The repub righties are all atwit about Syrian refugees. As Paul Ryan says, they include a lot of single men.
OK, if single men are the problem, why are no repubs proposing accepting only families?
Or only vetted women and children? That would rule out families with men but it should be a very easy screening criterion.
In fact, there are probably enough orphan minors we could take only them if we are really such cowards and want to avoid risks at all costs.
Instead of proposing such selectivity we have ahole politicians saying we should not even allow children of any age (shameless corrupt fat ass Christie) or we should allow only Christians (as if that is so easy to determine).
It is clear where repubs are REALLY coming from.
OK, if single men are the problem, why are no repubs proposing accepting only families?
Or only vetted women and children? That would rule out families with men but it should be a very easy screening criterion.
In fact, there are probably enough orphan minors we could take only them if we are really such cowards and want to avoid risks at all costs.
Instead of proposing such selectivity we have ahole politicians saying we should not even allow children of any age (shameless corrupt fat ass Christie) or we should allow only Christians (as if that is so easy to determine).
It is clear where repubs are REALLY coming from.