sensationalizing things, it exonerated them in the media.
We have learned that the media is infantile and must be spoon-fed all of the sound bytes. This report does not exonerate Corbett's crew. However, it implicitly did because it was not worded in a manner similar to Freeh's press release or Kelly's embellished presentment. So, by not sensationalizing things, it exonerated them in the media.

lol valid point. it "exonerated" them to dimwits and epsilon minus semi morons. like I have said about Kane, her biggest failing seems to be her unwillingness to embellish charges against others.
The thing sets of all kinds of bells and whistles. She's a freelance writer with Phila background: "Natalie is also busy with commercial writing projects and counts two Fortune 500 companies among her clients. She has also written for non-profit organizations." Previously worked for the Inky and Daily News.

Has appeared on "Nancy Grace."

IOW, her main gigs are as a hired gun.

The author fails to note that the charges against Kane were brought by a county grand jury. How many people are going to read this and wrongly assume that it is Federal prosecutors and a Federal Grand Jury that is/are after Kane? Readers outside Pennsylvania, like many readers inside Pennsylvania, will have no idea that this whole thing is a county-level scheme.

No doubt she received money for this article. But from who? Silly to believe it is coming only from the papers who are publishing the thing. And, what is her "agent" getting for this effort? (IOW,I think that somebody marketed this flimsy thing for her. Somebody with an interest in the narrative. Somebody who consults for major news usual suspect.)
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It did basically exonerate him of slow walking the case for political reasons. And by the way, I personally disagree completely with that conclusion.
The report said the investigators could not find a written trail indicating Corbutt slowed things down. Much different than exonerating him. If he never wrote anything, you can't find it. Does not mean he put it on the back burner until the election was over. Big difference.
The report said the investigators could not find a written trail indicating Corbutt slowed things down. Much different than exonerating him. If he never wrote anything, you can't find it. Does not mean he put it on the back burner until the election was over. Big difference.

sort of like how the Freeh Report exonerated the PSU admins, hunh?? :p
As an explanation for slow-rolling it while attorney general, the article states: "Kane implied that Corbett slowed the investigation so as not to lose the votes of thousands of Penn State alumni."
As an explanation for slow-rolling it while attorney general, the article states: "Kane implied that Corbett slowed the investigation so as not to lose the votes of thousands of Penn State alumni."

She implied that during her campaign (and I still believe it to be true). The Moulton Report never came close to that conclusion.
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The thing sets of all kinds of bells and whistles. She's a freelance writer with Phila background: "Natalie is also busy with commercial writing projects and counts two Fortune 500 companies among her clients. She has also written for non-profit organizations." Previously worked for the Inky and Daily News.

Has appeared on "Nancy Grace."

IOW, her main gigs are as a hired gun.

The author fails to note that the charges against Kane were brought by a county grand jury. How many people are going to read this and wrongly assume that it is Federal prosecutors and a Federal Grand Jury that is/are after Kane? Readers outside Pennsylvania, like many readers inside Pennsylvania, will have no idea that this whole thing is a county-level scheme.

No doubt she received money for this article. But from who? Silly to believe it is coming only from the papers who are publishing the thing. And, what is her "agent" getting for this effort? (IOW,I think that somebody marketed this flimsy thing for her. Somebody with an interest in the narrative. Somebody who consults for major news usual suspect.)

The whole world is out to get poor Kath.:eek:
The thing sets of all kinds of bells and whistles. She's a freelance writer with Phila background: "Natalie is also busy with commercial writing projects and counts two Fortune 500 companies among her clients. She has also written for non-profit organizations." Previously worked for the Inky and Daily News.

Has appeared on "Nancy Grace."

IOW, her main gigs are as a hired gun.

The author fails to note that the charges against Kane were brought by a county grand jury. How many people are going to read this and wrongly assume that it is Federal prosecutors and a Federal Grand Jury that is/are after Kane? Readers outside Pennsylvania, like many readers inside Pennsylvania, will have no idea that this whole thing is a county-level scheme.

No doubt she received money for this article. But from who? Silly to believe it is coming only from the papers who are publishing the thing. And, what is her "agent" getting for this effort? (IOW,I think that somebody marketed this flimsy thing for her. Somebody with an interest in the narrative. Somebody who consults for major news usual suspect.)

Like clockwork, 10K Marblebrain comes to the defence of Katie the Crook. Some people can't conceive of the concept of telling the truth under oath.
It did basically exonerate him of slow walking the case for political reasons. And by the way, I personally disagree completely with that conclusion.
There were many
Out of curiosity, I have had the occasion to ask a bunch of Pa. residents (mostly not PSU affiliated) about these various scandals while at parties, etc. over the last few weeks. I am pretty surprised at how minimally aware to completely unaware most people are about any of this.

I am also surprised that the national media has not picked up more on this story, given the attractive AG, state supreme court justice involvement, Sandusky connection, the salacious nature of the emails, etc. Usually the media whores are all over this sort of thing.
It's incredible the lack of knowledge of most people with all that's been going on. Most don't even know the guy who headed the disciplinary board last year and ruled there was nothing to see with emails actually was a part of the judges re-election committee. You can't make this stuff up. How the heck this stuff isn't more publicized is beyond me. Although everyone knows that Kane is crooked and must go. Ugh.
no it didn't. Moulton said there were inexplicable delays, and Kane intimated that other victims were abused while Corbett slow walked the investigation, but they merely said they didn't find any evidence that it was slow walked for political purposes.

However, it was left open as to WHY the investigation was handled with Neolithic incompetence . . .
Because they did NOT have subpoena powers which was huge. I'm wondering if that will make any difference in this current investigation albeit they're not investigating the slow walk.