Pulitzer Prize "winner"'ganim just being a moron


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2002

This "journalist" doesn't know that the name was spelled wrong in the naming contest, so they just kept it like that. They pretty much say that every 5
Minutes on the broadcasts.
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This "journalist" doesn't know that the name was spelled wrong in the naming contest, so they just kept it like that. They pretty much say that every 5
Minutes on the broadcasts.

Well, we need to cut her a break. This is the best story she's had since the snow stopped in Boston.

People are misspelling a horse's name. The horror!! . If there was anyone cut out to be the spell check police its little Sara. ;)
Well, we need to cut her a break. This is the best story she's had since the snow stopped in Boston.

People are misspelling a horse's name. The horror!! . If there was anyone cut out to be the spell check police its little Sara. ;)

Well, we need to cut her a break. This is the best story she's had since the snow stopped in Boston.

People are misspelling a horse's name. The horror!! . If there was anyone cut out to be the spell check police its little Sara. ;)

Not sure if you're tongue in cheek or not, but Sara is calling everyone out for spelling the name wrong, but they are all spelling it correctly and she is the one who spelled it wrong.
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Not sure if you're tongue in cheek or not, but Sara is calling everyone out for spelling the name wrong, but they are all spelling it correctly and she is the one who spelled it wrong.

well . . . the name itself is not spelled "correctly", but that IS how it is spelled. Like if my name was actually spelled "Jafforey", and people who knew me spelled it like that and Sara called them out for spelling it wrong.

she'd still be a blithering idiot because she is a dang PULITZER PRIZE WINNING JOURNALIST and (ahem) fact checking is in her wheelhouse.
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I'm sorry. I can't believe I picked on little Sara. ;)

I mean, in a day where she could be commenting on stories like Russia increasing its intervention and troops in Ukraine, the questionable 'fundraising for favors' by a prominent presidential candidate, the Pope urging peace today to tens of thousands gathered in war torn Bosnia, the war against ISIS, or the pending G7 summit in Germany, this bastion of journalism has decided to focus on.............Twitter spelling errors of a horse's name.

Even though I'm not a "Twitterite" I'm pretty sure Twitter isn't exactly known for proper grammar and spelling like......ever. ;)

If she keeps up this stellar work Barron may invite her to speak at next year's graduation and maybe even be the grand Marshall of the homecoming parade!! ;)
I'm sorry. I can't believe I picked on little Sara. ;)

I mean, in a day where she could be commenting on stories like Russia increasing its intervention and troops in Ukraine, the questionable 'fundraising for favors' by a prominent presidential candidate, the Pope urging peace today to tens of thousands gathered in war torn Bosnia, the war against ISIS, or the pending G7 summit in Germany, this bastion of journalism has decided to focus on.............Twitter spelling errors of a horse's name.

Even though I'm not a Twitter expert, I'm pretty sure Twitter isn't exactly known for proper grammar and spelling like......ever. ;)

If she keeps up this stellar work Barron may invite her to speak at next year's graduation and maybe even be the grand Marshall of the homecoming parade!! ;)

her and Amaechi (Amechi? Emachie? oh sweet Sara how dost one spell his name???) can hold hands on the parade float while Bernie McCue doodles his obscene scriptures in the Daily Collegian, then tosses them to the empty crowd along Fraternity Row.
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Not sure if you're tongue in cheek or not, but Sara is calling everyone out for spelling the name wrong, but they are all spelling it correctly and she is the one who spelled it wrong.

Dwiz- I'm just being snarky and sarcastic tonight. ;). I just find it funny that this is an issue she thought was important enough to go public and call out people on Twitter.

I don't follow horse racing but if, in fact, she's the one misspelling the horse's name- then that's just the icing on the cake. ;)
Interesting you almost never see the word "blithering" without "idiot." Like "cranny," which is never seen without "nook," we should strive to use these words independently. For example, "Where did your ball go, Steve?" "Well I think it landed down in that cranny between the rocks." You don't hear that very often and it would work to your advantage in distracting your golf buddies for the rest of the round. They never heard "cranny" without "nook," I guarantee you.

