in last nights game and I see a successful season. Look, OSU has one of the best Offenses in the country if not the best. We just had a RB rush for almost 200 yards against the #1 team in the country. If Barkley can stay healthy and finish the year like he has played so far, the rest of the schedule is not that bad. Maryland is not good, Illinois is not good, Northwestern has fallen apart. Michigan is at home and then MSU. I know Michigan and MSU are good, but our defense matches up well against those 2 teams. Take care of the next 3 games and PSU is 8-2 with a home date against Michigan and a MSU team that right now shows they aren't as dominate as last years team. Barkley is a difference maker. I can really see 8-4 or 9-3 and that is a great year considering how bad the OL is. By the way, I thought Palmer and the LG played well last night. 72 and Nelson got destroyed.