Panhellenic council Pres. retracts gag order.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2004
Apparently while we were arguing about it yesterday, Abby Renko of the Panhellenic council was walking it back. I cannot paste it here for some reason but scroll to the last 10 graphs of the story or so. It never made any sense whatsoever for one of the largest and most influential women's groups on campus to gag its members, unless of course, you think it is a good idea to tell the world that PSU is a place where men publish humiliating pictures of women and women are told not to say anything. EDIT--I finally was able to copy-paste:

Sororities associated with the Penn State Panhellenic Council — who had previously been advised not to comment on the Kappa Delta Rho case — are now permitted to speak with the media, Panhellenic President Abagayle Renko said Thursday.

"I stand as a woman," Renko (senior-psychology) said. "I'm disgusted by the actions of those members of [Kappa Delta Rho]. We are taking every step to ensure that this isn't everyone involved in the greek system.”

Earlier in the week, sorority presidents directed members to avoid the press, according to emails obtained by The Daily Collegian.

“We have gotten some questions regarding media outlets reaching out to fraternity members to comment on the Kappa Delta Rho situation,” the email read. “If this happens to any of you, please refrain from giving a statement and forward the request to a member of the Interfraternity Council."

Renko never gave those directives, she said. There was a miscommunication after students wearing their sorority letters "were being harassed" by members of the media, Renko added.

Renko said she told the Panhellenic Council not to tolerate harassment, but they were otherwise allowed to speak with reporters.
That is perhaps the only thing which could have made PSU look worse in this.

So I never did get an answer--were African American frat boys at OU told not to speak to the media about SAE?
This post was edited on 3/20 8:37 AM by demlion
Kind of amused by the fellows here that thought it was a good idea to tell the womenfolk to STFU.

But, it was the usual suspects. So, there is that.

Wrong again. But, it is what it is.

This post was edited on 3/20 8:50 AM by Ten Thousan Marbles
"African American frat boys". Boys, did you really just call them "boys" (see, that's how it works).

There was never a 'gag order', nobody was ordered not to talk, there was never a threat. kids were being harassed by the media. So that article states that you were wrong, despite your hyperbole. The press reported it wrong, which was entirely predictable. This is what they do and why every major organization has a PR person, or department, to handle such things.
I am not going anywhere. OOOOOH somebody is going to say that

when I use the same term for both white and black frat members, I am a racist? HAA. Fine.

Meanwhile, I guess you think it was a mistake for Renko to walk back the Panhellenic council's directive. That is fine, too.

But sometimes by not speaking, you create a worse image. Ms. Renko gets it now. Not going to hold my breath waiting for others.
I've got no problem with that opinion

but I do have a problem with you making stuff up. There was no gag order, no penalty associated with talking, and it was reported incorrectly from the get-go. So you can spike the ball and claim you were correct, when you were totally incorrect because your opinion was based upon incorrect information.

That's what 90% of the posters posted yesterday but you kept wanting to hear "repression" even though it wasn't there.
Actually it was YOU who said this is the sort of thing we need to

"consolidate voices." How was that going to happen if not speaking to the press was totally voluntary? Indeed, why say anything if you are not trying to get them not to speak? And, I cannot imagine that request from the governing body was unenforceable. The Panhellenic council has some power over individual sororities.

I predicted a backlash yesterday. Hell by the time I predicted it, it turns out they were already aware they would be walking it back--the backlash was already occurring. Anyone who is not living in November 2011 could see it.

If it was not improper, why walk it back and say this:
"I stand as a woman," Renko (senior-psychology) said. "I'm disgusted by the actions of those members of [Kappa Delta Rho]. We are taking every step to ensure that this isn't everyone involved in the greek system."

That is the very sort of thing you and others wanted no PennStater to say. But now you are okay with it. Got it.
Originally posted by Ten Thousan Marbles:

Kind of amused by the fellows here that thought it was a good idea to tell the womenfolk to STFU.

But, it was the usual suspects. So, there is that.

Wrong again. But, it is what it is.

This post was edited on 3/20 8:50 AM by Ten Thousan Marbles
When I participated in yesterday's discussion, the focus was not solely on women. I missed that part. My point of view yesterday, and I still hold it, is that, given the sensitive nature of the kdr situation and the media's penchant for misrepresenting a story to get "clicks", it is imperative for an organization, be it the IFC, a university, a corporation, etc., to limit the number of people who speak to the media as representatives of the organization. It is furthermore imperative to be clear and consistent with the message to the media. That is how you get in front of and stay in front of a story.

