Penn State professor representing PSU - NOT


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2005
Saw this story today. Wasn't sure if it was posted or not. Evidently a professor at Abington. i can only imagine what she rants about in class.

hit me
The difference between her faculty photo and her mugshot is remarkable.
Holy cow. Plane meltdown, raving about geo-politics.

Her great hero, Hugo Chavez. Holy F@ck. If she was not really really drunk, then I want an explanation. C'mon. Its spring break.
Rather than fire her, I'm sure she'll be put on administrative leave.

Our leaders never fire anybody without giving them a chance to tell their side of the story.

Oh, wait.
What a friggin' nut job

How anyone like this can get a job nowadays, especially teaching, just boggles the mind.
Re: What a friggin' nut job

Originally posted by Big 0:
How anyone like this can get a job nowadays, especially teaching, just boggles the mind.
She was probably drunk.
candidate for BOT.. she'll fit right in with the other retards

surprised kenny didn't show up and offer her a position at merck.. he's such a wonderful judge of character, i'm sure she'd be the perfect fit.
LOL. That is hilarious. It reminds me of Ben Folds' Bitch Went Nuts song Lk

Be warned, this song has some F-bombs, as well as at reference to having sex with Jimmy Carter. It is funny though. Other than it happening at a Christmas office party instead of on an airplane it sounds similar.

When it stops at 3:50 it's done so no use listening to those last two minutes of silence.
Reading there was a failed hijacking out of IAD late this evening

so ...... this lady (and her embarrassing of PSU) will drop out of the news cycle VERY quickly. Yikes.
u hafta be WAY beyond drunk to do this at that age

if she was in her early 20s i might actually believe alcohol as an excuse. this retard is in her gazillions and alcohol only helps her chances to behave like a normal person (didn't pan out so well this time).

this sorry excuse for a human being needs to go directly to buh-bye, not pass go, just go the freak away. permanently.

total retard.

sounds harsh, but not even copious amounts of alcohol should render a halfway normal person capable of such idiocy.

send her to jerry springer. she;ll be a stahhhhh.
PHD from Boston College. Why couldn't they keep her. ???

Of course we are bringing Bill Ayers to campus. Cesspool.
Re: u hafta be WAY beyond drunk to do this at that age

Originally posted by N&B4PSU:
if she was in her early 20s i might actually believe alcohol as an excuse. this retard is in her gazillions and alcohol only helps her chances to behave like a normal person (didn't pan out so well this time).

this sorry excuse for a human being needs to go directly to buh-bye, not pass go, just go the freak away. permanently.

total retard.

sounds harsh, but not even copious amounts of alcohol should render a halfway normal person capable of such idiocy.

send her to jerry springer. she;ll be a stahhhhh.
I'm pretty sure I didn't say that being drunk is an excuse. This is a common error in deduction that people make. A reason and an excuse are different things. Her being drunk is obviously a possible explanation for her behavior.
It's always the liberals who go crazy. She will probably claim she was doing "research" on the plane, and get a medal from the BOT.
I'm surprised that this wasn't somehow blamed on Joe Pa.
Re: u hafta be WAY beyond drunk to do this at that age

Originally posted by N&B4PSU:
if she was in her early 20s i might actually believe alcohol as an excuse. this retard is in her gazillions and alcohol only helps her chances to behave like a normal person (didn't pan out so well this time).

this sorry excuse for a human being needs to go directly to buh-bye, not pass go, just go the freak away. permanently.

total retard.

sounds harsh, but not even copious amounts of alcohol should render a halfway normal person capable of such idiocy.

send her to jerry springer. she;ll be a stahhhhh.
Funny how every branch campus professor/student is identified as "PENN STATE" in the headlines, these days.
didn't say that

i didn't think for one moment that you were suggesting that... but others elsewhere have and I'm making it clear to anyone who might think so that it ain't so.
I'd bet she believes in global warming too.

Oops, now I've done it.
Re: I'd bet she believes in global warming too.

Originally posted by 91Joe95:
Oops, now I've done it.
The first thing I thought was... I wonder if she is married to Michael Mann?

Originally posted by ChiTownLion:
Funny how every branch campus professor/student is identified as "PENN STATE" in the headlines, these days.
Not only that, but she is an ASSOCIATE professor at a branch campus.
Originally posted by pandaczar12:
It's always the liberals who go crazy. She will probably claim she was doing "research" on the plane, and get a medal from the BOT.
I'm surprised that this wasn't somehow blamed on Joe Pa.
A liberal ranting about Obama killing people on Tuesdays? Sounds like a Republican to me.