Paging jack@ss PurposePitch - the identical horse-collar just occurred in KC-Baltimore game. Guess what know-it-all, it was called a Personal Foul.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2019
Baltimore defender (#0) grabbed KC's #4 by back neck-opening on jersey to slow him down and then after he slowed him, let go of horse-collar grab and jumped on his back to tackle him (he did not bring him down with the horse-collar pull) - a Personal Foul Horse-Collar Penalty was still called know-it-all. Just keep making a fool of yourself and demonstrating how consistently wrong you are jack@ss. LMFAO
If they wanted to encourage returns, move the starting kick point further back to account for stronger legs.
The obvious solution but they can’t do that because they’re afraid of injury liability with the collisions that would result from running further.
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Baltimore defender (#0) grabbed KC's #4 by back neck-opening on jersey to slow him down and then after he slowed him, let go of horse-collar grab and jumped on his back to tackle him (he did not bring him down with the horse-collar pull) - a Personal Foul Horse-Collar Penalty was still called know-it-all. Just keep making a fool of yourself and demonstrating how consistently wrong you are jack@ss. LMFAO

1. Bah-hah!

You're so desperate for validation that I'm in your head while watching a completely different game?! Yikes.

2. I actually saw it live, and then on the one replay ... granted, I wasn't paying that much attention to it, but it looked to me like he pulled back AND down, and the runner's knees buckled before he let go and then tackled him. That's a different scenario. And the NFL rule actually explicitly addresses the knees buckling as being indicative of a horse-collar penalty if the runner is pulled downward (and mentions that the runner need not be pulled all the way down). So it appears to be the correct call. I don't have it DVR'd like I did the PSU game, but if I could see a replay, I'd reconsider my assessment of the Ravens/Chiefs call, if it's warranted.

3. Even though this call appears to be easily distinguishable from the PSU/WVU call ... in the hypothetical, even if it wasn't, it doesn't change the rule, nor the proper application of the rule. The PSU/WVU play was a clear no call. The refs got it right. Sometimes they don't get calls right. That doesn't mean the rule isn't the rule. There was a phantom horse-collar last year - I think it was Dolphins-Jets ... the defender grabbed at the back of the runner's jersey with one arm, but never actually grabbed hold of it as his arm came all the way down the back of said jersey. Never grabbed anything ... just whiffed (with that arm, the other arm actually got the guy down). They called a horse-collar tackle. The refs screwed up. Or do you think that means any time a player's arm brushes down the back of a jersey they should be called for a horse-collar?

4. You can now re-commence ranting and raving like a lunatic.
It's a penalty basically everywhere but in Morgantown West Virginia with a Big 12 crew 😂
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Baltimore defender (#0) grabbed KC's #4 by back neck-opening on jersey to slow him down and then after he slowed him, let go of horse-collar grab and jumped on his back to tackle him (he did not bring him down with the horse-collar pull) - a Personal Foul Horse-Collar Penalty was still called know-it-all. Just keep making a fool of yourself and demonstrating how consistently wrong you are jack@ss. LMFAO

There was at least one hour of commercial ads and 25 penalties sandwiched between some football.