You don't need anyone and everyone talking to the media to get to the truth. Frankly, that can have the opposite effect, as it lead to false narratives. The police and university are investigating kdr. Let them do their job. Furthermore, we should all be well aware by now that "shocking" information shared with the media may not be accurate and may not represent all sides of a story.
Obviously AA men at OU were never told they couldnt talk to media

And PHC shouldn't tell their members they can't talk to the media either. I would advise them to avoid giving statements for their own privacy and because the media we take their quote make them famous and then try to frame this as a war amongst the sexes in Greek Life at PSU. PHC definitely should not have sent out the exact same message that IFC sent out, honestly makes them look incapable of running their own council and dependent on men(an even worse message), but advising their members not to talk to or put up with media harassment is still the best advice.
Actually a good point. I also did not fully get that there were

2 groups, Panhellenic and IFC, because I was never in a frat and never gave two sh!ts about Greek life. But there is a difference in this case between telling men to say "no comment" and telling women to say "no comment."

I will say though, that I think the 'No comment" idea is dumb either way. I would tell the frat members to feel free to condemn that behavior IF TRUE, just like Barron did.

But face it, there are some (including some in the thread yesterday) who will blame the victims, and who will try to rationalize the conduct. That is because at PSU, in Greek life and elsewhere there are a certain number of people who truly think it is not that big a deal. They reveal themselves by talking about how women should not pass out at frats. The important thing for the PR of this is that the public understand that the vast majority of PSU men and women think this is shameful.

When you say no comment is sounds like you are hiding something.

I get that the reaction yesterday is mostly a response to the media's treatment of PSU since '11. But that was when PSU fell silent on purpose. the people in charge of the University after Spanier was gone decided to say nothing. That left a void which ESPN filled. they are going to write the story anyway. You may as well be in there swinging.
last post on this

you always do conflate issues, make stuff up and inflate terms. I am not sure where you get it from but it is very off putting and substantially denigrates your brand.

If you don't think this was a PR driven voice: "I'm disgusted by the actions of those members of [Kappa Delta Rho]. We are taking every step to ensure that this isn't everyone involved in the greek system" then you need a new profession. This smells of PR to high heaven.

This article is simply the Press trying to say "Don't F with us!" In the end, you are doing the same thing the press does and its the same thing that they did to Joe Paterno (with benefit of hindsight...). You should know better.
Well I was out with an Independent girl

who graduated last year on Wednesday and her opinion was way more victim blame then anyone here has said. She basically said word for word what you said people shouldn't say. Which probably goes back more to her resenting women in Greek Life.

Nonetheless I still think the best advice for any student is to not say anything to the media, especially for students in organizations. 1 You will become "famous" for it and when a future employer goes to Google your name, you don't want it attached to something like this even if your quote condemns the whole incident, you just don't want that connection. 2 The media will take what you say and try to create controversy. Like all PHC women now hate IFC men, or something ludicrous like that. Or worse you mention that you hope no other fraternity did this and next thing you know the headline is "All fraternities now under investigation."

In today's age, which you as someone from a different generation may not get (I truly mean no offense by that, just stating a fact), you cannot trust the media and you need to always watch what you comment on because once its on the internet, it's there forever and its apart of you forever. Not worth attaching your name to something like this even if you wish to condemn those responsible, do it at the HUB amongst friends, or in the dining halls, or around the water cooler, not on social media or through what passes as modern media. Even more modern media's tactics for getting quotes are intrusive and harassing and these kids shouldn't have to put up with that.

Nobody in "today's age" seems to have given a second thought to condemning JVP and all Penn Staters on the internet. Or, how that would impact their future lives.

Not saying your wrong, I guess.

Just saying that "today's age" is more like a return to the lynch mob age.

I personally have no time for that, and there should be no apologists for it, and I am not going to attach any validity to this way of thinking/behaving.
In my mind, two different issues

the guys that did this, from the frat, are pigs and animals. it remains to be seen if they are criminals but I have no sympathy for them and they have nobody to blame but themselves. End of thought.

For my daughter, she has to know that there are bad people out there. And, she needs to take every precaution not to put herself in harm's way. That means not flashing money, not getting drunk and driving, careful selection of friends, don't play with loaded weapons, don't run with scissors and so on and so fourth. Getting drunk and screwing a guy that you don't trust is one that will be discussed when the time is right. She's got to know better or will end up a victim. Preventive action is required in each and every day. End of second thought.
