PSU will return to Earth when ...

Big congrats to Jason and his wife. I hope they have a perfectly healthy baby.

The dog looks like Prince Harry after William started having kids. Realizing he was falling down the pecking order ...
My Weimaraner always had that confused look.
We had a Weimaraner on the farm as a guard dog. Fast - strong jaws. Damn thing was perfectly happy eating socks, drywall, gravel, anything at all to show the goats who has the greatest intestinal fortitude.
Swallowed a rock as big as big as a tomato and 30 minutes later we found it on the kitchen floor. That dog bolted out the door every chance he got.
Since 2016 (which is when the REAL dynasty began. I mean we did win 4 in a row before then, but the tournaments were much more competitive):
  • PSU has won 7 out of 8 tournaments
  • PSU has averaged 140 points per year
  • PSU high score of 172.5 - low score of 113.5 (the year they didn't win it)
  • Highest opposing score - Ohio State 133.5 (the 2018 team of the century)
  • # of times opposing teams have scored 100 points - 4 (Ohio State x2, Iowa, OK State)
I don't see much changing in the next couple of years. DT will probably need to be at least year 3 to significantly change OK State's fortunes. And when things do change (if they ever do under Cael), we will likely go through a few years of the tournaments getting more competitive with PSU still winning - except the oddball year.

Check back in 2028.
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Since 2016 (which is when the REAL dynasty began. I mean we did win 4 in a row before then, but the tournaments were much more competitive):
  • PSU has won 7 out of 8 tournaments
  • PSU has averaged 140 points per year
  • PSU high score of 172.5 - low score of 113.5 (the year they didn't win it)
  • Highest opposing score - Ohio State 133.5 (the 2018 team of the century)
  • # of times opposing teams have scored 100 points - 4 (Ohio State x2, Iowa, OK State)
I don't see much changing in the next couple of years. DT will probably need to be at least year 3 to significantly change OK State's fortunes. And when things do change (if they ever do under Cael), we will likely go through a few years of the tournaments getting more competitive with PSU still winning - except the oddball year.

Check back in 2028.
Fly in ointment is poaching - easy way to get better quick.

That said, Cael has ability to fill holes, too. So if there are any - mainly right now they’d only be due to guys leaving and untimely injuries where we had depth - Cael has shown no hesitation to go out and solve a lineup problem.

For right now, we definitely are pretty fully stacked. I think without DTs move we were looking at maybe 3-4 years in a row of 160+ point tournaments and massive point spreads to 2nd
Fly in ointment is poaching - easy way to get better quick.

That said, Cael has ability to fill holes, too. So if there are any - mainly right now they’d only be due to guys leaving and untimely injuries where we had depth - Cael has shown no hesitation to go out and solve a lineup problem.

For right now, we definitely are pretty fully stacked. I think without DTs move we were looking at maybe 3-4 years in a row of 160+ point tournaments and massive point spreads to 2nd
At least as far as PSU is concerned, I don't see many guys getting poached. Those who leave will do so to start elsewhere. Not cause a bag of money was thrown at them.
Wow, that's some awesome faith. Good things happen when you are all in for God. You pretty much see it on your whole team.
You see the results too!
This is all coming from Cael, you see his results too!
When it comes to God, all you have to do is ask.
At least as far as PSU is concerned, I don't see many guys getting poached. Those who leave will do so to start elsewhere. Not cause a bag of money was thrown at them.
I think most of the guys who come to wrestle under Cael have an inverse list of priorities to this:

Start at a program
Become an AA
Become a national champ
Succeed at the international level

If they don't start for a season or two at PSU, they can still achieve their top goals.