Here are some general rules:
1. No profanity. No f*cking way.
2. If you mention a woman in your post, you are obligated, by the Geneva Convention, to post a photo of this woman, or face the wrath of the Council of Elders of this board. Exceptions are female family members and Bruce/Caitlin Jenner.
3. Any non PSU poster who comes here asking for "where to go on my first visit to Penn State" must be told to go straight to Chumley's on College Ave.
4. The back up quarterback who has never played will always be better than the starter.
5. The QB recruit who has not yet set foot on campus is better than the backup quarterback.
6. If Franklin takes the same approach as Joe did to a player issue, he gets a pass, whereas Joe can get lambasted - still.
7. It's not really all Jay's fault, but I am allowed to blame him.
8. There are scant few places that people on this board have not visited. So, with the exception of North Korea, Brunei, and West Philly, we will always be able to tell you hotels/restaurants and where to score hookers. (OK, so West Philly has that).
9. Boilo is the official drink of the BWI board.
10. If you are a Democrat, you demonize the Republicans. If you are a Republican, you demonize the Democrats. And everyone demonizes the Socialists.
11. No one really understand Michael Felli, and many of us have stopped trying.
12. Everyone on this board is morally superior to any celebrity who has done something immoral, illegal or unscrupulous. And if you don't believe me, just ask them.
I think that should cover it for now. These are our 12 Commandments of the BWI/McAndrew Board.