Phila. Inquirer: College Boards Dominated by Men ...

Tom McAndrew

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
lots of quotes from PSU Trustees Barb Doran and Alice Pope in the article, which can be accessed at this link.

PSU's BOT Chair, Ken Masser, is also interviewed in the article.

I guess Penn State was ahead of its time with Peetz and Baldwin. Yay.
Originally posted by Cruising Route 66:
My wife was a Board member of the Healthcare Businesswoman's Association. During her term, the Board was composed of nineteen women and no men. Their twenty nine member advisory board had just seven men. It can cut both ways depending on the nature of an organization.
The nature of the Penn State organization is that nearly 50% of the students are female.
kind of pointed out in the article ...

with the boards of the Catholic Universities in the Philadelphia area that are dominated by nuns.

Originally posted by Cruising Route 66:
My wife was a Board member of the Healthcare Businesswoman's Association. During her term, the Board was composed of nineteen women and no men. Their twenty nine member advisory board had just seven men. It can cut both ways depending on the nature of an organization.
So a businesswoman's association was comprised of all women?? What are the odds of that??
This is true on corporate boards as well

Very few companies have a female majority on the Boards of Directors.
most organizations are, except the National Organization for Women (NOW)

And Cosmo.

This post was edited on 3/22 3:21 PM by Pennsyltucky Lion
Originally posted by NittPicker:
Originally posted by Cruising Route 66:
My wife was a Board member of the Healthcare Businesswoman's Association. During her term, the Board was composed of nineteen women and no men. Their twenty nine member advisory board had just seven men. It can cut both ways depending on the nature of an organization.
So a businesswoman's association was comprised of all women?? What are the odds of that??
The association had some male members but none on the Board.