As for "blithering," it can be used with all sorts of nouns as a lively descriptor to brighten up terms such as "blithering president," "blithering chairman," blithering judge, blithering official, or blithering sportscaster.
her and Amaechi (Amechi? Emachie? oh sweet Sara how dost one spell his name???) can hold hands on the parade float while Bernie McCue doodles his obscene scriptures in the Daily Collegian, then tosses them to the empty crowd along Fraternity Row.

Now that's a party!!! Barron is organizing it as we speak. ;)
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This "journalist" doesn't know that the name was spelled wrong in the naming contest, so they just kept it like that. They pretty much say that every 5
Minutes on the broadcasts.

The responses to her tweet are just about the funniest bit of schadenfreude I've seen. And yes, I did spell check that word.

Blehar's was perfect. Called her Saraoh.

In case people missed the incredible irony...this is our favorite Pulitzer Prize winner so sure that she's right that she never bothered to do some quick research before making an incredibly arrogant public statement.
The responses to her tweet are just about the funniest bit of schadenfreude I've seen. And yes, I did spell check that word.

Blehar's was perfect. Called her Saraoh.

In case people missed the incredible irony...this is our favorite Pulitzer Prize winner so sure that she's right that she never bothered to do some quick research before making an incredibly arrogant public statement.

And damn, sometimes I'm sad that she blocked me, so that I need to log out of my twitter account to see how foolish she is.
I feel like she's trolling the Hell out of all of you and knows it's spelled "Pharoah" in his name.
please share, I am apparently a slow mutant also being blocked. thankee, sai!

Ok- I'll try to copy/ paste the comments. My 2 favorites were the UNC fan (undoubtedly upset at her UNC scandal statements) saying she doesn't care about facts and the one who says it is purposely misspelled and the only people who don't know that are people who fail to do their homework. ;)

Select responses from Sara Ganim's Twitter page-

Adi Joseph ‏@AdiJoseph
@sganim Sara, I hate to break it to you but …

Steven M. Sipple ‏@HuskerExtraSip
@sganim Um, Sara, joke's on you

Isilith ‏@ShadowHeels
@HuskerExtraSip @sganim Facts don't matter to her.

Tommy Johnson ‏@tjtwostep
@sganim you may be right, but you are oh so wrong. Horse that won triple crown "American Pharoah"

Lori Chase ‏@LChase_RA
@sganim like you just did, you mean.

No 4p0lo9y Needed ‏@PSUVaPatsNats
@sganim @Zigmanfreud Is there any possible way to revoke her PSU degree. This is getting to be embarrassing.

P-Boy ‏@mpw1975
@sganim Your spelling is about as accurate as your investigative journalism

Tim/UK Cats/FLL/CLE ‏@UK88TL
@sganim Uhhhhh…you are one of the ones who misspelled it! The horses' actual name IS misspelled.

Larry Youngblood ‏@LYoungblood42
@PSUVaPatsNats @Zigmanfreud @sganim is her degree in journalism or stupidity

No 4p0lo9y Needed ‏@PSUVaPatsNats
@LYoungblood42 @Zigmanfreud @sganim Double major, for sure.

Vince in the Bay ‏@VinceintheBay
Know what's even more hilarious, @sganim? You misspelling Pharoah while mocking others for doing the same thing. …

Chelle ‏@FL_Chelle
You are a Jackass @sganim … #AmericanPharoah #TripleCrown

Takin'Pix ‏@flp_photo
@sganim @Zigmanfreud #doah! All the people spelling #AmericanPharoah ARE right, just the few who fail 2 do homework R wrong. #journalism

Becky Kevoian ‏@BobsFunGirl
@sganim And you're a journalist? Hilarious.

