Pretty convinced I would punch the guy in the Trivago commercials

My wife thinks i need help because i yell all sorts of words at that those commercials when they come on.

At least i now know i am not the only one.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Even money right here he would choke you out.

And if there is one thing you cannot afford, its Adams apple damage.:)
Count me in. Right now the Liberty Mutual commercial which touts replacement cost coverage as some new, stark revelation sticks in my craw. You know, the ones with the Statue of Liberty in the background where the lady is taking about getting a claim for half a car and the guy keeps saying, "Boom!" I want to stick that boom up is ass. They must think we consumers bloody idiots.

This post was edited on 3/23 8:03 PM by Cosmos
Don't get me started on that Liberty Mutual girl

who says "Newsflash, nobody's perfect". She seems to think that she can drive around inflicting damage everywhere and has no concept of insurance.
I'd like to send Trivago guy and Progressive Flo to a space station for a couple decades