Parking Inquiry


Sep 6, 2011

Thank you for the help on hotel selections (ended up with Hampton Inn Lamar after someone canceled). Now was wondering if anyone could help out with suggestions for parking.

My wife and I are coming for the RU game and since only us we are not planning on tailgating but perhaps hoping to stop somewhere (in town?) and eat. What would be the best bet for this? Parking in game day parking (yellow) and walking to town or something else?

Also, what time would you recommend arriving in order to eat with minimal lines given our 8PM start?

Tried googling and didn't see much so any information appreciated.
Definitely park at the stadium and walk or take the bus to and from town. You'll have to come in from Atherton to park on the west side unless you arrive really early before they make Park Ave. one way. It's only a 20 minute walk from yellow lots on the west side of the stadium. Purchase your yellow permit in advance for a steep discount. Most people will be up at the stadium the closer you get to game time. Never downtown on game day so can't answer on wait times. You're welcome at my tailgate. We park in yellow lot 12. Look for the Jell-O flag.
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Thank you for the help on hotel selections (ended up with Hampton Inn Lamar after someone canceled). Now was wondering if anyone could help out with suggestions for parking.

My wife and I are coming for the RU game and since only us we are not planning on tailgating but perhaps hoping to stop somewhere (in town?) and eat. What would be the best bet for this? Parking in game day parking (yellow) and walking to town or something else?

Also, what time would you recommend arriving in order to eat with minimal lines given our 8PM start?

Tried googling and didn't see much so any information appreciated.
I would come down rt. 64 right through Pleasant Gap to 26. You will pass Red Horse Tavern, Luna 2, Brothers, N.Y. Style
Deli and Quaker Steak is on 150 across from the mall. Continue on 26 to Porter Rd. to go up to park for the game. Double
lane coming out after the game. You might even be able to swap your yellow pass on the way in as multiple
scalpers on the way in will be selling tickets and passes.

Thank you for the help on hotel selections (ended up with Hampton Inn Lamar after someone canceled). Now was wondering if anyone could help out with suggestions for parking.

My wife and I are coming for the RU game and since only us we are not planning on tailgating but perhaps hoping to stop somewhere (in town?) and eat. What would be the best bet for this? Parking in game day parking (yellow) and walking to town or something else?

Also, what time would you recommend arriving in order to eat with minimal lines given our 8PM start?

Tried googling and didn't see much so any information appreciated.
Park at Eisenhower Auditorium lot in middle of campus. Not far to stadium or downtown and if it is raining, you will be under cover.
Thanks for the suggestions. Seems like I have a couple different options. Looking forward to checking it out, always interesting to see new towns and stadiums.

Thank you for the help on hotel selections (ended up with Hampton Inn Lamar after someone canceled). Now was wondering if anyone could help out with suggestions for parking.

My wife and I are coming for the RU game and since only us we are not planning on tailgating but perhaps hoping to stop somewhere (in town?) and eat. What would be the best bet for this? Parking in game day parking (yellow) and walking to town or something else?

Also, what time would you recommend arriving in order to eat with minimal lines given our 8PM start?

Tried googling and didn't see much so any information appreciated.

Will try to make this as simple and painless as possible. First, stay away from downtown for eating and parking. It will be a congestion nightmare especially if the weather is nice. Trust me on this.

I suggest dining at Faccia Luna which is away from the downtown area and located on South Atherton Street. South Atherton street is on the west side of town. When you leave Faccia Luna you will head back north on South Atherton street for 1.1 miles where it will turn into North Atherton street. Continue on North Atherton for another half mile and turn right onto West Park Ave. West Park will take you to the general parking lots (yellow) near the stadium.

The food at Facia Luna is excellent and reasonably priced. Parking there won't be a problem and it gives you a direct path to West Park Ave and the lots. Google the restaurant and street map of State College.

All routes leading to the parking areas will be highly congested. If you decide to dine at Faccia Luna I would recommend that you be finished by 5:00PM. That should give you ample time to get to the lot, walk around a bit, and make your way into the stadium.
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