Todd ‏@Fiercely_
@sganim Oh, you are sooo smart. To bad the idiots you refer to also work at @CNN

Paul Aniston ‏@ThePHicks13
@sganim the number of people slamming you for being an idiot & not knowing it's purposely misspelled. Hilarious. #AmericanPharoah

justindew ‏@justindew
@sganim Hi idiot.

J Ritch ‏@twitchkoff
@sganim bless your heart

Ray Blehar ‏@RayBlehar
.@sganim nice work, Saroah!

Tom Ricca ‏@riccatom
@sganim I know! Do you know why it's spelled that way?
Did she even watch the Belmont Stakes? Admittedly, I hadn't been following the Triple Crown quest and never paid attention to the name spelling. I tuned in ten minutes before the race started. In that short amount of time the announcers had a brief discussion about the spelling of American Pharoah. Had Ganim actually taken the time to watch she would have learned something and not looked like a dumbass on Twitter. For someone who fancies herself as an Investigative reporter, her fact checking leaves a lot to be desired. Then again she proved that to us when she was with the P-N.
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Interesting you almost never see the word "blithering" without "idiot." Like "cranny," which is never seen without "nook," we should strive to use these words independently. For example, "Where did your ball go, Steve?" "Well I think it landed down in that cranny between the rocks." You don't hear that very often and it would work to your advantage in distracting your golf buddies for the rest of the round. They never heard "cranny" without "nook," I guarantee you.

As for "blithering," it can be used with all sorts of nouns as a lively descriptor to brighten up terms such as "blithering president," "blithering chairman," blithering judge, blithering official, or blithering sportscaster.
Cool..but i believe W sub description of those titles is idiot
Interesting you almost never see the word "blithering" without "idiot." Like "cranny," which is never seen without "nook," we should strive to use these words independently. For example, "Where did your ball go, Steve?" "Well I think it landed down in that cranny between the rocks." You don't hear that very often and it would work to your advantage in distracting your golf buddies for the rest of the round. They never heard "cranny" without "nook," I guarantee you.

As for "blithering," it can be used with all sorts of nouns as a lively descriptor to brighten up terms such as "blithering president," "blithering chairman," blithering judge, blithering official, or blithering sportscaster.

I think the prevalence of that term may be due to the famous Dr. Smith of Lost in Space fame.....
Interesting you almost never see the word "blithering" without "idiot." Like "cranny," which is never seen without "nook," we should strive to use these words independently. For example, "Where did your ball go, Steve?" "Well I think it landed down in that cranny between the rocks." You don't hear that very often and it would work to your advantage in distracting your golf buddies for the rest of the round. They never heard "cranny" without "nook," I guarantee you.

As for "blithering," it can be used with all sorts of nouns as a lively descriptor to brighten up terms such as "blithering president," "blithering chairman," blithering judge, blithering official, or blithering sportscaster.

Lookit the big brain on VEB! You're whackin it outta the park, fella! You almost never see bystander without "innocent."

That one is truly a crime, since the majority of all bystanders are not innocent.:)
Lookit the big brain on VEB! You're whackin it outta the park, fella! You almost never see bystander without "innocent."

That one is truly a crime, since the majority of all bystanders are not innocent.:)

What a bunch of nattering nabobs you guys are.

"Nattering" and "nabobs" -- two more words you seldom hear without the other.
Thanks, Spiro.;)
Interesting you almost never see the word "blithering" without "idiot." Like "cranny," which is never seen without "nook," we should strive to use these words independently. For example, "Where did your ball go, Steve?" "Well I think it landed down in that cranny between the rocks." You don't hear that very often and it would work to your advantage in distracting your golf buddies for the rest of the round. They never heard "cranny" without "nook," I guarantee you.

As for "blithering," it can be used with all sorts of nouns as a lively descriptor to brighten up terms such as "blithering president," "blithering chairman," blithering judge, blithering official, or blithering sportscaster.

For those northeast PA posters- you almost never hear 'nip' and 'tuck' without each other (unless, of course, you're Eric Stratton. ;) ).