Oh noes! A handful of climate skeptics may ‘derail’ Paris treaty – so let’s revoke their credentials
December 7, 2015
Activists demand UN ‘revoke’ credentials of ‘climate deniers’ in Paris – Claim ‘Climate Hustle’ film is ‘full of lies’ – without seeing it – Warn skeptics may ‘derail’ UN treaty
Graham Lloyd – Environment Editor
Sydney: Green groups want alternative views on climate science silenced in Paris, with a call for delegates with contrarian opinions to be ejected from the UN talks.
Sceptic groups such as the Heartland Institute have started to arrive in the French capital, sparking fears among environment groups that they will derail proceedings using funds from fossil fuel interests.
A new documentary, Climate Hustle, was due to be premiered in Paris tonight (Monday). Producers claim it will be for nonbelievers what Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth was for the converted.
Climate change action lobby group SumOfUs has pushed back with an international campaign to raise funds for a counter offensive.
The group has planned a major advertising campaign in France’s biggest-selling newspapers.
It has called on UN organisers to revoke the conference credentials “of the most disingenuous climate deniers”…
“Some of the ‘world’s most notorious climate deniers’ had crashed the French proceedings ‘in a last-minute attempt to derail the whole thing’.”
Read more: http://www.climatedepot.com/#ixzz3tcSsw4O9